Where did these come from lol
Who has the latest ammunition, drop rate code
Fox: 21FX-UN9B
Ammo+: V4T2-XLAM
Crit+: HCTR-5731
Drop+: DRTE-2QPB
Bush 1: PKJB-I1SG
Bush 2: J2B6-FXQK
Bush 3: LJ73-BHSU
Bush 4: 4DKL-WSX9
Bush 5: Z6H1-UWAH
Bush 6: 5U6J-SD84
Bush 7: RDV2-YNBC
Bush 8: L53E-G276
Heavy Bush 1: QC51-Z3F8
Heavy Bush 2: TX9Y-CDFH
Heavy Bush 3: LKEB-WPL3
Classic JV (original): LEBY-8439 ***Pointless until we have the alternate Face card***
Going to be looking for Heavy Bush 1 and 2 because according to the 'guide' they should be in missions 3 and 9
Edit: Found and added them.
Also, thanks to AddictedBud for the cards he found, and Suskaven for the Fox code.