
Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Note that no one will read: Cum inflation happens when the giver is larger than the receiver, and is proportional to the size difference.
That OK, I guess, but I was playing Lilith's Throne earlier and I think they've got a better (more detailed) system. Namely, they use nut size rather than body size - and nut size can be changed via magic.

So I'm thinking that the simplest way to do that here would be to do two minor changes:

1) Change "fertility" stat for males to "virility." A minor quibble, but it's to avoid coding confusion for the next part.

2) Jizz output is based on that body size multiplied by the virility stat. So yes, a dragon starts with more than a foxen, but if that dragon only has a virility of 10 and the foxen has a virility of 50, well... you get the idea.

To be more clear: Tiny = 1, Small = 2, Normal = 3, Large = 4, Huge = 5, Gigantic = 6. Now multiply that by your virility stat. For the above, the dragon would have a jizz output volume of 50 (5x10) while the engorged foxen would have a total of 150 (3x50).

Inflation could use the same formula in reverse, with each size granting 25 or so points of internal volume (so a small harpy would get 50 points of space) before inflation begins. The amount of inflation would be based on how much that is exceeded, again in multiples. So for that small harpy 0-50 over would be one level of increase, 51-100 would be two levels, 101-150 would be three levels (all based on pregnancy sizes, I guess) and past 151 she becomes a cum-rocket (see Long Live the Princess) or something.


3) This ties into the eventual addition of body & stat alteration through magic, which is probably somewhere on DH's to-do list... under the heading "October 2026" but still... once added in, you could crank up your virility through spells, potions, or whatever he ends up using for this and turn you meek looking human breeder in an epic cum firehose that puts bovine males to shame.
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Some ideas:
  • Sheep?
  • Rabbit?
  • Goat?
  • Horse/Zebra? (<- not my thing but the MLP community would go nuts for this)
  • Gazelle?
  • Having the slender trait actually make a damn bit of difference on bovines?
  • Exotics for nekos or harpies?
  • I know it's just a game, but personally I went through all the prefab bee girls and removed the external abdomens from them. One, they look silly when trying to go doggy style and two, they're terribly anatomically incorrect. I don't see why they need two stomachs or two sets of lungs. Might want to make than a toggle option for future builds.
  • Mermaids? We've already got the one, shouldn't be hard to add more.
  • Splitting the sylvan home up so that we don't have four races under one roof? If foxen and vulwags are separate then I'm thinking this should be fixed. At least move the slimes over to the pond with the sharks.
  • Or you could just move the foxen and vulkwargs into the same house and free up a slot.
  • Move bats to titan cave and harpies to starfallen pyramid. Now you can get rid of the bird cage and put something new there.
  • Mouse?
  • Ability to sell/release directly from the breeding pen and saving us wasted time running around dozens of little houses and making trips into town every day?
  • More cash on the vendors. Two foxen milkings can clean out Mabel in one day.
  • Growth: Regardless of final size, have all creatures start off as tiny and grow one size per day until true size potential is reached.
  • Clothing for your pets. Start with collars and go from there.
  • Sex with breeder inside the house, in a bed... or on a table... or over the desk. Wherever. Haystacks make my balls itch, yo.
  • Genetic trait "Extra Fuzzy." You've already added giant tits and ass, why not make our fuzzy waifus even fuzzier?
  • Too fuzzy? Buy a trimmer and shave 'em down to the skin. Might look weird, but hey, we're all weirdos here. Let's not judge. Would go best with sheep girls - pick the body area you want to defuzz (except the head or tail, of course) and have at it.
  • Option to replace succubi anime-head wings with classic devil horns. Or better yet, spiral goat horns (see "goat" above).
  • Someday have some kind of economic system where you can put these critters to work. Like a farm or something.
  • Big predatory cats. They would be the nekos what vulkwargs are to foxen. Lions, tigers, panthers and of course their exotic variants.
  • Sexually frustrated critters might try to sneak out at night and do some fucking with each other on their own. Can be a problem or a real time saver, depending on how you look at it.
  • Pregnancy duration slider, rather than fixed 4 days for all. 1 to 280.
  • Optional pregnancy duration modifiers by species. Goblins should be fastest, elves the slowest.
  • Panda? Don't look at me like that, you're the ones obsessed with thicc girls.
  • Deer?
  • Hmm, sift through the fluids list for the right one, try my luck with surprise sex, or... ah fuck it, just give me a goddamn dart gun, already. Fast, easy, simple.
  • Option for only player initiated surprise sex.
  • Family tree screen for critters so I can keep track of who is related to who beyond just their parents. I hate it when I'm five generations in and they all go Hasberg Dynasty on me because I can't remember which ones are cousins.
  • For the love of god, no more fat elves. Make them immune to that trait or something.
  • Oral sex. Yeah, yeah, I know "breeders" but still... it would be nice to take a break from the usual once in a while.
  • Hair dye.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Cheap Bastard's Guide to Futa-Free Living
1) Buy 5ml of Vulkwarg semen and a Foxen house.
2) Use Vulkwarg semen to capture a Vulpuss (Foxen) and later Orcs (Sylvan). Alternative: Surprise sex her.
3) Milk the Vulpuss (Foxen) for Foxen milk.
4) Sell Foxen milk and buy Ayrshire/Cow barn. Milk Vulpuss again.
5) Go on Bouvar hunting rampage with Foxen milk, nabbing every male & female that you see.
6) Milk Ayrshire and then sell off surplus for profits. Repeat Foxen/Bouvar cycle as needed for easy cash to buy more homes.
7) Use Bouvar milk to catch Nekos for fun & profit.
8) Use Bouvar milk to catch Colossus (Titan) and Sionnach (Foxen) - alternative: Breed Sionnach by fucking Vulpuss.
9) Milk Colossus for Titan milk and Sionnach for Foxen semen.
10) Use Titan Milk to capture Drake (Dragon). Breed Drake with anything to get Wyvern (Dragon).
11) Use Foxen semen to capture Kestrels (Harpy) and Bees (Thriae).
12) Harvest Dragon semen from Drakes (Dragon).
13) Use Dragon semen to catch Cambions (Demon) and Sharks (Formurian).
14) Breed Cambions with anything to produce Incubus (Demon).
15) Harvest Cambions for Demon milk & use to capture Bats (Harpy).
15) Harvest Incubus (Demon) for Demon semen.
16) Use Demon semen to capture Malakhims (Seraphim), Elves (Sylvan) and Orcs (Sylvan).

