
Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I am having trouble getting the secondary objective of 15 farm whores. Even with re-education constantly (well, except when I forget to renew it) going, I lose my slaves.

Maybe third try is the charm. Once more unto the breech, dear friends.

EDIT: Third time is the charm, but I did have to change tactics a bit. The RNG was friendlier too, although it STILL came down to the last week. Could I get that last whore I needed ?
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I build a road, but it doesn't seem to have completed, it keeps saying I have 0 more weeks.


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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
I really want a check-box to make "Re-education" auto-renew. I keep forgetting to.
Good idea. Will be added.

I build a road, but it doesn't seem to have completed, it keeps saying I have 0 more weeks.
Thank you, fixed. The solution was in the screenshot you made. I did leave that info in the game, because i had more trouble with provisions. But i hope that was the last of it.

PS: i need 10 min to test the autorenew, then i post the patch


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Problem with auto-renew, at least reporting on how long re-education will last ([number NaN]).

EDIT: And the game halted right after breakfast on week 13. Attempting to use the back arrow until I could reload a save got me into the food loop. My most recent save was week 10.

EDIT2: I note than when I reload the save to attempt to reproduce the error, the remaining weeks for re-education show as null, not NaN.

EDIT3: Happened again, but this time right after breakfast on week 12. Will see if it's consistent.

EDIT4: Week 13 this time.
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
Problem with auto-renew, at least reporting on how long re-education will last ([number NaN]).
View attachment 1403002
EDIT: And the game halted right after breakfast on week 13. Attempting to use the back arrow until I could reload a save got me into the food loop.
Thanks for the save, was really helpful and i found the bug right away.

Now i also know thr food loop. It's not a bug, at least none that can be fixed. I deactivated all links in those areas because of the "click to continue" machanics. Doing something else while in such a string, for example load a game, will lead to errors.
That's why it is important that there is no bug that prevents from continue.
But i thought about adding some kind of "emergency" button, maybe the game logo. Have to think about that.

Put those images in image folder, otherwise this version has missing images.


Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
Was exploring in the Green Valley area:
Will load up my most recent save and see if I can make it happen again.
Strange, i just checked all those values 2 days ago, but maybe i added or changed something. I have 1 or 2 ideas where to look.

Odd location display issue; doesn't affect play, might be a result of my monitor and display settings
Yes, the problem is, one item is one pixel out of line and that happens.
But that's just bad coding. Since i startet about 5 months ago i learned a lot. I can fix that, because i used float instead of flex since i didn't know flex existed back then. Will take a while, because iam working on company xp, since that is part what is needed to remodel the missions.

You are really helping me a lot to make this a better game. Thank you.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
The number of my female subjects becoming NaN during exploring happened again to me in Blackwood Mountains. Reloading my save and attempting to reproduce.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
This one I almost didn't catch. Load up this save from week 33. Hit the "End Week" a the top right.
Things process and when they're done, it's week 35. WTF ?

Edit: Also happened when I loaded a week 31 save, the advance from week 33 ends up on week 35.

Edit2: The jump seems to be between the report for Loyalty and Humility and the "New Day".
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
I searched for an hour and can't find th
This one I almost didn't catch. Load up this save from week 33. Hit the "End Week" a the top right.
That is really a strange bug. I searched 2 hours, found nothing. I finished the area to see what happens and it was fixed. But i couldn't find what was wrong nevertheless. I'll continue tomorrow.
I have one question though, do you use the back button to change outcome of events occasionly? Because that can lead to stuff like that.
When the game is stable i probably will remove that option, but add an "escape"-button.
Not as effective for "cheating" as the back button is using refresh and it is safer.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I only use "back" if I can't continue.

Were you unable to duplicate the issue ? Because it's happening reliably for me.


Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
In fact, it happens as good as each turn, but not each. Once it skipped 3 turns and returned a NaN for materials, which is strange since the mechanics are relative simple and never made any trouble. But since it worked again in the next area, i have a clue where the issue may is to be found.
I could also imagine it has something to do with the NaN you had for the prisoners while exploring, but i checked thaose mechanics three or four times now. Maybe it is something related i can't think of.


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
Okay, so after playing the current version of this game far longer than I'd like to admit, I have some thoughts.

First off, I've noticed the following bugs:
1) It is possible to impregnate a single girl more than once. For example, if you impregnate a girl when you capture her, and then again during training.
2) It is possible for a submissive girl to capture a runaway even when you only had one girl to start with. So is she cloning herself, and then ratting herself out as she tries to run away?
3) If you have "take prisoners" set to no, but "hire goons" set to yes, you can end up still getting more prisoners if visiting goons bring their own at the beginning of the week. If "hire goons" is set to no, but "take prisoners" is set to yes, the same event will result in them all going away.

