Yo good morning guys! so after a few hours of testing i managed to find all 19 animations (and yes all of it are sex attacks!) the first 15 animations are shared by the 3 types of zombies (Skinny, normal and buff)
zombies animation:
like i said all 3 types shares these animations the first 3 animations are blowjobs, if you are fully clothed and one of the 3 grabs you while you are standing next to a wall there's a change that you'll trigger a variation of the normal blowjob, all 3 types do this and yes their animations are different! so we got 3 animations so far!
now things get interesting! again all of the 3 types can do this and their animations are different! if they catch you from behind there's a chance to trigger a ground doggy animation, if they catch you from the front there's a change to trigger a ground missionary animation! AND if they catch you from front or behind while you are facing or with your back to a wall you can trigger a standing doggy animation and a standing missionary animation! (you can easily see all of these animations on the "first level" in the 3 minutes timer room, all of the 3 types off zombies are there! just kill all of the zombies and leave 1 of each type alive)
Skinny zombies normaly are naked and wears a helmet
normal zombies have a bit more body mass than the skinny
and the buff ones i don't have to explain xD
so we got 15 animations now only 4 remaining! and were are these 4 animations? easy the fatty! yes the fatty received 4 new animations in this update! and it's basically the same as above, near a wall front: missionary! near a wall behind: Standing doggy!
he also got a ground doggy and a missionary pos they are just a bit more annoying to get since his grab attack ends in a gameover (i found it easier to see these animations outside the mansion on stage 3 (former stage 2) when you reach the mansion for the second time, enter it and imediatelly exit it (yes you can exit it anytime you don't have to complete the puzzle inside) and the game will give you a checkpoint! so when you die you can restart and try again xD)
And that's it! all 19 new animations!
Conclusion: I loved all new animations they are really well done, i think the highlight goes to the fatty his animations are pure gold! (saddly we don't have new animations for the dogs, but hey it's a Tech update so i'm gladdy we got this amout of animations!)
So yeah all animations listed good luck guys and have fun!