Having played through the game 6-7 times by now i can't get rid of the hopless felling of emptyness.
Ok, lets think about a movie. The bad guy and the good guy starts off to an epic battle. Lots of side stories as well and you can't eat the popcorn fast enuff. Then 45 minutes into the film the good guy shoots the bad guy in the head and guess what.. He dies! So what the hell is the remining 45 minutes gonna be about ?? ...
That basically BB for me. The start is awesome. Having stats to grind, opportunities to chase and slow progress makes it all feel fun. But once you Kick Eric out all that work becomes obselite. Stats matters no more. The opportunities are triggerd by talking to the same NPC once a week and nothing to do but slaming space bar for the next week to start so you can talk again. Really boring. (You can do all 4 movies by slamming space on repeat and just talk to Kira when the bubble pops)
I honestly laughed at the game when it gave me the talktree with Ann about letting her punish me in her room. Really? I haven't been punished for many ingame months.. Hmmm How do i get punished then... Mom opens door at 6am and gives me a HJ, Lisa can open door to give me BJ or i can join her taking a shower. Kira and Alice have no peep option that awards stealth. Eric is no more.. Ok i can't even get punished if i want to. And now DS puts this option in.. Oh hey btw.. I long ago had an agreement with Ann to NEVER punish me. So she will NEVER punish me in her room ?

penedeyewink: hahaha.. By fluke i realized i could actually take Lisas punishment for failing her homework. YES.. I got to see mom not giving me a punish in her room and i got a HJ instead.. Wait what game am i playing.. Oh back to slamming space bar another week couse absolutly nothing is gonna matter in between.
As a reward for the space bar taking the beating you get to the end of v11 and now it's all about RNG. Yes a few things have had RNG before but now this is the point of delaying your game. The famous "Sit Down" grind where Ann & Alice must catsh max in the Lounge 4x2x2 times and all on a random trigger with a 50/50% of triggering at the wrong time. How fun the game has become.. (Shit i swallowed a popcorn that was 3 weeks old couse thats the last time i ate from that bowl) ...
This was a rant. I admit. But the pictures for next uppgrade is meh, at best. And i almost pitty the new players who will have to go through this insane amount of grind only to end upp with impossible RNG and no stories finished anywhere as reward. BB has become a massive grind and stories with no end. The fun factor from early days till now has gone from a solid 9 back down to a 3. Obviolsy this is just how i feel and i don't mean to ruin anyones fun if you like the game and where it's going. I'm happy for you. For me this journey is comming close to "The End" ..
Cheers all ::|: