Last lesson from original game is BJ. It is repeatable. In that lesson Lisa and Ann are still dressed up. Conditions for starting it are in binaries. I never bothered to debug the game to the point of reproducing that lesson later in game.Thank's for looking at the save. Is the first lesson supposed to repeat? I've gotten BJ's from both of them multiple times (via the lesson). I will make sure not to do lessons on other days and keep trying.
First lesson from mod is not repeating as your save has flag that is set to get second lesson. Some images are the same, but dialogs are different. You can get BJs in those lessons too, but Ann and Lisa are missing some clothing
If you do repeated lesson from original game, you get "Cunning plan" opportunity progress set. If you do lessons from mod, you get "Cunning plan" and one more flag set. In your save you have "Cunning plan" set to original lesson and other flag is set to value from first lesson in mod. So you did first lesson from mod (naked cuni) and then you repeated original lesson where Max can choose who is doing BJ.
If I remember original lesson activation correctly, it is just dialog option on entering location. To access new mod lesson Max has to enter Ann's bedroom (open the door) at 23:00 on Wednesday. Not just to go into that location and see Ann sitting on the bed. If you have save on Wednesday at 20:00-22:00 that triggers original lesson, could you show that save and last three autosaves from 6:00. I might check if I am advancing time differently than you.
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