Interesting idea, but what would the idea behind it other than more erotic content? Like, I think it would be cool if she could do that, then have a killing blow or an attack or something after she lures them in.
(Idea 1: Healing)
Maybe let her heal in the process stripping? Clothing there are 3 types: Shirt, Skirt and Underwear. The clothes tearing mechanic still there but player can choose to strip in which her health will increase a portion. First stripping, she will remove her clothes in which she will increase 50% for example. After that if player press the button again she will continue strip her skirt and etc. Means it is the second option for health besides herbs.
(Idea 2: Removes poison)
There can be 3 types of poison Blue Poison (Decreasing Health), Red Posion (Horny) & Acid (Corrode clothing)
Blue (Similar with RE2 Remake. She will be coughing and health decreasing until 1 or even kill her)
Red (Similar with Blue, instead of coughing she will be masturbating that attracts enermy around her to grab her.)
Acid (Constantly corroding her clothing until naked unless she strip off a layer of her clothing in which removing the poison.)
Mechanics: Certain enermy or trap on ground will release coloured slime fluid to Julia in which will will be covered with it. One way of removing poision is blue herb or she can chose to strip off her clothes and therefore removes the poison covering her body. Once she has completely removes her clothes she can't strip it anymore.