Monster girls in this game are very hard. Have to train alot to kill even werewolves without being very hurt. This aspect could be made better as fights tend to be not fair unless your OP
This is intended because humans are weaker in the setting by default. You can easily close the gap with some armour and accessories though!
This post however is mainly focused about the character creation so onto that.
A very nice post, it summaries things quite nicely! Only a few things I would mention.
But from my understanding the rank ups will be few and far between
Currently Rank 5 is planned as the max, and Ranks will be given based on main story completion.
Agility seems to mainly effect who goes first in combat and also increases the odds of you being able to disarm traps and some o the rogue like skills.
It is factored in some damage calculations, both in regard to dealing damage with some skills and avoiding damage from some skills as well.
Luck is a bit of a weird one since it doesn't really have an obvious effect on what it does. I do believe however that luck increases the amount of items you can forage and chests that spawn on a map when you enter it. It might also have some bonuses to most skills and probably increases the chance of critcal hits in combat. (I might be wrong on this one)
Luck does not affect the number of chests but it does affect how many items you get when gathering, farming and mining. It does not have an effect on crit rate but the difference in your Luck stat and Enemy Luck stat does have a very slight influence on how easily status effects are inflicted in combat.
Alchemy can take some time to get since you need to progress Saffron's quest and I have honestly no idea where to get artistry or athletics since I probably didn't play long enough to find either and I was focusing around magic so I didn't care much anyway.
Artistry isn't fully implemented yet. You can learn Alchemy from Aria much sooner with no need to do Saffron's story line. Athletics can be obtained as a quest reward by bringing 10 Honey to a Goblin Guard on the second floor of the Goblin Tower, above the prison. Having Both Martial Arts and Black Magic does unlock some new skills for combat.
Virile, this one costs 3 MP and gives you a +20% to impregnate someone. I believe the standard chance to impregnate someone is about 10% so with this bonus it increases to 30%.
So my guess is that in an update soon to come you'll be able to just keep on creating these potions till you reach 100% impregnation rate. Impregnation plays a major part in this game since impregnating someone gives quite a bit of bonus reputation when working in the brothel. It also turns virgins/non-virgins into milfs and eventually into breeders. Still it's quite expensive in the character creation and frankly it's not all that especially if it will become obsolete in an update or so.
These potions have been in the database since the first release 2 years ago. I have not decided on how to approach them yet, however, it's unlikely that you will be able to boost yourself to 100% with them, at the moment I plan to cap the Potion bonus at +20%. There is no eta on when they will be implemented since I want to use Alraune Nectar as a material for them as well as Holstaurus Milk, and neither species exists in the game yet.
Furthermore, since I plan for it to be possible to finish the game with a "Virgin Run", it wont be required to impregnate or even fuck anyone to progress with the Ranking and the Story Line!
A beautiful voice has for now not much effect outside of being another way to increase satisfaction among the brothel customers and earning more money. Interaction with the Demon Queen does imply that it might have special effects eventually but for now it's a way to increase brothel income for 3 MP. (To get it interact with the flashing circle)
It gives a pretty significant bonus to all social interactions as well.
Lightning reflexes gives you a +1 to AGI and an increased chance to avoid traps. I honestly have no idea how this works since I never got it but my guess is that either traps become much less common or you have a chance to avoid their dmg if they trigger, it costs a whopping 5 MP. (To get it interact with the butterfly moving around the area)
It helps to avoid the damage, the number of traps spawned wont be affected by it.
The handsome/gorgeous traits both work in a way that they increase the amount of money earned at the brothel. While not really implemented in the game yet far as I have noticed it is implied that they will greatly increase affection gain with heroines and that during certain scenes you can just directly ask for sex and the monster girls will agree because your so handsome/gorgeous.
Handsome/Gorgeous is one of the most referenced traits on the script side of things. It does affect affection already, when you give gifts to someone. It also affects social interaction rolls as well as increasing your chance of getting a Game Over in some scene or the chances of you getting violated while working in Aria's store.
It greatly increases your Seduction attempts, however doesn't guarantee success.
Snuffles is the major price here and I would strongly recommend picking him
Snuffles is a girl... a cursed Bunny Girl in fact!
That's all unless you got the climb skill then once you go out of the teleportation directly climb up the vines to talk to the guy standing there or he will be gone once you leave the screen.
Victor can also be enslaved for the Goblin Village and does have a unique weapon drop when defeated, though the drop chance is pretty low.