
Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
Do you have activated video-pack1 in the options then?
oh no ! i havenot

i think i misread 'and activate the matching videos options in the game.' and assumed something like "do that and (hence/that is how) you activate..." = "that it will be auto-activated (after placing files in directory)" = me activating something was the consequence of prev action
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Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
qol & clicks reduction & misc optimization
>training female prisoners - to have some bulk training option (N times, instead of 1 by 1)
maybe even multi-bulk option (all 4 kinds of trainings x N times)
>option/button (on the top of the screen) to skip repeatable sequences.
currently u do scrolls + several clicks on each subsequent multimedia clip. (for example 4-5 clicks plus scrolling when u celebrate, train, explore:capturing sequence, more than that for end of the week sequences)
so the numbers of such undertakings pile up if u count all gaming time.
additional reason behind that: as of rn i have either blank/placeholder squares or scenes i ve seen.
>option to have end of the week statistics shown on one page solely as text.
>i am always loosing that screen with buildings overview (pictures, upgrades, citizens types, etc) and cannot find it. [looks like u can go character n return, can there be a shortcut/icon for that on the top menu?]
>couldnt save during one choice i had ( with arjun i was asked what to do with his daughter. ok lets assume that it was not an important choice so who cares ; though i did gain +1 to blue star ... in case there would be more npcs/quests/choices like that - id suggest to show rewards in advance (so players could pick wisely) unless you intend to have a 'surprise' factor)
>left side menu. id reorganize it abit & put buttons to the upper left area. then (below) weeks count and those 4 circles. then tips area; gamename logo and [name's valley] take some place so to remove to bottom left area... or shrink to free up some space (to avoid scrolling as well)
>to show xp (of a company) needed for the next lvl
>perhaps autosaving option (to set for 5 or 10 weeks, manually set)

maybe to issue some tips for vids makers, as the game doesnot need much consistency, so players could contribute and make porn-packs. (surprisingly lots of oriental content which im not a fan of.)

i how to change what im doing in orange menu. i stuck on leadership training (right-bottom square). cannot switch to anything
... 70 weeks cool down?
ii does my merc team gain any exp from exploring?
iii can i found any new buildings when 100% is explored
iv are there any tips for those 4 actions like hire goons etc (i dunno what to pick, so i take em all)
v if u take male prisoners - no option to just sell em (not for porn content , but for gold)?
vi government styles - maybe to change indication to [what u have/miss(total)] - not sure about this one caz maybe 'requirment' dissapears from a menu if u met it as im on anarchy mode and dont have 'requirement' and all other squares do.(so i assume i dont met any req)
vii my skillpoints : minus47 ...no idea what/how, dont think i tweaked it.
how to build baracks? [k, " But barracks will only be available shortly before you meet resistance. Combat gives experience too of course. "]
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
qol & clicks reduction & misc optimization
>training female prisoners - to have some bulk training option (N times, instead of 1 by 1)
maybe even multi-bulk option (all 4 kinds of trainings x N times)
I think someone suggested something similiar before. I will put this on my to do list, but as low priotity.
Iam about to finish the rework of area 5. After that top priority is adding the combat mechanic.

>option/button (on the top of the screen) to skip repeatable sequences.
currently u do scrolls + several clicks on each subsequent multimedia clip. (for example 4-5 clicks plus scrolling when u celebrate, train, explore:capturing sequence, more than that for end of the week sequences)
so the numbers of such undertakings pile up if u count all gaming time.
additional reason behind that: as of rn i have either blank/placeholder squares or scenes i ve seen.
This would be a little harder to implement, since atm the game doesn't track those things. But i keep it in mind.

>option to have end of the week statistics shown on one page as text.
Due to the nature of the game, that's where most porn content is shown. But it's an interesting idea. I also put that on the to do list as low priority.

>i am always loosing that screen with buildings overview (upgrades, citizens types, etc) and cannot find it. what button is for that? [looks like u can go character n return, can there be a shortcut/icon for that.]
You mean the main screen?
If yes, it's the blue button right to the week counter. But basically you should always land on that page by clicking return, no matter where you are.

>cannot save during some choices (like with arjun im asked what to do with his daughter. ok lets assume that it is not an important choice ... i did gain +1 to blue star, but dunno, should it be a random choice with some reward on top or should rewards be shown before the decision so that you know what you would want to pick intentionally)
It is intentional that you cannot save. It's the same reason as that there is no 'back'-button as in most twine games. It messes around with the 'click to continue' mechanic and brings a lot of bugs into the game.
The decision is not very important (and can be seen as a little rpg element), especially since i didn't add more of those small rewards yet. But you're right, when i will add more of them, i will show the actual effect beforehand.

