Good questions! Answers below, thanks for asking!
I'm not a vengeful person, I just want justice.
It doesn't fit my sense of justice to sexually abuse Kate and Emma. (disgusting)
What the game gives me on the way to revenge is things like hate sex.
In short, I want them to experience what we experienced throughout the year.
My main enemy is Emma, she's the one who got me into all this shit.
One thing I noticed when we raped Emma is that her stats are progressing positively, is this a mistake? (friend)
I want her to hate me as much as possible.
Now that I'm done with Sarah, I just want to see her humiliated more and more by other people throughout the year.
Things change if she's responsible for the re-leaking of the pictures, as you implied.
Amber is the perfect partner for Mc, but you screwed her up.
You've suddenly turned her into a crazy domiratrix lesbian.
And then you let your heart suddenly soften again.
Do you think such a sudden rise and fall makes sense?
Whatever Ashley finds out among the bitches, she's just another character you ruined for betraying your trust and going behind our backs.
No need to talk about Ashley, she's an idiot.
Annie pretends to be a hurt girl, but she's not afraid to ruin innocent girls' lives for her friends and proudly tell you this.
You're implying that you didn't know your friends were responsible for the leaked photos in high school.
Has this stupid girl forgotten who took the pictures?
A word from Kate made me think a lot.
She said we used to be a fun toy for her.
She admitted that she was partially responsible for what happened to us in high school.
Seeking justice does not mean being the bad guy, please keep that in mind.
Annie and Sarah must first admit how bad what they did was and feel guilty.
On our side they must fight against Emma, Kate and Charlotte.
It's the only way out for them I can find.
I agree with everything other people have said about Mc's character.
There's a potential killer in front of you and you suddenly start talking like you have 50 tons of balls.