The only three species that can't be acquired with visiting the stores in town are Starfalle, which require Starfallen milk (just to get started, it's an infinite loop after that), Goblins (which require Titan semen and don't respond to anything else) and Slimes (which only respond to Hybrid semen).

If you're willing to live without Goblins and Slimes, buy 15ml of Starfallen milk to capture a single Carrier (Starfallen) to get the ball rolling and surprise sex your first Foxen, you can go through the entire game without every buying or even touching semen (Thanks, Fern!). At worst you'll have to do surprise sex one time but you can turn it off forever after that.

View attachment BOTN Fluids.txt


Jul 1, 2018
  • Horse/Zebra? (<- not my thing but the MLP community would go nuts for this)
  • Gazelle?
Mermaids? We've already got the one, shouldn't be hard to add more.
Exotic body types (as in half animal, not exotic nephelym) like these are only gonna be Blessed, not Wild ones you can breed. The whole reason all the Wild ones are humanoid is so they can share animations while still being hugely customizable.


Apr 1, 2018
GoogleDrive - link is dead , server gives an error "File not found. Possible causes of the error: the specified URL is incorrect or the file does not exist".


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
For anyone wondering what I meant by shaving your critters... you can already sort of do that in creator mode.

Radiant-Win64-Shipping 2019-11-09 20-15-47-45.jpg
Radiant-Win64-Shipping 2019-11-09 20-35-21-74.jpg

And while we're in there, you can make a perfectly normal human just by taking a Succubus and deleting all their attachments like so:

Radiant-Win64-Shipping 2019-11-09 20-27-39-82.jpg
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Aug 14, 2018
Hi Guys ^^
I have a little problem ...
And that has been making my mind hell for a long time.
Every time I try to start the game, it says it can't find it.
And I've already researched a lot and downloaded all the necessary programs like DirectX, Microsoft Visual 2015 (both x64 and x86 versions).
But still giving this error T_T.
Could someone help me please?
I would appreciate it very much.
View attachment 456906
The translation for this is:
Unable to find isspace procedure entry point in dynamic link library.
View attachment 456907
Sorry if my english is bad ...

You need both files x86 and x64 (install x86 first).
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Jan 17, 2019
For anyone wondering what I meant by shaving your critters... you can already sort of do that in creator mode.

View attachment 455667
View attachment 455682

And while we're in there, you can make a perfectly normal human just by taking a Succubus and deleting all their attachments like so:

View attachment 455678
You can make a human looking character from any species, not just succubus. Each has their own specific set of attachments which can all be removed. Since hair and eyebrows are shared there isn't anything other than inherent size that separates the models. If you could switch on or off any attachment then any species could be made to look like any other species. Of course, a bunch of humans running around naked just isn't as alluring.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
A call out to our resident hex-editing wizards:

Cum-inflation mechanics. I like it, but I want more. How can I trick the game into thinking that my breeder is giant sized (for cum inflation scaling) without it turning him into an actual giant (and thus messing up animation options)?


Jan 17, 2019
One weird inconsistency... how long until we can impregnate/ be impregnated by the villagers?
There is more planned for blessed neph. Lots of people, myself included, have suggested that interaction with neph outside of the breeding yard and outside of catching wild ones would be fun. This means the blessed ones as well. Its hard to tell just what may eventually be added, but since breeding is the name of the game (literally) then it would seem likely that the blessed ones will eventually join in on the fun. They ALL want to bang the human so odds are they will all get multiple little furries running around half human/half neph eventually. The Emissary says she does not get aroused anymore due to training by the goddess or something, but that doesn't mean she can't be a baby maker. Especially if the goddess commands it. So maybe it's about finally meeting the goddess? Oh that would be fun. Maybe she is a kink too? HMMMM?????
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Feb 2, 2019
Wow the runs at 18 fps even in the lowest setting how badly optimized is this game?
and its not like i have a garbage laptop :(
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Jun 24, 2019
I have a question. Is it possible to replace all the files in the steam version with the 0.725 alpha version & then just run it as usual & play the alpha version that way?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
I have a question. Is it possible to replace all the files in the steam version with the 0.725 alpha version & then just run it as usual & play the alpha version that way?
Unless you are low on space you can have both. They share the same game save location, so any games you created on the steam version will be available for the 0.725 version you can download here.
Just use different save slots, one for steam and the others for the download version from here.
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