- Mar 18, 2019
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yes all you need to do is set outfit's hp to 0 and get fucked by a zombie, page 126 have a cheat table that can help you with itIs it possible to let the zombies and the dogs fuck jill while she has her clothes on and undamaged? I know normal zombies will only make her do blowjobs if the clothes are on or barely damaged and the fat zombie will hit her until the clothes are broken but are there any way to force to keep the clothes on so no matter how many time she gets hit the clothes won't break and can have sex while those clothes are in perfect condition?
its not in English but thank youi made one its in page 126
Thanks, it worksyes all you need to do is set outfit's hp to 0 and get fucked by a zombie, page 126 have a cheat table that can help you with it
just dodge their attacks until they try to fuck julia, i dont know if theres a method to visually make outfits invulnerable since its connected to its respectively hp but you can set some hotkeys to the outfit like " 'B' reduces outfits hp to 0 and 'N' increases to 120", if you get hit just press N to get 120 hp and again takes some damage to reduces to 100 +/- after that press B to reduce to 0...Thanks, it works
edit: it works for the fat zombie , but not for normal zombies and dogs. I mean Jill can get fuck with clothes on using the above method, but sometimes even I set the clothes' hp to 0, the normal zombies and dogs still hit me instead of having sex, and all the clothes are gone when I get hit once(probably because clothes' hp is set 0).
I wonder if there is a way to make the character clothing invulnerable or making the zombies 100% will fuck you instead of hitting you .
Hello there. They are context sensitive animations. Where as the wall animations require you be close to a flat wall, the ground animations require you be standing on a perfectly flat surface away from any walls or other objects. Easiest locations to see the ground animations are in the center of the time-locked room with a zombie horde on the sewer area and in the mansion on any floor away from walls and furniture.Guys sorry for this dummy question I´ll ask, really sorry.. But the thing is that I cannot see the new animations (for example, the ones in the floor) how do I get those ones?
Thanks in advance
IIRC, the last update with substantial changes was back in February. Given the timeframe of about 6-12 months between previous updates, one could probably expect the next update to be within half a year. Then again, half the comments in here are asking about when the next release is, so who knows. Be patient.How long has it been since the last update?
I just want to know when the next update will be done
Man.. i hope the next update comes soon...this is taking forever ARGHH!
First off, please don't double post like that. Second, trust me we know. Third, you're better off just using the Unreal Engine Unlocker for cheating.So..hum cheat engine is not working for me at all...
Just hoping the game turns out to be less terrible that it already is, 'cuz the concept is good, but the execution is shit.
lets hope he wont show any teasers or anything, just finish it and let us explore it once its done. Ty for the update btw!