I spoke with him 3 nights in a row on Discord.
He will put BB on hold till futher notice and thats the only way he can reply at this point.
He knows he will never be able to trick them and he risks loosing his patreon all together if he does.
No promiss has been made about BB only that he wishes things can change in the future.
Most of us wish the same, i'm sure.
And he shouldn't even TRY to trick them...
What he should do (if he really wants to become compliant with their rules and pass muster) is to leverage the same tools and options being used by the many modders here to change and rewrite his game.
If he releases that Mod as part of the OFFICIAL release then it will comply with their policies.
After that if someone else decides to mod it back that is on them not DS and they can't hold DS responsible for those actions. They sure can't compel him to take legal actions against the modders to enforce his own copyright.
Unless of course they wish to foot the legal bills (which they will simply not do).
He really should remain silent on what and how he plans to mod or change this game especially on a public site like this.
Even discord is too public for him to discuss his plans.
What he needs to do is contemplate his options, See if modding the game can make it fully compliant with what they want. Let them review the change and after that passes it's up to us to modify his mod to bring back the story we would rather have.
Who knows he might even come up with a better story as a result.
Ball is in his court I wish him well and good luck no matter what he decides.