Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Ce n'est pas avec ce que l'on gagne qu'on peut assumer les factures de cette maison. les affaires de bill vont mal, il ne peut pas nous aider plus qu'il ne fait déjà et si je ne trouve pas des fonds rapidement on sera sûrement obligé de déménager pour quelque chose de plus petit sans piscine
It is not with what we earn that we can pay the bills for this house. Bill’s business is bad, he can’t help us any more than he already does, and if I don’t find money soon we’ll probably have to move for something smaller without a pool

pour les finances je ne suis pas trop inquiète, on trouvera une solution et, Bill nous ne laissera pas tomber
for finances I’m not too worried, we’ll find a solution and, Bill will not let us down
image 121.jpg

il faut espéré que tu as raison. cette conversation ma fatigué, je vais me coucher kira
Hope you’re right. This conversation my tired, I’m going to bed Kira

je vais réfléchir un peu avant de montée me coucher
I’ll think a little before I go to bed
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tu étais caché ou Max je ne t’ai pas vu
you were hiding or Max I didn’t see you

tu m'as demandé d'être discret. pour les problèmes d'argent j'ai la solution. demain j'irai voir Bill. il me reste de l'argent de mon blog. je peux te poser quelques questions tante Kira
you asked me to be discreet. for money problems I have the solution. tomorrow I will go to Bill. I have money left from my blog. I can ask you some questions Aunt Kira

il a vraiment bien marché ton blog. bon si le ce problème est réglé qu'elles sont tes questions max.
He really went well with your blog. Well if this problem is solved they are your max issues.
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Je n'ai pas compris pourquoi on a eu une relation sexuelle au garage cet après-midi
I didn’t understand why we had sex in the garage this afternoon

ta mère t'a dit que tu avais une évaluation prochainement. T'as eut une évaluation sexuelle et tu as raté ton examen. tu as beaucoup à apprendre. je te demanderais de ne plus faire de leçon avec Lisa. on reprendra les cours à zéro dès que tu auras respecté ton deal avec Lisa et si elle est satisfaite du deal
Your mother told you you had an evaluation soon. You had a sexual evaluation and you failed your exam. You have a lot to learn. I would ask you to stop lecturing Lisa. we’ll start back to zero as soon as you stick to your deal with Lisa and she’s satisfied with the deal

bien tante kira
well aunt kira
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il s’est passé quoi avec les grands-parents
Max, what happened with the grandparents

Grand-mère est une femme haineuse qui nous menait la vie dur. ton grand-père c'était tout le contraire. un jour ta grand-mère nous a surpris avec grand-père. Peu de temps après grand-père a eu un accident de voiture, on s'est retrouvé seul avec grand-mère, la vie est devenue très dure surtout pour ma soeur. puis il y a eu l'enlèvement d'Anne. je pense et je suis persuadé que ta grand-mère n'est pas étrangère à tous s'est événement, mais je n'ai aucune preuve. bref, depuis c'est événement ma soeur à des crises de doutes comme en ce moment ce qui fait quel entre en conflit avec elle-même et son entourage. et ce soir je l'ai poussé à faire une bêtise
Grandma is a hateful woman who used to give us a hard time. Your grandfather was just the opposite. One day your grandmother caught us with grandpa. Not long after grandfather had a car accident, we ended up alone with grandma, life became very hard especially for my sister. Then there was Anne’s abduction. I think and I’m sure that your grandmother is not a stranger to all that happened, but I have no proof. In short, since that happened my sister to crises of doubts like at this moment what makes her conflict with herself and her entourage. and tonight I made him do something stupid

tu reste très vague dans ton récit. une peu plus de précision aurait été mieux
you remain very vague in your narrative. a little more precision would have been better
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Max dans les jours à venir votre vie va devenir très dure. toi et tes sœurs devraient être patient pendant cette crise car je ne serais pas présente et je compte sur toi pour que tu laisses tes sœurs tranquilles et surtout que vous restez soudé, ça devrait par durée trop longtemps. et quand la situation sera calmée je te racontais l'histoire avec plus de détails
Max in the days to come your life will become very hard. you and your sisters should be patient during this crisis because I will not be present and I am counting on you to leave your sisters alone and especially that you stay united, it should be for too long. and when the situation is calmed I told you the story with more details

