I regret that I can only like that post just once!I raised this concern when Glamour was first announced and I'm very skeptical about these grand claims as well. It just doesn't seem possible to flesh out a city full of unique characters who can also change their personalities and behaviors with the way this dev team approached BB. There's only so many renders they can do, which like you said either limits them to a few deeper characters or many characters with limited interaction, or a 10 year development (which may be just the dairy cow they're looking for).
The BB household was only 8 people, including the minor characters like Eric, Olivia and Kate, but really only 4 lead characters, and they BARELY developed any of them. These are paper thin characters who don't behave consistently, don't grow or evolve in a realistic way, and don't have any motivations outside of sex and money. I can't see them being able to create believable, independent characters on a much larger scale, and to also have those characters be changed based on player interaction.
Here is my original post and DS response:
I think he mistakenly thought believable characters was equivalent to characters people were invested in. But they're not the same thing at all, and their claims about Glamour indicate they are going to create multiple believable characters with fully fleshed out independent lives, who also grow and change based on MC interactions. I just don't see that as being even remotely realistic based on what we saw from BB.
Spot on with the way I think regarding what Glamour will eventually be.
The only thing that may help him here is that he will not be dealing with Incest storylines which seems to be a big problem for him creatively. He would say "I Try to make family LOVE/ROMANCE each other but it is HARD for me" all I can surmise is he is an Orphan, came from a loveless family or the victim of actual parental sexual abuse.
The Family seemed to tolerate each other more than love each other. And that I suppose might work in Glamour because they will all be strangers. But I still can't see tham adding more than one NPC per month and even then I don't see after 4 months go by that the first NPC added will get any new content because this team has never showed the output to keep up with a housefull let alone a city full.