But he didn't foil their attempts to join the Sorority. Rachel was never going to let the 5 of them in. She knew Kate and crew were too powerful so she was always planning to break them up. That wasn't the MCs doing. What was the MCs doing was painting a bigger target on their back and causing the entire Sorority's images leaked and the sorority itself disbanded. Then Rachel got expelled and her life ruined. The biggest success he has had was in hurting the woobie of the group, and Charlotte if he went down that route. Only one of which offered any real catharsis.It comes down to your definition of win. People are making the MC out to be a weak willed person not willing to do anything.
So it's basically planned action: succeed ? yes or no?
The consequence is unforeseen and is not part of the victory and is not due to anything the MC did or did not do.
For instance:
The MC foiled their plan to join the Sorority. Did he succeed? Of course he did. It was a win. (Short-lived for sure)
Het set out to foil their plan and he did.
The fact that this enabled Kate to achieve something much better for the BS, is not down the MC's execution or success.
It's down to Kate's brilliance ( sociopath if you will) abilities. Shes just better then the MC at this revenge game. She's had years of practice (Plus a superior teacher in her dad) on him.
It's a chess game, and at this stage she is ahead, it's not the end yet.
He is an amateur and she's a pro. It would be unrealistic for him to just straight out win against her.
People are focusing too much on Sarah, Charlotte, Annie and Emma since the have emotional attachments to them, but they are only cannon fodder/ peons for Kate.
The true rivalry is between Kate and the MC. That is where everything is at.
So far the MC is winning some battles, but still losing the war. That is to be expected at this stage is it not?
And if the girls are supposed to be canon fodder for Kate, we should see more of it than we currently do. We have the advantage the MC doesn't in that we can see what the BS do when they are by themselves, and Kate and crew are nothing but supportive of each other. It's the reason I don't think Kate is the main villain in the piece. Now, if say we had evidence that she did in fact leak the images of the MC in high school and set up his social ostracization in order to say, separate Annie from her only real support structure outside the group, then that would be something. If we saw her pushing the BS into doing things they very much didn't want to do, or making it about personal loyalty to HER, I might agree with you. But we have had the ability to see Kate away from the act she has to put on for the MC, and everything we see is at worst someone who is overly ambitious and someone who will go out of her way to get back at anyone who hurts the group. An overprotective den mother.