Now for my game design recommendations and comments:

Instead of having "take prisoners" and "hire goons" be options you pick before exploring, I would rather be given the option to add citizens to my colony or not at the time they become available. That would make more sense, and help the player to avoid over- and underpopulation.

As others have pointed out, the loyalty system is pretty broken right now. I can't really figure out what factors go into the numbers, apart from training improving female loyalty and adding citizens reducing the loyalty of their respective sex. I certainly can't manage to hold onto citizens - especially prisoners - for very long. Between the girls running away and killing themselves, it seems impossible to build up a stable female population.

The second stage's objective is beyond me, barring some extremely good luck. Getting the farm to level 5 was not too hard, but getting enough money and goons to stick around so that I could have 25 is a task that, given the current loyalty system, is probably impossible. I tried earning money through the brothel, but it takes more time to train a whore than it does for a trained whore to die or run away. I might have been able to complete the task - maybe - if I'd been given more time to build up. Getting to the point where you can populate a level 5 farm requires a lot of infrastructure. You need a level 2 prison and enough money for 5 wardens to reliably train whores (something I've never accomplished thanks to my wardens leaving and money being hard to find). You need whores or slaves to get a reliable income so you can hire farmers, and you probably need even more whores so you can keep those farmers happy. It's too much to do if you're starting from zero with so much randomness in the system. There are a lot of ways to fix this difficulty spike, but the simplest would be to 1) change the goal to something easier, or 2) let the player keep their progress from the previous stage. If you don't want to do either of those, then some way to accumulate more progress from one playthrough to the next is going to be necessary. If there were more relatively easy achievements that would lock in your level, for example, that would be a huge help.

The training system you have is interesting, and not inherently bad, but the randomness of it does mean that you're much more likely to turn prisoners into useless specialists until you get a prison and a lot of wardens. I still don't know what, if anything, concubines do, but I know that scientists are completely useless at the stage of the game I'm at, and in my last playthrough, I got a LOT of scientists. The low odds of getting anything of value out of a training session also makes the specialist females you get extremely valuable... despite them not being any less likely to run away or kill themselves. I think the system you have could work if you play with the numbers a bit to get a better balance - something where you can make meaningful progress.

This is just a me thing, but I really hate the suicide aspect. Realistic as it might be, I just find it a turn-off. The same goes for the deaths you get before you find the prison, but at least you can prevent those if you know what you're doing, and they're somehow less disturbing to me. As far as I can tell, the suicides are entirely random. I'd personally like the option to have the suicides replaced with girls running away. The effect on the gameplay is the same, and in a porn game, I always find it a plus when I can turn off my turn-offs.

Overall, I think you might want to consider your system from the perspective of the order in which things become available. Concubines are the easiest kind of trained girls to get currently, but as far as I can tell they're completely useless. Whores are the hardest to get, but they're the kind you need most early in the game. In order to get farm workers, you need money, but in order to get a steady income, you need whores, and in order to get whores, you need wardens, which also cost money. So you have to have money to make money. It's true to life, but not necessarily great for game design. If there were some way to convert one resource into another, or to stack the odds in favor of your exploration turning up whatever you most need right now, that would go a long way toward easing this tension. Alternatively, you could look at juggling the order of things to make the march of progress in the game a little smoother.

Finally, if you want people to make progress in the game without savescumming, you'll need to make it possible to restart a failed stage instead of going all the way back to stage one. That's what finally broke my fixation on the game and made me want to go do something else - the fact that I'd have to play through the entirety of stage one again without getting to keep any progress from my last playthrough at all just to retry stage two. Since almost nothing you do in stage one carries over into stage two, it's just a waste of time and effort. Fortunately, I do have a save from the beginning of stage two, so I could go back and try again, but the way the game is currently designed makes that feel like cheating.

I feel like this game has a lot of potential, and I'd like to see where it goes. There are other nitpicks I could make, but I think I've said enough for now.
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Game Developer
Feb 27, 2019
Okay, so after playing the current version of this game far longer than I'd like to admit, I have some thoughts.
First off, I've noticed the following bugs:
1) It is possible to impregnate a single girl more than once. For example, if you impregnate a girl when you capture her, and then again during training.
I realized that when i implemented it, but since the girls are not individuals that a marked somehow, it would be a huge effort to change it. But i liked the idea and wanted it in anyway. Maybe i change it when more important stuff is solved (and since i make the game alone, i have a huge list at hand)

2) It is possible for a submissive girl to capture a runaway even when you only had one girl to start with. So is she cloning herself, and then ratting herself out as she tries to run away?
Will be changed, i never realized that. There are a lot of interactions and i improve them one by one.

