Some things that really don't make much sense in the game.
1.) When Max get the Wallet with the ID why wait to investigate who Victor or tell Kira. Max could easily hire a private eye to investigate who Victor is too and have the investigation findings make there way to mom.
2.) Since Victor is using a fake identity. How does he have a job? He's going to need a fake social security card, etc.
Max could easily just report him to the police, federal agents, or people at his work. He is committing several crimes just by having the job under a fake name given things he would have to show, etc. to get it.
3.) Why delete the photo of Eric masturbating and peeping out side of Alice's window. Max ought to have backed it up online or on a flash drive. Max could also use the photo to get Victor in trouble by making sure others saw it.
4.) Why bring the wallet and ID when he confronts Eric. It would have been safer to just have hidden it somewhere before he got there?
5.) How does Eric know how much money Max has when he claims Max stole his wallet. If Max has over 1000 Eric asks for the exact amount. Max has to also have some sort of bank account, debit card, to shop online, so his pocket money isn't all just cash.
6.) Why not get a micro tape recorder/mp3 recorder and have it hidden when Max is talking to Eric. Max could also get audio mikes (bugs) put in rooms too.
7.) With all the cameras in the house you figure Max ought to record the stream.
8.) Why give Eric all your money if you do a certain route in the Wallet opportunity. Max wouldn't have all his money on him and how the hell would Eric know how much Max has.
9.) If you do give back the ID why not take a picture of it, make a scan, and still investigate Eric (Victor) and have the information released to Mom and others.
10.) Mom and others still don't think Eric was bad after he disappeared, why not use some money to still have him investigated.
11.) Kate says she got the fetish clothes from her mom's club, but a club isn't going to sell clothing, bdsm equipment. the club may be connected to a shop that does though and saying that makes more sense.
12 Why bother to peep into a room to see what is going on if you have a camera in it.
13.) Mom's "blacklisting" after she loses her job doesn't make much sense. She'll have bad rep om it on her resume, but one company isn't going to have the power to get a secretary job from being something she can't find anywhere else. At best they could prevent her from getting hired at a few places they have connections with. Something else is going on it seems. Maybe Alice was right about calling the police about the "blacklist".
Things that need to be developed in future versions.
1.) what is the secret of the house. Eric goes through a lot of trouble to try and get it. It has a hidden camera and places for them. Plus you get told that the house has some sort of catch in the beginning of the game via Max's dialog.
2.) Kate's mom she say she knows about Max and hopes to see him again. Her making Max fuck Alice doesn't make much sense too since Max has been fucking Alice in her room and is going to do porno with her. Also when the porno gets done in which Max fucks Alice the results in the film the Kye made is worthless if a porno is out of the two.
3.) The deal with Alice going to college. Max says something isn't right about the set up and we know Kate's mom doesn't like Alice being with Kate.
4.) Maybe Kate's mom want you to break them up at some point. You get closer to Kate's mom that way or you don't break them up which leads to another path. Maybe you are supposed to hook up with Kate's mom and run some sort of criminal empire with her. Breaking them up could also get you closer to Alice and let you control her how Kate did.
5.) What is up with the dad? I suspect as others have that the dad is involved in organized crime in some way. Maybe dad runs a porn company and want to corrupt the family and is doing this to groom Max to take over his job. Also, note the porn industry in reality has a lot of ties to the mafia based on several documentaries I've seen.
6..) Where Alice goes during the day when she goes out and where is Kira when she isn't at the house. Is Kira making porno films, why not take Max to one so he can make contacts.
Kira's relationship is the same and just good, Eric could be gotten to a good relationship. Kira never becomes a friend or anything else and she definitely has an agenda.
Also, Kira moves into mom's room, but Max is going to be sleeping in it and has to defer to Kira on the room sleeping after he did so much just to take her place. How the bedroom is going to work needs to be handled.
7.) Does the game have an ending where Max can chose one girl or chose them all or some sort of combination (he goes of with certain ones).
8.) Are Alice's porno movies full movies are the distributed online as clips sold as DVD. Maybe each of her family films is actually meant to be edited together to make a larger film.