That's good! It's the kind of reactions we want to provoke in the player... you don't just have to fuck women... you have to love them, feel emotions...
Tony has family, but for the moment only the little sister has been shown, which can be seen by videoconferencing with Tony.
If you have the patch, they will call each other "brothers"; if you don't have it, they will call each other by first name.
Right, I have to correct the "rom" thing
Yes, the continuation of the scene with Jessy is hot too; I tried to create a good dialogue accompanied by some hot images for the player to get into Tony's skin.
Haha, thanks!
Let's do like the lost writers... solve a mystery and create 10 new ones (LOL)
You can't visit Gina's room at night... at the moment
The function of being able to change name was not incorporated from the beginning, that means that we had to look for all the "Tony" of the dialogue and to change them by a variable, and it's very probable that that "Toooooonnnyy" that you say was overlooked to us when not being the habitual "Tony"
That could only happen before the v0.2.2b version if you advanced the first day of the university and the university icon was not unlocked, now it can't happen.
If it happens to you with other locations maybe the problem is that you are using a v0.1 save file, which are not compatible.
I recommend you to start the game again, you will find it easier and faster with the new help and cheat systems.
Or use the OP save file and follow the PDF instructions, you'll see good content
If you can no longer visit Ms Cooper it is because you have reached 40 sex skill points.
Olivia and Cassie are events that stay open if you want to repeat them.
I think what you're missing is the special scene with Jessy in her room.
Look here:
It will be a mystery that I'm sure will be solved in the future... you saw that Jessy offered her "good girl" help to Tony
I'm glad to know that you were able to play from the beginning without any problems and that it was easier and faster for you
As for the text... when he says "camabrera", it's not that he's wrong, it's that he's already a little drunk... "camabrera, ponme otra cervreza"
I'm kidding, thank you so much for reporting those mistakes, I'll correct them
The mistake you mention about the bathroom with Gina worries me, I'll check it too, thank you
The android version has a problem due to missing images, I'm creating a new compilation right now.