On the road "forget Alex" I gave Liza 1000 dollars, but I did not see that she bought something. She bought herself a blue pill for 1000 dollars? She decided to die from an overdose?
I need to buy jewelry, and then wait for Lisa next to the pawnshop!
What are you even talking about? What blue pill? What overdose? What jewelry? The more I read your post, the more I feel like you're either always high on drugs, or this is an expert trolling exercise, or a mix of the two. I'm really confused.
A family path without Eric and with Eric is not a branching , but rather a vast difference and change. Now the creator must create an worthy alternate reality path for no Eric , e.g with Ann not working , Max use his financial power to become man of the house main route , whatever the story this route must be able to contrast with Eric route with enough new opportunities with all the rest of the family to compensate for the loss of Eric. (remember u can fight/work with/lose to eric , each with its content).Opportunities that can only arises without Eric. Or else choosing non Eric path is just a simple loss of playable content and waste of time.
I really can't see how DS gonna pull this off with the pace he going each version. I really wanna see him succeed , If he can , I be in for a treat with so much content..
Do correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there is no deadline for the completion of the game. That means DS can make it as short or long as he wants to. As long as people keep paying the money, and DS not losing motivation, then the game should still be completed one way or another.
However, branches are definitely extra problematic when a new version is supposed to be out every month because there is only so much that can be done within that time frame. This means there will be branches that are ignored for multiple versions as it is impossible to create progress for all the branches within a single month. This is even more worrying because there seem to be more and more branches being offered in the game. At the beginning, it was simply Lisa with the Boyfriend or Olivia route. Now we have Eric or no-Eric route, as well as potentially Kate's mom's future content if we went that route for getting rid of Eric. So there are more and more content that would be locked behind certain route.
IMO, this is not a good thing when it comes to patreon-based game because it would spread out the new content, and people would be more upset that their chosen route would get less and less new content. This is made even worse because people would want equal amount of content for each route. While I understand why, sometimes people should realize that certain route should be shorter than another. For example, I think Lisa's boyfriend path should finish soon (we have anal now, next update for that route should result in sex and finish the route) while Olivia's path should continue further (we have Alex/Olivia breaking up now, next update should be Lisa-Alex and Max-Olivia coupling and their shenanigans, then another update for conflict with Alex, then last update should finish off with two different endings, one where they patch things up and continue as two different couples, the other where we get rid of Alex). If this unequal length for branches can be implemented, then it would be more realistic to offer more branches in the game because new branches only exist after older branches got finished off.
Which way will DS go? I have no idea.