
Feb 18, 2018

Public Build: 0.736 Alpha
Please only support this project if you have the means. These are dark times and our freedom is disappearing by the day. Take care of yourself and make sure you have everything in order before donating to a porn project!
Now more than ever, it's difficult to find words to express the gratitude I have for your support over these years. Thank you.
  • Added endless daze mechanic with a blessed ghost (see below)
  • Added Lap Dance sex position
  • Added hybrids Akabeko and Lamassu
  • Added some new dialogue
  • Fixed glowing hair when near light (see below)
  • Fixed various issues
  • Updated translations
Endless Daze: Is a state you enter when you push your body too far. Jumping off of cliffs and standing in lava too long will trigger it. Getting surprise sexed without lust will also trigger it. You will be warped back to the last activated shrine and Reaper, the new blessed ghost, will take her toll.
Hair Fix: A few engine upgrades ago, they improved the hair shader to work with a new strand based system. Unfortunately, it doesn't work well with my mesh hair, so the master hair material had to change. This means the hair in your existing presets probably looks wrong and will need adjusted. Sorry for this, but it had to happen.
Special Thanks to Translators
  • RubyRZND (Spanish)
  • Stringfish (Japanese)
  • FuzileiroGamer (Portuguese)

  • Like
Reactions: Teddythepervert


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I havent played this in a while... can someone explain if they did away with the mechanic of unlocking sex postions by talking to the catgirl ? Honestly that was the worst change to the game so far... not to mention I have no idea what damn currency she takes or how to earn it... its not lust, its not fluids, and its not spirit, so WTF ?
Oct 28, 2017
I havent played this in a while... can someone explain if they did away with the mechanic of unlocking sex postions by talking to the catgirl ? Honestly that was the worst change to the game so far... not to mention I have no idea what damn currency she takes or how to earn it... its not lust, its not fluids, and its not spirit, so WTF ?
You have to sell creatures to get that currency (can't remember the name).

Yes, that mechanic of buying sex positions is terrible... I'm afraid the new "daze" mechanic is equally bad, if not worse (I haven't tried it yet).

¿Wanna see a 3d open world with multiple sex positions, brillantly animated? Check Wildlife.


Apr 19, 2020
Great game with greater premise.
I wanna see more mechanics with the actual farm. Like horse riding to get around faster, Walking the Lupine animals, etc. Stuff you'd use an animal for, but sexy. A schedule to set up for fern instead of clicking the same buttons over and over again. The same problem with climax reduction. I'm gonna need a new mouse if this keeps up.

Idle animations around the barns. Just one or 2 actual NPCs animated so you know which barns are animated. Something simple, like a harpy swinging in her cage like a canary.

Preferably a drop off area for product, like Harvest Moon.


Apr 15, 2018
I get an error 0x80004005 when trying to install the game. Is anyone else getting that?
Where did you try to unpack/install the file? 80004005 sometimes points to illegal folder operation.
Could be caused by too-long paths or errors in the drive file system.

If you got time, try running chkdsk /f


Apr 19, 2020
It would be a good idea if each animal had different produce. (Unfertilized) eggs for the harpies, milk for the cows, Honey for the bees, etc. Just to diversify the game, a bit. Maybe romance options for the intelligent ladies (why stop at one waifu?) in Hedon. Like, Harvest Moon. Except they can actually help around the farm. Again, a better interface/schedule/ability to establish redundant tasks. Fern milks everyone everyday after a romance/level progression. you fill one barn up with 60 animals and there’s no “milk all” option.

A cross between a titan and a harpy/dragon to use as a flying mount.
Instead of clicking like a madman, introduce different positions to get the girlS off. Depending on their traits, determines their preferred position. Like S&M can like their hair pulled. Grungy can like Anal. (Help me out, perverts).
Items, like binoculars to spy their traits. Reigns (think sexy) to use on your mount. Leashes and a bone shaped dildo for the Lupine.

I can’t get “seduce” to work, so I’m guessing it’s a glitch or I’m missing something, but bone shaped dildo for the lupine animals.

Text still lingers off the side.
3.90 star(s) 109 Votes