J'ai hâte d'entendre le récit complet. Kira, pourquoi tu ne m'as pas demandé d'enlever les cameras
I can’t wait to hear the full story. Kira, why didn’t you ask me to remove the cameras

ton blog était trop visité Max. et c'est une connaissance qui me l'a fait découverte imagine que ce soit une connaissance d'Anne. pour les caméras max tu connais mes activités que tu me vois nue cela me dérange pas et je pense que voire ta famille dans leur vie privée peut te permettre de mieux comprendre les femmes mais ne te fais pas attrapé. Max il est temps d'aller ce coucher
your blog was too visited Max. and it’s an acquaintance who made me discover it imagine it’s an acquaintance of Anne. for max cameras you know my activities you see me naked it does not bother me and I think that seeing your family in their private life can allow you to better understand women but do not get caught. Max it’s time to go to bed

bonne nuit kira
good night kira
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terminons l'installation du Pc.
Let’s finish installing the PC.
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2 heures plus tard
2 hours later

Si les cameras ne dérange pas Kira, je vais en installer plus. Celle-ci son petit, équipé d'un micro et Wi-Fi, que du bonheur.
If the cameras do not bother Kira, I will install more. This one is small, equipped with a microphone and Wi-Fi, only happiness.
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1 heure plus tard
1 hours later

voilà, la commande est passé. franchement je pensai qu'elles seraient plus chères. Houuuaaaa coup de barre. un peu de révision pendant que je lance un scanne sur l'ordinateur d'Alice. puis après dodo
There, the order is made. Frankly I thought they would be more expensive. Whoa, whoa. a little revision while I run a scan on Alice’s computer. then after bedtime
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il est ou Max ?
he is or Max .

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la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later


Jul 21, 2019
Well, I must confess you two are right, or at least partially.

So here some background!

BUT, be aware that some of you will probably dislike what is coming!

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During his business trip, there father came accross numerous country. And meet countless women despite the fact he is married. Yes, he is a "cutard", but was not all the time like this (future background maybe).

So, should we get to the point!

Steph: (controversional character: you are warned!!!!)

Born in Vietnam from a Swedish mother. She was part of a humanitary group in this country, working in a lost village in the middle of jungle. She meet Mr X (not found a proper name yet) during a rest time in Japan.
Steph (born name: Stephane, like her french grand-father), heritate from her mother her adventurous spirit. When a mother die in a landslip, she was kidnapped by a locale gangster. I'll pass on that story. It take time before Mr X knows what happen, and spread "justice" personnally upon her torturer. Mr X took her with him at this moment and she meet her half-sister, Jane, for the first time.
Steph is an independant and calm character. She hate most of the man, because of what happen when she was young. But she love her half-sister, Jane, and swear that no kinky male will take her. She got a big complicity with her.


Her mother was irish, from Cork and the best friend of Steph mother. She was part of an ONG. Working in office. She meet Mr X during a sommit in Britanny (France). When she learnt about Steph's mother and Steph fate, she asked help to Mr X. She died when Jane born.
Jane is half-irish, so she love Guiness, and like her red hair, she have a fire temperement. That why she is called "Burning Head" by her half sister, Steph. She is student in a private university where she is, despite her temperement, always in the top. As a free girl, she is found of Steph, and love spend time with her.
While the plot is incomprehensible, what do you want to introduce to new heroes who will be introduced and spoiled or blackmailed? Interesting...


Jul 21, 2019
As you notice in the firsts minutes of BB (if you play the intro), you can have a little background story about the MC and his familly. So do I, giving some background about news characters, who is who for who, that kind of thing.
About the plot, it seems obvious: father return, and he have some back up. In witch conditions? What are his plans? Why now? Give me some time. That's (maybe) just a beginning. ;)

But maybe you are right. I should have keep this for me, and let people discover step by step what's going on.
In this case, show must go on


Jul 20, 2018
So, here we go!

Because I'm aware that it's "complicated" to introduce new characters and story in a game so popular like BB, where fan can strike you every moment, I'll put this behind a wall of "spoiler". Then, if you see what's going on, that's because you want it :sneaky:.

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I really like it. How did you light your scenes, Ghost Light?
Also, Steph, the blonde, very hot(y)
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Jan 10, 2018
LestatDX keeps filling a BB's plot gape in a pretty descent way. We've got renders here, we've got a story and dialogues (bad English, but that's not a big problem to fix). The only thing we lack is a modder without vanilla blinkers to make it real.
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes