
Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
from DS Discord channel:

Dark Silver - Today at 12:37 PM
to clarify
there is no chance that it would be only mmc
but it could be selectable

PS. How the hell wil he/she do it? Different gender, different paths...


Mar 13, 2017
I am sure it's wrong place to ask but f@ck it i'll ask anyway... Anyone know if the house they live in is a DAZ3d preset model or something DS would have created themselves?

Pretty sure its a preset model. You can probably find it here. But I know that the room that Max and Lisa sleep in is called "College Dorm". I think I saw that asset uploaded in the forum. I'll PM you the link if I find it.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
He sent us emails by the dozen. Someone that is not aware of that yet, is in the small minority.

He hasn't lost more than 20 patrons (less than 1%) since the release of 0.13 though.

Most of the male customers have no problem with female MC. What will hurt his numbers is that obviously Glamour will take months to really get off the ground. The first releases would probably be world-building, slow-grind ~> patrons would tune out.
That would be the case even with a male MC.
And? I check my emails once a month like every other normal person cause the only email account i check daily is the one i use for work. Everything else is not that important.

Get your numbers straight mate he lost 800 patrons after the 0.13 release. He was around 2.9 almost 3k. Patrons. Now he is at 2.1k

Bullshit again most male customers are not gay and therefore wont play something to seduce other men. I still cant wrap my head around this crap that there are actuall ppl who defend this shit not realizing that this is gay. If you are gay that is totally fine but stop telling other hetero males its totally normal to play games to seduce men. It fucking isnt.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
First of all to Yggalf, you call bullshit and I'm gonna try to find the surveys, I remember that one of the ones that people participated the most was made on the ulfm forum and it was a clear majority for the female MC.

Back to John, your argument is very flawed. Are you saying that every single person that plays a hentai game with a female MC swing that way?, wow then Japan is fucked up.

First of all there are many things that female MC have in japanese hentai games that can't be had in male MC, one of those that is quite liked is cloth destruction, would you prefer a naked male or female?.

People don't use a female MC to identify with the MC but it's very different, most of the games in which you are a male MC in japan you are just a shadow, that's because those are made so that the audience can feel like they are the MC, however in the case of the female she is fully drawn and the focus is on the many situations and corrupted acts that the player can make her do during the game.

The majority of hentai games made in Japan are with a female MC, another big point that people like is the costumes, having the female MC be clothed on many different costumes that may be more or less corrupted and with quite a bit of exposure.

On the western side of hentai the creators at least are a bit more balanced (from what I have seen), I would say that it is a bit inclined towards female MC overall but it isn't a big difference, however most of the creators here don't follow the same practises as in Japan related to many female specific mechanics like some that I have said.
No need for that. Surveys only take into account a certain kind of group and are never a valid argument for anything. I could explain over a survey that women get paid less then men but wont tell you that inside the survey out of 100 ppl i used for the survey only 30 where female but 70 where male which explains pretty fast the made up wage gap.
I also wont tell you that women are more likely to stay at home to have time for the family while men prefer to work longer and more dangerous jobs in order to have more money for said family.

Without all that information i can bullshit you pretty easy into believing all kinds of stuff. Back to topic.

IN Japan sexuality is portrayed different then in western society. You even have legal porn for pedophiles called loli where the women who have intercourse look like small children. You even have men who marry their sex dolls or go shopping with them. Yes with their sex dolls. Or pay for used women panties from a vending machine.
Even Porn in Japan is mostly about the domination over the women or the humiliation of them.
OFC a game where you play as a female character can work as the player can degrade and humiliate the female MC just like he would in porn or with his sex doll for that matter.

The fact that DS already turned around and actually considers to make the MC male/female selectable tells us all that he himself already understood the problem at hand.
He loses to many patrons over this "Female MC" shit.

Western Hentai is mostly about the women dominating the sex life. Its considered sexy if she takes the initiative and starts the sex or talks dirty and all kinds of stuff. In Japan its considerd sexy if the women almost gets used like a doll and acts like she is about to cry.
Very disturbing to watch if you ask me.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
I don't understand why it's so unfathomable to have a female MC or to be a guy playing a female MC. Not everyone self inserts with the female like you guys would. It's hard not to for you guys. Doesn't mean it's the same struggle for others.

The comments I'm seeing act as if playing a female MC as a heterosexual man will result in the dick popping out of their computer screen on some Bloody Mary bathroom mirror type shit and throat fuck them til they vomit.

