The choices just feel odd. And things happen that I don't know why. I started over for 3.5 and did the Ashley route. You just miss so much information on the BS its absurd in a single run. And then we have a section with cosplay and larping?? We still have no idea what Kate's overall plan is, and the longer it takes to reveal the more chance for disappointment exists.
Other stuff, during my run through this time, Annie and the MC went from repairing the friendship to him wanting her screwed over, for no good reason. Just happened. Why? Because.
And again, the dev keeps the BS as the most supportive and good to each other group of friends and every time something bad happens we focus on all of them propping each other up and the like. It happens all time time and continues my theory of the dev trying to make them the hidden "good" guys. Once again, everything the MC has done is worse than the BS, or caused more pain for others THAN the BS. It's tiring. One of them was accused of cheating... I figure someone will be murdered in response at this point.
Back to the choices, there isn't a good feeling of cause and effect. If you don't go for the Charlotte route you miss everything with Amber. If you do go with her you miss everything with Annie and Emma. It feels less like you are choosing between things and things just happen at some point based on a random choice you made before. Cause and effect aren't that clear.
And none of the routes feel like they work on their own, with the Ashley route being the worst in that regard. If you have important information tied to sex scenes then that key info should be available later.
And Annie's backstory still makes no sense. The MC and her parents had already broken up when she started dating the guy who caused her to join the BS, the MC never mentioned it at all in the opening scene, SHE never mentions it in the opening scene, and it is made to seem that the breakup happened after the MC was shamed in front of the school. They were still close when the initial event went down... but the hot tub talk paints a very different story, but it contradicts the opening of the game.
I know this shit is just getting started but man i wish we were meaner to annie. I get people try to forgive family but come on you guys went to the same school how the fuck could you not see what was happening to your brother. bro was getting beat for a year by your entourage and she didnt even try talking to him at school she just straight up ignored for the whole year.
Its insane to me how she told us about her abusive ex, how hard the divorce was on her and how kate was the only one there for her like she didn't abandoned us for her friends. it would have been so funny if the ex was friends with mc just so we can feed her the same bullshit she feeds us. Strangers being assholes is whatever but when your own family just downplays what you went through and praise them as saints i really dont see a way to comeback from that especially when it happened a year ago.
Out of all of them this is what makes annie the worst one to me. Her just wanting mc to play brother while ignoring the massive chip on his shoulder. straight up just invalidating his feelings everytime he talks about than says she wants to be friends again fuck that. I really enjoy this game looking forward to the next update
What is the most frustrating part of the game is that very rarely when talking to anyone in the BS does he mention being bullied and beaten IN THE HALLWAY while two of them laughed. That was the traumatic shit, it wasn't the picture. He was getting the shit kicked out of him for months by Kate's friends. It's like the dev has forgotten what exactly went down in the opening. Amber doesn't forget what happened to her, nor does Tommy, but the MC can't make an argument to save his life. It was never about the pics, it was about the bullying that happened after for the entire year.
I forget, does he ever mention it to them, even once? Every conversation is about the pics, but that's just not a human response.