>left side menu. id put buttons to the left top corner. then weeks count and those 4 circles. then tips text. also gamename logo and [name's valley] take some place...so if shortened or remade - frees up some space so no need to scroll leftside menu at all
Actually, that's not possible. I didn't know that as i started to learn twine, but i cannot add something under the buttons. The text with the version number is a workaround and pretty much all you can do with twine. I had to rewrite the complete UI to change that. If i ever started a new game, i would write my own navigation now.
Sometimes the scrollbar appears even when there is no need to scroll, but that is another problem i will change later on, since it is combat related.
When you don't need the hints though, you can deactivate them in the options menu and the buttons will move upwards.

>to show xp (of a company) needed for the next lvl
I could add that, but it's always 100 xp

>perhaps autosaving option (to set for 5 or 10 weeks, manually set)
Yes, i thought about that too, but i didn't have time to check if and how that can be done. But i will definetly look into that more sooner than later.

maybe to issue some tips for vids makers, as the game doesnot need much consistency, so players could contribute and make porn-packs. (surprisingly lots of oriental content which im not a fan of.)
Had to search for it in the forum, but someone even did make an excel table or something like that for the vids. I just posted a small tutorial which is not very good. But i really have trouble to write concrete instructions in english, since it's not my first language.
I will add patreon soon and when i get some money hopefully, first thing i wanted is hire a writer. That would be a good first task for someone with proper english skills.
I would love to have caucasian porn content, but i cannot officialy provide a vid pack and inofficaly iam just to busy with coding.

i how to change what im doing in orange menu. i stuck on leadership training (right-bottom square). cannot switch to anything
... 70 weeks cool down?
70 weeks cd? Do you have a savegame for me? Sounds like a bug.

ii does my merc team gain any exp from exploring?
No. Only you main company (you could call them your bodyguards) gets xp for exploring. Other companies get xp in battle (which isn't implemented yet), by training them (needs barracks) or when they do escort missions (grey button).
I also planned to add an event for barracks (porn content) which will increase xp for a random(?) unit. Didn't put thought much about it though, since there is more important stuff to do atm.

iii can i found any new buildings when 100% is explored
No. At 100 % explore is just there to get resources/prisoners/goons and xp. At the moment there are only 10 buildings alltogether (including 'wild' and 'hq'). Hospital and port is planned and i have finished the graphics about a week ago. They will be introduced when i added combat.

iv are there any tips for those 4 actions like hire goons etc (i dunno what to pick, so i take em all)
Iam not quite sure what you mean. Is there a header above those 4 actions?

v if u take male prisoners - no option to just sell em (not for porn content , but for gold)?
There are no male prisoners. Do you mean goons? If yes, you can command them to commit suicide (seppuku).
I don't like that anymore and have some better ideas, but there was always something more important to do.

vi government styles - maybe to change indication to [what u have/miss(total)] - not sure about this one caz maybe 'requirment' dissapears from a menu if u met it as im on anarchy mode and dont have 'requirement' and all other squares do.(so i assume i dont met any req)
Anarchy has no requirement.

vii my skillpoints : minus47 ...no idea what/how, dont think i tweaked it.
how to build baracks? [k, " But barracks will only be available shortly before you meet resistance. Combat gives experience too of course. "]
That's strange. A savegame would be nice. I think i messed something up with the last update, but i didn't experience any of those bugs (the minus skill points and the 70 round cooldown for focus both sound like bugs).


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
70weeks ... i might have tweaked that somehow...maybe when tweaking stamina hehe (able to tweak it back)
but not sure about -xp. (cannot find)
so ill attach save in case u can trace what caused it

header? nothing to open or wave a mouse . some info might be elsewhere but i rarely read...
i cannot get any second team
and generally i dont think anything happened for last 12 or more weeks. 10 buildings? i have only 4.


Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
70weeks ... i might have tweaked that somehow...maybe when tweaking stamina hehe (able to tweak it back)
but not sure about -xp. (cannot find)
so ill attach save in case u can trace what caused it
View attachment 1499167
with tweak you mean you cheated/ changed the code?
That would explain it. When you raise just stats, the pc level still remains the same. Therefore you you have minus skillpoints, since your attributes are higher as they are supposed to be.
Because i already checked the code what could have caused it and i realised i didn't change anything at the last update. In fact, that code is pretty much the same since release.
Iam not sure about the cooldown. But stamina is in the formula for the cooldown too. Therefore it is very likely that this 'bug' also comes from your tweak.

In addition, attributes are (but for one exception) not meant to be higher than 5. When you increase it above 5, most likely you will experience many more bugs, up to the point that you cannot advance in the story.

header? nothing to open or wave a mouse . some info might be elsewhere but i rarely read...
View attachment 1499172
Did you replace the html with the one attached at the op? Because there should be more than 4 options now (it's a little messy, will be better with next update though).
But in general, what you chose depends on on what you need. Hire goons/take prisoners is for when you explore. The refugee options are for the end of the week events.
You have to balance your population with your food production, but usually you cannot match the food production for all subjects. But that depends on many factors, like government, focus, resources in store, officers, fertiliser research, weekly food consumption and so on. You just have to try and find a balance.

i cannot get any second team
You get a second team at area 5 for free. If you want to have one or more earlier on, you have to level your military rank. But soldiers are expensive in the beginning and hardly worth it. They become more affordable later on though. But that also depends on different factors.
I also planned to add something like military traditions. Basically some kind of long term military focus that grants you advantages depending on what tradition you chose (f.e. conscription, standing army).

and generally i dont think anything happened for last 12 or more weeks.
I tried to balance the areas as good as possible, which means when you have a ton of stamina, it's like driving a racing car from your bedroom to the bathroom.

