
Jul 13, 2018
New DLC is coming out Tuesday which will see the return of some content such as the movie theater interior and the angel NPC
Jan 6, 2020
Bonetown was one of my first porn games, still don't know how I had the patience to play through the awful broken gameplay to the end. Nice to see it's not completely forgotten, really hoping most of the unfairness is fixed and the dream gallery thing is a lot better!


Active Member
May 23, 2017
Bonetown August 5 update with Episode One

Episode One: MiniDog and WeeWee
This mission can be started in two places. The first is in the Havajo Indian Reservation, right outside the Casino. The second place you can start this mission is in Downtown, right outside the movie theater, and right across the street from the La Migra Headquarters.

Amish Crackhead and the new Crackpipe
This can be found in Downtown, right down the street from the movie theater where Episode One can be started. If you go from the movie theater towards Golden Rod Gym (where all the rockers are), you will pass the Catholic Church. Halfway between the Catholic Church and Golden Rod Gym, the Amish Crackhead and his woman can be found hanging out on the sidewalk. They are on the opposite side of the street from the Church and Gym.

Angelica the Angel
This is started in Downtown by jumping on top of the Catholic Church behind the movie theater. Jump onto the crest of the two-sided pitched roof. Then walk to the very edge of this roof, so you're looking out over the water. There should appear a text box telling you to jump to the cloud to start the mission. From there, you jump to the closest cloud you can see, hovering over the street in front of you

We know people are going to like this one. We've heard a lot about accidentally loosing your outfit when you're just trying to pick up a weapon. Well, no longer. Now, when you steal someone's outfit, your old outfit goes onto the knocked out person, so you can steal it right back if you didn't mean to make the switch.

Someone on the forums suggested being able to change the music, and we thought it was a good idea. So, now on the minimap and in the world, you can find a musical note. When you go to the musical note, you can change the music playing in the world around you.

The final change in this update involves the AI continually running straight into walls, furniture, or anything else in the world. This will happen less. We have added some extra intelligence to the AI so they know feel the way we do, that running into a wall forever like an idiot really ruins the immersive experience.



New Member
Mar 27, 2020
Ipl;ay this game and when we talk the chick the option like bonecraft do you think this game can be get "POV Sex Scene MOd"?


Dec 17, 2019
Bonetown was one of my first porn games, still don't know how I had the patience to play through the awful broken gameplay to the end. Nice to see it's not completely forgotten, really hoping most of the unfairness is fixed and the dream gallery thing is a lot better!
The unfairness is basically gone now, just play it on easy, and take shrooms all the time, they make you invincible to all normal hits, so you won't flinch at all as if the hits are going through you. You can still be hit by special attacks though, you wont take damage of course. Before you would get hit and not take damage, but you could still be stun locked.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
You can become Mini Dog(you don't become midget) after doing mission. (Or maybe you can find him prior, I don't know, I found him right after mission and beat him up and took his form)

In theatre where the screen is there is second floor only accessible to high weed jump. If you have high weed you can find him sitting there to another girl.

I still don't know if Lola(or old covergirl from old game) is in this. The blonde chick that was always on the old loading screens. I haven't seen her or her skin, so unsure.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
So I've got this issue, can anyone help me?
Whenever I run try to run the game, the game itself trys to adjust the resulotion and fails and then kicks me out as its running on background. I couldn't find any solutions online pls help!!

I'm using windows 10 and on 64bit btw


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
Bonetown August 5 update with Episode One

Episode One: MiniDog and WeeWee
This mission can be started in two places. The first is in the Havajo Indian Reservation, right outside the Casino. The second place you can start this mission is in Downtown, right outside the movie theater, and right across the street from the La Migra Headquarters.

Amish Crackhead and the new Crackpipe
Esto se puede encontrar en el centro, justo al final de la calle del cine donde se puede iniciar el Episodio Uno. Si vas desde el cine hacia Golden Rod Gym (donde están todos los rockeros), pasarás por la Iglesia Católica. A medio camino entre la Iglesia Católica y el Golden Rod Gym, se puede encontrar al Amish Crackhead y su mujer pasando el rato en la acera. Están en el lado opuesto de la calle de la Iglesia y el Gimnasio.

Angélica el ángel
Esto se inicia en el centro de la ciudad saltando sobre la Iglesia Católica detrás del cine. Salta a la cresta del techo inclinado de dos lados. Luego camine hasta el borde mismo de este techo, de modo que esté mirando hacia el agua. Debería aparecer un cuadro de texto que indica que salte a la nube para comenzar la misión. Desde allí, saltas a la nube más cercana que puedes ver, flotando sobre la calle frente a ti.

Sabemos que a la gente le va a gustar este. Hemos escuchado mucho sobre perder accidentalmente tu atuendo cuando solo estás tratando de levantar un arma. Bueno, no. Ahora, cuando robas el atuendo de alguien, tu antiguo atuendo pasa a la persona noqueada, por lo que puedes robarlo de vuelta si no tuviste la intención de hacer el cambio.

Alguien en los foros sugirió poder cambiar la música y pensamos que era una buena idea. Entonces, ahora en el minimapa y en el mundo, puedes encontrar una nota musical. Cuando vas a la nota musical, puedes cambiar la música que se reproduce en el mundo que te rodea.

El cambio final en esta actualización implica que la IA choca continuamente contra las paredes, los muebles o cualquier otra cosa en el mundo. Esto sucederá menos. Hemos agregado algo de inteligencia adicional a la IA para que sepan que se sienten como nosotros, que chocar contra una pared para siempre como un idiota realmente arruina la experiencia de inmersión.

[/ CITA]
I have friend, I have to install all the updates that are until now or only the latest ones, so that it goes well and this in the latest version


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
I have friend, I have to install all the updates that are until now or only the latest ones, so that it goes well and this in the latest version


Aug 3, 2021
is there any way to go back to using the original character after stealing an identity?


Jan 22, 2018
can't jump high enough in the final mission, have the golden bongs (have all of them) but still no luck. what am i doing wrong


Sep 15, 2017
Does anyone have the new update of the game? There's some new features which is the VIP room that gives you access to all locations with ease and there's a button the repopulates the area with new NPCs.
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