A man playing a female MC doesn't imply homosexuality. That's a one sided, immature judgement. Making a female MC suck a dick doesn't mean YOU are sucking a dick. Just like it's not really YOU fucking all the girls in the game. I understand self inserting. But don't imply something that can't be farther from the truth just because you can't shake off that tendency.

It's like when vanilla fans call NTR fans "cuckfags" because they assume their love for NTR means they like to be cucked in real life. All because the vanilla fans can't shake self inserting with the MC and automatically assume everyone is just like them. That's a one sided judgement and even farther from the truth.

There's more than one side to every story. Your story is that it's hard to play a female MC without feeling like a dick is going into your mouth or up your ass. Others will play as a female MC not because they like dick in their mouth, but because they have the ability to not self insert with the female. Such as myself.

I self insert to. I get it. But more times than not I self insert to male characters I feel are more like me as a person. It's not by choice. That's just what happens naturally. That's why I don't like NTR. Cause the NTR victim is generally a person I can relate to in personality. I can't help it, that's why I avoid NTR. (Unless it's idiotic, unrealistic, mind break bullshit. At that point it's just funny. If it's unrealistic with the girl being taken screaming "cock!! Cock!!! Coooock!!!! It's reshaping my insides!!! I'm sorry MC-kun!!! His cock is perfectly shaped and messing up my insides!!!!! I love you, but your cock can never satisfy me again!!!" While sticking her tongue out with heart shaped pupils, then I can't self insert. It's idiotic and funny.)

When I play a female MC, I never self insert. A dick isn't going inside me fellas. YOU cant shake that feeling. Doesnt mean others are the same way. At that point, it's either voyuer or just straight porn pictures to jerk off to. And if it has a good story, then I'll enjoy the story as I jerk off.
Hold your horses. Calling ppl who dont agree with you one sided and immature makes you look like the immature one. You have your opinion and we have ours. Doesnt make yours wrong and mine right and vice versa but let me explain my point of view maybe you understand it better then.

The game will be about seducing men. I have no interest in doing that as i am not gay. To say it doesnt make you gay or bi sexual if you enjoy a game to sexually secude men is in and of itself a paradoxon.
Either you like it or you dont but if you like it you are gay or at least interested in trying stuff which also is totally fine. And if you are not interested in it that this means you are not even close to being interested in trying such stuff out and not bi sexuall.
That doesnt make one side bad or the other side good but you cant be both and not be both at the same time. Thats an impossible statement. Either you like it and have those tendencys or you dont and dont have those tendencys.

And its not about you inserting as the MC either or fearing we turn gay or that dicks jump out the monitor to make us suck a dick. Its also not about believing that we suck a dick etc.

You completely fail to realize the following simply but obvious truth behind those 2 games called BB and Glamour.

Lets assume its not about incest in BB. Then what is the story and the purpose? Fuck as many women as possible and avaliable. Ok so what is your main purpose as player? SEDUCE WOMEN.
So from a male point of view you do what most of heterosexual men do. Try to seduce as many women as you can in your life to have sex with or if you prefer finding the one true love (in a video game about sex most unlikely)

Now Glamour. What is the story and the purpose? Fuck as many women and Men as you possible can. Now for the lesbian part that can be actual pretty hot but only because most male believe that they could go in for a threesome. My best friend is a lesbian. You cant. They find Dick as attractive as hetero males do. But they are the shit to hang around and wonderful wingmen/women ah you get the point.

The other half is about seducing MEN Now if we could skip that entirely then okay. But i doubt DS gives us so much freedom. So the players have to seduce men in order to progress right? Which means i have to seduce a men and watch him fuck the MC or how the MC blows him to progress the story. I find that not only unattractive i find it disgusting.

I dont have a problem with gay ppl or their sexual life but i am not gay nor interested in seducing men and watch them fuck and get sucked off by the very character i play. Should i skip through it? Ignore it? Why would i do something i dont enjoy and waste my free time on it?

While BB is about seducing women only. Glamour will be also about seducing men. And many ppl wont seduce men or play a game about seducing men. Women would love this im sure but the majority of players is male. And many ppl have a problem with a female MC as DS losing patrons show and his poll now about making a new MC or changing the MC all together.

