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Changes are in three Data/*.txt files and Mod.txt. Torrent download has only 2% difference from
If you are not versed in unidiff, line which starts with + = added line, line starting with - = removed line. Other lines = context that helps to locate changes. + and - next to each other is normally a sign of changed line.
Make Ann happy with massages. I never had problems triggering that movie.
Smoking movie fix is in Mod.txt
-day=4&mom.mood>259&momlust=102&mm.smopun^13 smopun 3 e-mom-bath-undress2-1 true
+day=4&momlust=102&mm.smopun^13 smopun 3 e-mom-bath-undress2-1 true
As you see it happens only once per week at specific momlust level.