Once you installed a government, you don't have to fullfill the requirements anymore. Not sure if that tip is in the uploaded version or not.I reassign all the training officers (save 1, I need him for council government type) once the second squad is fully trained.
I'm reluctant to reassign the wardens, because
a) they were expensive to assign
b) the scientists I want to reassign them as are even MORE expensive.
c) I still need female wardens (only once have I gotten a full staff and I had to save-scum to do that).
a) maybe, but at some point you don't need them anymore, at some point you can sell females at the auction if gold is an issue
b) i would never reassign them, since research is the most precious "resource", rather reasign villagers
c) but why? you don't have to get everything you could get. try to fullfill mission targets and do your thing
Village is easy, because without materials you can't do anything. Lab is hard on purpose, since you don't lose research progress and research is powerful. Prison level is important in generel, but for gangbang you need only male wardens, no females needed.A less than fully staffed prison or lab don't seem to produce much.
The village doesn't seem to suffer from this effect, it seems pretty linear.
It is one thing (besides training) I can usually cut back on
I haven't much time to play, but as i tested the research focus, it seemed pretty powerful to me. I found the IQ bonus that good, that i thought about nerfing it.I've never gotten beyond level 1 tools / level 1 fertilizer
Port has influence on many things. Auctions, supplies (supply system comes with next update most likely), food and you can trade. Not sure yet what can be traded, but it will be some time until port gets added.Will the port let you trade money for food and/or building materials ?
Will the port let you trade building materials for money and/or food ?
Yeah, i have to balance that somewhat. But a fully stuffed prison isn't good in itself. Depending on what you want to train you have different requirements. Check the "training style+" button above the training options. For further info check the "?".I've never had more than one drug available. The success rate of trainings other than gangbang seem too low, even with a fully staffed prison. Perhaps your definition of "pretty decent" and my definition differ.
Humiliation is bugged anyway, i fixed that for next update.
But when you are more advanced, training concubines with pleasure can be relatively easy (focus love). When you have about 15, switch to focus fear. With some luck you get scientists.
I usually put my first few slaves into my HQ, since it has an influence on some training types.
Increase training chance of whores with gangbang by using focus corruption. When you want a slave once in a while, switch to focus fear.
Yes, each stage. Prison level has an impact and you need a few male wardens aswell.That's the "disciplinarian" achievement, correct ? I've got that, it gives ONE female warden. I'm not sure what 'each area' means. Do you mean in each stage ?. I'll keep better track of how long it takes her to produce something, but it seems to not be much until the prison is fully upgraded.
In generell, it can be a better strategy to just put a little of everything in each building to activate the event chances. Depending on what you need most, switch the whores around. Then focus on what you need to get the game running. For me, it's not always the same, since it depends on what exploring gave you most. You have lots of materials? Skip village. Lots of gold? Skip brothel. And so on. What you always need is prison and at some point food. But i never start with food, because it slows your overall process.
For now watchtower can be ignored, since there is no real use yet (and no events). But it will change when combat is added.
Watchtower however helps catching escapees. When your company on patrol duty is good at scouting (which it should be), then you have chances to "train" a catched prisoner. Outcome is either whore, slave, pet. Nothing i would build upon, but it's a nice side effect, especially with the new fear mechanics (fear will be humility with next update).