When someone writes a book, he can do a Best Sellers. a good book, or he is a loser, the same in the full game, great, good or really bad, but the Developer who is making a game with patronage, He need good sense and modesty, to seek to know what everyone wants. DS now if he stops is a loser, if going further this way can be very bad. The only light I see now is DS start again with two paths, with Eric and without Him, with Eric DS can follow your own way and make the original game. Without Eric, Max need seduce and another character as voyeur. I'm hoping not, but this game is starting to end. If anyone has a better idea than this, put here, maybe the DS can see and use and make this game a little better, I'm tired of seeing unfinished games, abandoned games and worse, letting everyone wait without news. And not respecting those who gave patronage. And everyone too, can send one email telling what each here like or dislike, maybe He don’t need stop and in the end save this game to not fall.