
Apr 5, 2017
Did you people consider that maybe DS doesn't want to trown away all of his plans with a FMC that he probably has since before he started this game. Or that he just wants to make the game with a female MC ?

He might gain money from his patreons but that still is his game. He should be able to do something that he enjoys somehow, so could we wait a few updates before judging him and the game?

If people don't enjoy the game because they can't help but insert themselves in the character or for whatever other reason they should stop pledging. Or if they aren't his patreons they should just stop playing this free game and look for something that they do enjoy, because complaining in a pirate forum won't help much.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
He hasn't lost more than 20 patrons (less than 1%) since the release of 0.13 though.
I call bullshit. He lost 513 patrons since the release of 0.13 and the number of still active patrons keep plummeting on a daily basis.


Jul 24, 2017
well, if the anti female MC stop their support for DS, he will eventually stop or at least change glamour to male MC. The harder the drop, the fastest it will happen :p
Nov 14, 2017
I don't think that a female mc game is bad or something, but these ero games are usually played by hetero-males that want to play an alpha-male mc that owns every woman/girl he sees. So this FMC is only going to narrow the player pool.

Well, DS also should know this as he/she is a veteran game developer. Thus DS must have something in mind like maybe this was DS's dreamwork ? Or maybe there are some juicy patrons that pay nice for a FMC ???


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
I managed that now. But i have another problem. There isn't still any body massage.
This is game play question and needs to go here:

@JasonJemodah Please do not answer game play questions in this thread.


Jun 21, 2017
Hopefully developer not made same mistake again. He wants to made a game with differences branches, but not able to pulled it off until the game banned.

With Glamour, he wants to make complexity similar to AAA game. If DS can makes the every update with large content, maybe it's still okay. But if the updates only small to no content, this is just another Big Brother. Not even to mention the branches and the possibilities with every updates. These want these, and those want those. Polls every update to make a game with single path in the end.

And, if DS wants money for his game, he should develops game according to market, not himself. But if he want make game as he like, he do not need to ask people with polls or ask for support. Just develop the game. Hater or liker, you just go with what you want.

Personally, I don't like FMC. But, believe it or not, I really want to see the game by DS. Just, FMC deter my determination.


New Member
Feb 3, 2018
ok so im like in an endless loop here. im going nowhere with olivia (Lisa just keeps asking me to go away even though i did choose the olivia gf path) and there doesnt seem to be any new tasks to do with Kira and mum (convincing her same-sex relationships are not a bad thing)
any ideas?


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
ok so im like in an endless loop here. im going nowhere with olivia (Lisa just keeps asking me to go away even though i did choose the olivia gf path) and there doesnt seem to be any new tasks to do with Kira and mum (convincing her same-sex relationships are not a bad thing)
any ideas?
Go here for game play questions:


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
OR that DS is actually a woman.
That would explain a LOT of things, not just about Glamour's MC Gender but many of his views regarding Incest! Women are more often the Victim of child abuse than boys are.

But I will point out that Dawns stats are probably right on in the case of written stories. Men are much more turned on in a story hearing the female perspective since they can provide their own Male perspective of what is going on in their own head.

So stories written from a female perspective (and I'm talking written word and some video) are highly desired.
But in games since you are playing the role of the character you really want to BE the character and identify with them.
So Males tend to not want to play females.

from DS Discord channel:

Dark Silver - Today at 12:37 PM
to clarify
there is no chance that it would be only mmc
but it could be selectable

PS. How the hell wil he/she do it? Different gender, different paths...
No...I even suggested he could allow you to pick your gender and then his game would allow even those interested in Gay/Bi Themes to play and fuck who they choose. It would take twice the renders to accommodate both Genders, But in the end the game would allow just about any genre to be incorporated into the game.
If there were three NPC Men and Three NPC Women, a player could play a man and ignore the male NPCs and only pursue the Women. Or the other way around. Bi and Gay scenes would be at the discretion of the Player.
So now you have a game that could be played by anyone Male, Female, Gay or Straight, and hell he could even allow crossdressing and gender reassignment as game plots.

Sort of a sexual free for all for any gender or tastes which is the one thing we have not seen in a game yet.
The problem is that idea and concept is so ambitious and would require so much work per month that I doubt highly DS could ever pull it off!

Most male customers aren't incestuous creeps, therefore won't play a game in which they fuck their female family members, yet here we are, aren't we? Inserting ourselves into a fantasy of sexy females family members to seduce and fuck them.
I hate to break it to you, But incest Genre is one of the biggest selling Genre's going. So YES quite a lot of men into incest or roleplaying it, because it is something they would NOT do or feel able to do in real life! You seem to project your feelings regarding incest onto the masses, but you opinions on the subject are not the majority at all.
Not everyone into the Genre would ever want to do it for real, Many may not be attracted by a family member. But just about EVERY straight male I know would jump at the chance to watch a Mother and Daughter or Mother and Son have sex! And many have had sexual fantasies about a Family member that would never be pursued in real life due to social unacceptance for real life instances.