And this time there will be no incest either but i doubt everyone has read that already. Anyway lets wait till it comes out and see for yourself how his patrons drop again ^^
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Mar 13, 2017
Bullshit again most male customers are not gay and therefore wont play something to seduce other men. I still cant wrap my head around this crap that there are actuall ppl who defend this shit not realizing that this is gay. If you are gay that is totally fine but stop telling other hetero males its totally normal to play games to seduce men. It fucking isnt.
Most male customers aren't incestuous creeps, therefore won't play a game in which they fuck their female family members, yet here we are, aren't we? Inserting ourselves into a fantasy of sexy females family members to seduce and fuck them.

And I guess fucking every girl that comes our way in a game also makes us real life hoes, right?

See the black and white in your little rant there?

If we were everything we played in a game, chances are we'd all be in jail with numerous sexual diseases.

Playing as a female MC doesn't imply being gay. Just like playing a incest game doesn't make us incestuous creeps. Just like playing a game where fucking every girl doesn't make us man hoes where we cheat on our real life girls.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Most male customers aren't incestuous creeps, therefore won't play a game in which they fuck their female family members, yet here we are, aren't we? Inserting ourselves into a fantasy of sexy females family members to seduce and fuck them.

And I guess fucking every girl that comes our way in a game also makes us real life hoes, right?

See the black and white in your little rant there?

If we were everything we played in a game, chances are we'd all be in jail with numerous sexual diseases.

Playing as a female MC doesn't imply being gay. Just like playing a incest game doesn't make us incestuous creeps. Just like playing a game where fucking every girl doesn't make us man hoes where we cheat on our real life girls.
you compare apples with bananas my friend. And therefore make no sense.


Mar 13, 2017
Hold your horses. Calling ppl who dont agree with you one sided and immature makes you look like the immature one. You have your opinion and we have ours.
Not what I meant. At all. In fact, you just reiterated my point. Obviously opinions differ, but read what I said. There are multiple sides to every story. You guys see one side. The people who don't self-insert view another side. Does it make them gay? No, it means they don't self insert as the female character. You do.

Lets assume its not about incest in BB.
If you have to subtract a genre from BB to make your point, then you have no point. Fact is, BB is an incest game. You're self-inserting yourself into a sexy family filled with females and the mission is to fuck them. Am I right, or am I wrong?

If you can't play as a female character without self-inserting, that's your own problem. Doesn't mean others struggle to NOT self-insert like you do.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Not what I meant. At all. In fact, you just reiterated my point. Obviously opinions differ, but read what I said. There are multiple sides to every story. You guys see one side. The people who don't self-insert view another side. Does it make them gay? No, it means they don't self insert as the female character. You do.

If you have to subtract a genre from BB to make your point, then you have no point. Fact is, BB is an incest game. You're self-inserting yourself into a sexy family filled with females and the mission is to fuck them. Am I right, or am I wrong?

If you can't play as a female character without self-inserting, that's your own problem. Doesn't mean others struggle to NOT self-insert like you do.
1. As i said in a very long post before its not about self insert. Its about seducing men. And yes that is gay. You play to seduce men if you dont see the problem there i cant help you understand it. A normal hetero sexual men with no tendency to feeling attracted to other men has a problem with that.
If you dont that means 2 things. You are open for it which is totally fine or you are bi sexuall or gay which is also totally fine.
But dont assume every hetero is like that cause thats not normal :)

2. You dont even care to read the point so why again should i keep discussing with you in general? You attacked the most unecessary point i made in this debate. It doesnt matter if its about incest or not its about seducing women and not about seducing men. thats the whole point of said argument.

Sorry to tell you but if you have no problem with seducing men in a sexual video game yes that makes you gay. You constantly try to tell me watching a guide on how to seduce man doesnt make you gay or at least interested in experimenting.

Sorry but thats ridiculous.

PS: GO back 1 page and read my reply who almost took half the page thanks. All explained there.


Mar 13, 2017
you compare apples with bananas my friend. And therefore make no sense.
Except it does. Yes, when you boil it down, fact is, you're fucking women. But we're not looking at a boiled down product here. We're looking at the total package. Big Brother is incest. You're playing an incest game. Do you prefer sex if it's within the family? No. But you're self inserting as a brother of a sexy female family, though. Doesn't matter, right?

Same concept applies here. You play as the female character, but do you prefer sex with men? No, that's not what it means. In fact, lemme throw something at you real quick. I want your honest opinion here.

This is from Max's perspective. You'll get hard from this, right?

Now switch perspectives real quick. Alice is now the MC. Now, from your argument, this is a problem. Why? It's the same exact picture that made you hard before. And what's stopping you from inserting as the man in the situation? Seriously.