3) If you have "take prisoners" set to no, but "hire goons" set to yes, you can end up still getting more prisoners if visiting goons bring their own at the beginning of the week. If "hire goons" is set to no, but "take prisoners" is set to yes, the same event will result in them all going away.
Yes, i thought about that, but as players reommended to add the option to deny prisoners/goons, i wanted it simple. The strangers trade the girls for shelter and protection, which means, you don't take them, they leave with their girls. The other way around it makes no sense, but 1 or 2 girls is not a big deal.
I will eventually do change it that it makes more sense, but atm i think it's ok.

Instead of having "take prisoners" and "hire goons" be options you pick before exploring, I would rather be given the option to add citizens to my colony or not at the time they become available. That would make more sense, and help the player to avoid over- and underpopulation.
It was either that or a toggle. I deceided against making decisions during any encounters, since it's the basic concept of the game. Like with end turn, that you only get events that you have to click through, but you cannot do anything. I wanted it "arcade like" if you understand what i mean with that. You adjust your "console" and the game flows by itself.
As for population control, i rather wanted it the way that you can get rid of goons more easily, but those ideas i had in mind aren't really in the game yet. The few more goons you get are only at the beginning meaningful, later in the game it doesn't matter if you have 103 or 107 goons. But as you mentioned before, the seperation between refugees is not very great.

As others have pointed out, the loyalty system is pretty broken right now. I can't really figure out what factors go into the numbers, apart from training improving female loyalty and adding citizens reducing the loyalty of their respective sex. I certainly can't manage to hold onto citizens - especially prisoners - for very long. Between the girls running away and killing themselves, it seems impossible to build up a stable female population.
Those comments that loyalty is broken was before i did a complete overhaul of loyalty and fear (which is now humility). I think it is pretty straight forward. training improves loyalty, hiring goons while exploring lowers loyalty. The other changes to loyalty are either due to government or focus (which is in the description) or when your goons get the chance to bang a girl (in the text, whenever there are loyalty changes, it is colored in the loyalty color, turquise).
The thing is, i cannot give the player every little detail of information, it would be like reading a book. I thought that the goons increase loyalty when they have sex is obvious and the player would figure it out on their own.
However, it was suggested to give better info in the loyalty screen at turn end and it is on my to do list for one of the next updates. I already improved a lot of the end turn events and have done so again, as next update will show. At some point the loyalty screen will be improved too.

The second stage's objective is beyond me, barring some extremely good luck. Getting the farm to level 5 was not too hard, but getting enough money and goons to stick around so that I could have 25 is a task that, given the current loyalty system, is probably impossible. I tried earning money through the brothel, but it takes more time to train a whore than it does for a trained whore to die or run away. I might have been able to complete the task - maybe - if I'd been given more time to build up. Getting to the point where you can populate a level 5 farm requires a lot of infrastructure. You need a level 2 prison and enough money for 5 wardens to reliably train whores (something I've never accomplished thanks to my wardens leaving and money being hard to find).
The stages have to be reworked. The first stage was just for leveling up which the players found boring. Therefore i added the governments, the foci and the provisions. Due to the overhaul, the stages and many achievements are obsolete and will be step by step.
But they shouldn't run away when you use "reeducation" which is always possible to chose when you have 5 soldiers. At least it will happen fewer times.
You can also let humility go down on purpose and re-capture escapees. It's my prefered method, but i wouldn't recommend it for beginners. Reeducation pretty much solves the issue with girls running away, same as the governments does for goons.

The training system you have is interesting, and not inherently bad, but the randomness of it does mean that you're much more likely to turn prisoners into useless specialists until you get a prison and a lot of wardens. I still don't know what, if anything, concubines do, but I know that scientists are completely useless at the stage of the game I'm at, and in my last playthrough, I got a LOT of scientists. The low odds of getting anything of value out of a training session also makes the specialist females you get extremely valuable... despite them not being any less likely to run away or kill themselves. I think the system you have could work if you play with the numbers a bit to get a better balance - something where you can make meaningful progress.
I promised to balance it but haven't gotten around to it. In fact, whores are easiest to train, it's the stage design of stage 1 that makes it that hard.
I wanted something else as the training of about 90 % of all porn games who do the same thing all over again. Train anal, increase anal, train oral, increase oral. The problem atm is, it's unbalanced and not easy to explain how the system works, since it is very different as everything i have seen in other games. But i think it has it's logic, i just have to find a way to make it more transparent.
Concubines don't do much since the overhaul, iam playing with ideas, but haven't got a good idea that makes sense and is useful to the player.

This is just a me thing, but I really hate the suicide aspect. Realistic as it might be, I just find it a turn-off. The same goes for the deaths you get before you find the prison, but at least you can prevent those if you know what you're doing, and they're somehow less disturbing to me. As far as I can tell, the suicides are entirely random. I'd personally like the option to have the suicides replaced with girls running away. The effect on the gameplay is the same, and in a porn game, I always find it a plus when I can turn off my turn-offs.
I added suicides because it's common for a mental breakdown, which is the game title. The title BreakDown stands for the breakdown of the "old world" but also the mental break down the player is the cause of.
But i get it that people found it disturbing. I remember when playing "Jack o nine" and brought a girl to the slaughterhouse, i hated it.
Good suggestion, i will add an option to change that content and it will be escapes instead. Maybe something like "went nuts and ran naked into the forest".