Yet many couples call each other Mommy and Daddy while fucking on a daily basis!Just because it doesn't turn you on doesn't mean it isn't common for everyone else to have those excitements over the ideas.

Except it does. Yes, when you boil it down, fact is, you're fucking women. But we're not looking at a boiled down product here. We're looking at the total package. Big Brother is incest. You're playing an incest game. Do you prefer sex if it's within the family? No. But you're self inserting as a brother of a sexy female family, though. Doesn't matter, right?

Same concept applies here. You play as the female character, but do you prefer sex with men? No, that's not what it means. In fact, lemme throw something at you real quick. I want your honest opinion here.

View attachment 65650
This is from Max's perspective. You'll get hard from this, right?

Now switch perspectives real quick. Alice is now the MC. Now, from your argument, this is a problem. Why? It's the same exact picture that made you hard before. And what's stopping you from inserting as the man in the situation? Seriously.
If pictures is really all you are playing the game for then why play a game at all?
Just download the CG's and make up any story you want!

I bet the majority of players NEVER Fap to the game pictures and use the gameplay and story to simply titillate their sexual interest to go fap to some porn. Most porn these days have cut out all of the setups and buildup that is sexually arousing in favor of going straight for the penetration.
And perhaps that is why the Incest and Roleplay Genre of Porn is doing so well because it requires that sexual tension setup and seduction story that puts you into the sexual mood.

I have NEVER fapped to a 3d rendering of sex, but I have been stimulated by playing out a scene before the sex actually happens because it is a STORY! As much as a story of Literotica is stimulating without a single picture included!

Any idiot can make a couple of renders, throw whatever text he wants over them (Memes anyone?).
But a good game requires a GOOD STORY, something that either immerses you into the world and makes you want to be in that world. Most men don't want to be women. And I suspect most women don't want to be men except when paycheck and equality are concerned.

So this story if it is as lame as BB's was then no one is going to overcome the fact they are supposedly looking at themselves sucking a cock so they can fap to it. Games are not about the pictures they are merely vehicles to show what text alone could not do justice to. Games are about the universe and the story that happens BEFORE the sex!

And most men (who are the biggest consumers of porn games) are simply going to pass!

Which will wind up in the SECOND abandonment of Glamour in time and because of its eventual Failure, we will hear about his reviving BB again because the project and stories aren't what seems to interest him most...
It's all about the MONEY!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
Get your numbers straight mate he lost 800 patrons after the 0.13 release. He was around 2.9 almost 3k. Patrons. Now he is at 2.1k
Nope. He was around 2800 when the site was brought back, and made the announcement he will put hold to BB and a couple days later he was at ~2200, thus losing ~20% of his patrons.
A few days later, when 0.13 was released he was around 2100 and... he has lost ~15 since. You said you're checking every day, you should know these.

Bullshit again most male customers are not gay and therefore wont play something to seduce other men. I still cant wrap my head around this crap that there are actuall ppl who defend this shit not realizing that this is gay. If you are gay that is totally fine but stop telling other hetero males its totally normal to play games to seduce men. It fucking isnt.
The Patreon Poll has 56% at "keep the MC female" mate. Personally, I plan to make effort to seduce women in the game but again please consider this: We don't play the game to seduce men, we play the game to see men banging women. If that woman is the MC so what?
Most of us don't identify with the protagonist of computer games, from adult games to RPGs. It's like saying "People aren't elves that throw fireballs so it makes no sense to play a game where the character is an elf trying to learn how to throw fireballs"

Fact is, BB is an incest game. You're self-inserting yourself into a sexy family filled with females and the mission is to fuck them. Am I right, or am I wrong?

If you can't play as a female character without self-inserting, that's your own problem. Doesn't mean others struggle to NOT self-insert like you do.
Just for the record, the mother of the 20 years old in that family seems like she's 30 years old. Her sister could easily pass for 22 years old.
They do have some vampire genes in that family...

I call bullshit. He lost 513 patrons since the release of 0.13 and the number of still active patrons keep plummeting on a daily basis.
Nope. He was at 2200 when 0.13 was released. He lost ~800 since he made the announcement. The numbers had mostly stabilized by the time 0.13 was released.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
I respect that there are people that don't like having a female MC, however people like @JohnPonn shouldn't call everyone homosexual because of that, it's very childish.
It's a good thing i never did then.
I questioned your post about the apeal of a man sexually seducing other men.
And if you want to missquote me again to discredit me you will be the one looking like the fool.
I'll give you a free-bee on this one.
Thanks for calling me childish tho. 48 years ago i think my mom said soemthing similar to me :eek:penedeyewink:
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