Mar 13, 2017
2. You dont even care to read the point so why again should i keep discussing with you in general? You attacked the most unecessary point i made in this debate. It doesnt matter if its about incest or not its about seducing women and not about seducing men. thats the whole point of said argument.
Normally I would, believe me, I have essays here for days on this thread, but I woke up not too long ago and I'm still drowsy and not really in the discussion type of mood to begin with. Sorry, but I'm trying my best.


New Member
Jan 7, 2018
Except it does. Yes, when you boil it down, fact is, you're fucking women. But we're not looking at a boiled down product here. We're looking at the total package. Big Brother is incest. You're playing an incest game. Do you prefer sex if it's within the family? No. But you're self inserting as a brother of a sexy female family, though. Doesn't matter, right?

Same concept applies here. You play as the female character, but do you prefer sex with men? No, that's not what it means. In fact, lemme throw something at you real quick. I want your honest opinion here.

View attachment 65650
This is from Max's perspective. You'll get hard from this, right?

Now switch perspectives real quick. Alice is now the MC. Now, from your argument, this is a problem. Why? It's the same exact picture that made you hard before. And what's stopping you from inserting as the man in the situation? Seriously.
Dude, are you intentionally missing the point? Read again, he's saying that female MC would be okay if you skip the men seducing part.

If the main part of the games is to progressively seduce a man with all the details involved then for most people it can't be just ignored, if BB roles was switched and you would be a female MC left with all males, you're saying that most people would easily ignore it?

Glamour is a 180° turn yet you are saying that for most people it's not a big deal, there's a poll on patreon already...


Mar 13, 2017
Sorry to tell you but if you have no problem with seducing men in a sexual video game yes that makes you gay.
How so? Like I keep saying, I'm not inserting as the female character. I'm not sucking the man's dick. I don't get off from it. The FEMALE CHARACTER gets me hard. Watching the FEMALE in action gets me hard. Not seducing the man. I don't care about the guy in the scenario, because HE'S not the one I'm focused on. The FEMALE is. You called me out for being immature, for calling this notion of "playing a female character is gay" immature and one-sided, yet claim I'm gay because I view a scenario differently from how you'd view it. Can't have it both ways.


New Member
Apr 30, 2017
How so? Like I keep saying, I'm not inserting as the female character. I'm not sucking the man's dick. I don't get off from it. The FEMALE CHARACTER gets me hard. Watching the FEMALE in action gets me hard. Not seducing the man. I don't care about the guy in the scenario, because HE'S not the one I'm focused on. The FEMALE is. You called me out for being immature, for calling this notion of "playing a female character is gay" immature and one-sided, yet claim I'm gay because I view a scenario differently from how you'd view it. Can't have it both ways.
The point of the game is seducing men, and that is pretty gay. You can't try to go around it and twist the point of the game around. Its still gay.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Except it does. Yes, when you boil it down, fact is, you're fucking women. But we're not looking at a boiled down product here. We're looking at the total package. Big Brother is incest. You're playing an incest game. Do you prefer sex if it's within the family? No. But you're self inserting as a brother of a sexy female family, though. Doesn't matter, right?

Same concept applies here. You play as the female character, but do you prefer sex with men? No, that's not what it means. In fact, lemme throw something at you real quick. I want your honest opinion here.

View attachment 65650
This is from Max's perspective. You'll get hard from this, right?

Now switch perspectives real quick. Alice is now the MC. Now, from your argument, this is a problem. Why? It's the same exact picture that made you hard before. And what's stopping you from inserting as the man in the situation? Seriously.
Max Perspective you get hard from this but not if its alice perspective? Nope. And i explain why.

From Max point of view you have a build up. She teases you, you follow her around. You tease her back you build up a relationship and sexual desire. The ball is handed back and forth and eventually she gives in to her desire and you as a player get the price of sexual intercourse with HER.

Now from alice point of view. She teases him and he teases back. Disturbing for me to watch. He teases her back which is story wise good im sure but for me again disturbing to watch as i dont see a women teasing my fantasy but a male. Disturbing. So a relationship builds up and sexual desire for one another. Well at least ingame im still disturbed over the fact that i just had seduce a guy. The ball is handed back and forth and eventually he gives in to his desires and you as a player get the price of sexual intercourse with HIM.

To me thats disturbing as fuck and no that picture wont get me hard. If you make the whole BB game from Ann or Alice point of view i can guarantee you not even half the patrons DS has right now.
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