10 buildings? i have only 4.
The player is slowly introduced to more buildings, since the game is more complex than it looks like at first glance. In each area are more buildings available


Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
Hi, here is the newest update:

- tutorial added
- under anarchy more loot
- population control more differentiated
- descriptions for buildings added
- character description added
- Research rejuvenation updated
- terminated some bugs (most importantly caravan achievement not working and a nasty bug with provisions-escort)
- added female staff pictures/presence
- area 5 completed
- autosave added
- changed company level view

Since most parts of the game are reworked now, i want to focus on adding combat next.
Once that is done, i most likely will end the beta status of the game.

In addition, since i worked very hard on the game and i struggle financially despite living an ascetic lifestile, i also want to add patreon asap. What prevented me up until now is to come up with meaningful tiers. If someone has a good idea, let me know. However, the full version will always be available here and there won't be any cheats or something like that for patreons.
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New Member
Feb 12, 2018
i like the idea of the game but this slaves escape shit makes it literally unplayable, i did a run where i tried to get as many slaves + concubines as posibble so they wouldn't scape + the +1 humility a week class and i still could never get more than 1 slave and 3 concubines , i had 90+ humility but even then that 1 slave scaped then next turn the 1 concubine scaped and thats when i stopped playing. (before you ask yeah i turned off suicides but that wasn't enough)
tl;dr slaves escaping makes the game literally unplayable


Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
i like the idea of the game but this slaves escape shit makes it literally unplayable, i did a run where i tried to get as many slaves + concubines as posibble so they wouldn't scape + the +1 humility a week class and i still could never get more than 1 slave and 3 concubines , i had 90+ humility but even then that 1 slave scaped then next turn the 1 concubine scaped and thats when i stopped playing. (before you ask yeah i turned off suicides but that wasn't enough)
tl;dr slaves escaping makes the game literally unplayable
I suppose you mean prisoners and not slaves, since there is a difference in the game.
Turning off suicides doesn't help with anything, it's just for those who dislike sucides, otherwise girls get crazy.
From your comment, i think you are in area 1 (the first level), because concubines don't flee when you follow the questline. Quite the opposite, concibines guarantee a minimum of devoted females who never will leave you, no matter how low humility is.
Area 1 is basically there for you to learn how loyalty, humility, fanatics and devotees work. Follow the questline and finish area 1, then you should have it easier. In area 2 you can do more stuff. You get more powerful each area, because your pc gains xp, your company levels up, you get rewards like followers and resources from the start, you can install different governments and more.

When you understand humility, devotees and so on, and depending on your decisions in the game, prisoners will hardly escape later on. Some will die, get crazy and occasionally flee, but it isn't a big deal then anymore.

My advice is, follow Arjuns questline and try to do what the mission objective suggest. Get xp for your pc and your company. The game has more depth as it seems at first glance, that makes it harder to learn, but rewards you with more possibilities in how to play the game.

It is possible to focus on concubines, the advantage is, you are not dependend on a high humility. But you have to learn from Arjun how that is done, before it can be done.You even can increase the effect with hiring Eztli and increase charm.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I got through an entire playthrough with no game breaking bugs.
I will go through again to capture the minor typos.
I just barely missed the "peaceful" resolution to the bandits.

I did notice that the "staff" books in your HQ show the non-leader types as "absent" despite my having collected most of them. I assume they are a WIP.
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
I did notice that the "staff" books in your HQ show the non-leader types as "absent" despite my having collected most of them. I assume they are a WIP.
Only that many of each type (whore, slave, and so on) are "present" as you take with you to a new area (When you bring 3 whores, 3 whores are present). Those you unlocked (f.e. through achievements) but didn't bring are absent. Staff you didn't unlock isn't visible at all.
However, at "Sanctuary" it doesn't work properly for now, since i have to add more code that it will fit with the events.
(F.e., when Min joins you, she should be unlocked and absent as long as Sanctuary is still free. Once you "conquered" Sanctuary, she should be present, since she then is at your HQ. When you advance to the next area however and you don't bring any concubines, then she is absent again.)
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
any ideal why my female subject commit suicide? If i turn suicide off, they'll just get fanatics and its gone.
the option is just "cosmetics". there are several decisions that influence suicides, but you will never prevent breakdowns completely.
The more girls suffer, the higher suicide rate.
Highest influence has government form, followed by reeducation and training type. torture causes most suffering, pleasure the least.
another factor is your trait. liberal reduces suffering somewhat, and when you chose Soranus as officer too.
3.50 star(s) 6 Votes