Overall, I think you might want to consider your system from the perspective of the order in which things become available. Concubines are the easiest kind of trained girls to get currently, but as far as I can tell they're completely useless. Whores are the hardest to get, but they're the kind you need most early in the game. In order to get farm workers, you need money, but in order to get a steady income, you need whores, and in order to get whores, you need wardens, which also cost money. So you have to have money to make money. It's true to life, but not necessarily great for game design. If there were some way to convert one resource into another, or to stack the odds in favor of your exploration turning up whatever you most need right now, that would go a long way toward easing this tension. Alternatively, you could look at juggling the order of things to make the march of progress in the game a little smoother.
It's the first stage, whores are easiest right now. Concubines can be easy when you have enough gold. But will be rebalanced, both stages and training.
With a village you can sell females for gold however. At some point i will add the building "port" to the game where you can trade. I implemented the supplies provisions to give the player more control, but that is more for later stages, since the supplies will come from your territories (former stages). It's not fully implemented yet, since the areas will specialize in a resource and the gain will be higher as it is now. But that has to do with the areas, since after area 3 the player can decide what he wants the area to specialize in. There will be other decisions too, and that's what iam actually working on the most, to make the areas more interesting and rewarding.

Finally, if you want people to make progress in the game without savescumming, you'll need to make it possible to restart a failed stage instead of going all the way back to stage one. That's what finally broke my fixation on the game and made me want to go do something else - the fact that I'd have to play through the entirety of stage one again without getting to keep any progress from my last playthrough at all just to retry stage two. Since almost nothing you do in stage one carries over into stage two, it's just a waste of time and effort. Fortunately, I do have a save from the beginning of stage two, so I could go back and try again, but the way the game is currently designed makes that feel like cheating.

I feel like this game has a lot of potential, and I'd like to see where it goes. There are other nitpicks I could make, but I think I've said enough for now.
Good idea, i will add an option to retry the area. Needs some work though and will take a while.
There will also be a sandbox mode, but first i want to concentrate on the main game and i want combat in first.


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
The thing is, i cannot give the player every little detail of information, it would be like reading a book. I thought that the goons increase loyalty when they have sex is obvious and the player would figure it out on their own.
However, it was suggested to give better info in the loyalty screen at turn end and it is on my to do list for one of the next updates. I already improved a lot of the end turn events and have done so again, as next update will show. At some point the loyalty screen will be improved too.
One thing I've seen in other games that you might consider is to add a little message in parentheses that says something like "Loyalty Up" or "Loyalty Down" after events that change loyalty values. I've seen this done in several ways in other games. Sometimes it's an explicit written message, sometimes it's an icon with some up or down arrows or plus or minus signs. Little things like that will let the player get a feel for how the mechanics work without you having to write everything out specifically.

I had no idea what the colored text meant. Maybe I'm just dumb, but it wasn't something I managed to figure out for myself.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
It was either that or a toggle. I deceided against making decisions during any encounters, since it's the basic concept of the game. Like with end turn, that you only get events that you have to click through, but you cannot do anything. I wanted it "arcade like" if you understand what i mean with that. You adjust your "console" and the game flows by itself.
You can change it before each separate "Explore" (or other) action. The only downside is if your explore action gets you 1 goon or 10, you've already locked into your choice. Choosing AFTER you see how many there are is more control, but it doesn't flow as well.

You can also change it after all your actions are done, but before you click the "week end".


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
I wanted something else as the training of about 90 % of all porn games who do the same thing all over again. Train anal, increase anal, train oral, increase oral. The problem atm is, it's unbalanced and not easy to explain how the system works, since it is very different as everything i have seen in other games. But i think it has it's logic, i just have to find a way to make it more transparent.
As a suggestion maybe you can create seperate "basic trainings"(slave,whore,pet) and "advanced trainings"(warden, scientist, concubines). Then have 3 trainings in each tier that have a chance of success, much smaller on advanced, and on success a strong chance of creating one of the types with a small chance of one of the others. You can use drugs/stats/workers to increase success/lower chance of unwanted slave types. This seems to follow your whole nothing should be guaranteed philosophy while simplifying the whole thing.

Concubines don't do much since the overhaul, iam playing with ideas, but haven't got a good idea that makes sense and is useful to the player.
Maybe you could play up more of the devotion to the player aspect of the concubines and make them more like managers on the tier of the warden and scientist? Maybe there could be one or two slots in production buildings that increase production a little more than whores or even replace whores in these buildings.
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