Another thing I'd like to point out to the critics. I'm all for criticism, I am, I've changed alot around in my story, even as far back as the first v.1, from peoples advice and feedback, but what puts my panties in a twist is this... I've looked at some of my critics topics, and most if not all of them are in incest games, and like I said, I'm all for some incest porn, sure. But why complain about my main character as angst or a basement dweller, but your incest porn, about a 20something coming home, and his mother, sisters, aunt, store clerk, his fucking gardener, all want his cock. I mean, at least my MC's condition is a REAL condition. MANY MANY people with mental breakdowns live many years with it hidden, the fight in their heads real. Not "sectioned" already because how he is within 10 mins of playing.
My disclaimer even says, "THIS GAME IS NOT FOR EVERYONE" right in the credits. If domination, rape, and violences isn't your thing, why did you even download the game?
I looked on here, there is not a porn game like mine on here. Not even close to mine. I wanted to have a game with a mystery at heart, who he is, what he was, and the CHOICE of being as evil as you want. Get that now? THE CHOICE. You don't have to do anything evil so to speak, and you can still have sex, the point of an adult VN. Anyways, rant over. Sorry guys. Just wanted to get that off my chest. You want incest teen with a 15 inch cock? There are 1000 games on here for ya. You want a game where you can kill those stupid 15 inch cock incest kids, this is your game. lol. Anyways, thanks guys. Sorry, just wanted to say my side for the "Angty Basement Dwellers" out there. Thanks!