I used the code for Creator mode to make my own presets to be added into the game. Changed a few shapes and hairstyles and colors for some, made radically different changes for others. I didn't replace any existing presets, just added these new ones.
In the wild, my presets spawn along with the default presets, so that works. But after breeding my new presets, they all gave birth to default presets :/ I tried breeding them both with Body Composition checked and unchecked, and the result was always the same.
Is this related to the Breeding Tags section in Creator mode maybe? I didn't fiddle with that; how would I change this to make them give birth to presets like themselves? I notice that the offspring were the default presets corresponding to the default preset I started with for any given custom preset I added in.
The answer is to change their breeding tags and to manually put the presets in the game's root folder Radiant/CharacterPresets, rather than the appdata/Local/Radiant/Saves/CharacterPresets where creator mode puts them. Body composition being checked or unchecked doesn't affect this, the offspring now look like their mothers.
The exception is if one of the new presets has the exact same breeding tags as a default preset of that race. Then it goes to the default preset that has the same tags. I tried breeding the new preset (the one with the same breeding tags as a default preset) multiple times, and each time it gave birth to the default preset with the same tags; it's possible there's still a chance for the new preset to be produced and I didn't simply didn't get lucky.
Adding some keywords to my post: breed preset, breeding preset, breed new preset, breeding new preset to hopefully help anyone who searches the thread for this subject in the future.
The question that may have been raised earlier, there is a list of ... """Talents""" with which the Nephilim appear, and can they be added to the Breeder?
Yes. Using a hex editor can do it.
I used the HxD hex editor (easily googled, downloaded, and installed) to add Traits to my male Breeder. Use ctrl F (in Windows) to search for the areas you want to edit or that you want to copy.
Formatting is super finicky; get even one thing wrong and the game will crash. Back up a save you want to edit. I noticed that, at least for Traits, they always have to be in "....Trait.whatever." format - in other words, four periods before the Trait and one period after. Trying to do, for example, five periods before a trait you paste in and no periods after results in a crash. This is illustrated in the images of the post I linked, so pay very careful attention to every detail in that post.