
Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
You, better than anyone know the guy. So it just confirm things for me.

When I support a dev on patreon, maybe I'm lucky but 95% of the time when there's no content this month they just pause the billing. But Derelic wow, never once to my knowledge.

And when I see the amount of coping on their discord sheesh... scary

It's just sad at the end of the day. Not for the guy, I lost any kind of sympathy for him long time ago.

But for the project.
The sad thing is that if you take a peek at other games threads the situation isn't much better quite frankly. They hotfix a thing here and there that if they tested their bloody games before releasing them, said hotfixes wouldn't be even needed at all. They say they're "hard working" on adding X or Y.... Yet the things people constantly ask them for adding never gets added, sometimes putting something new that feels also half baked so they have an excuse to say "hey, we're working on the game" instead of damn fixing the messes that the previous mecanics and stuff have added. You see that in single dev games like this, you see that in big team based developers like the ones' behind Wild Life. I remember checking the story mode map of one of the most recent versions of the latter and bloody fuck man, it felt like something that I, barely knowing how to trigger the third person game blueprint could do better than a dedicated studio. And not becuase it lacked X or Y mecanic, but simply cause something like the starting map felt like it was just rushed on Blender to look test chamber functional, then ported to Unreal without even double checking, putting the characters assets on top then ready to be shipped to Patreon. And like.... If a game like Wild Life is like the triple A adult game standards you can find, what do you expect other games to fare?

Then there's others that have some overcomplicated install/update processes and you find that about half the people that come to their threads ends up having issues with their installation/updating situations, so they ask questions and the veterans start mocking them for not being able to follow instructions when the damn instructions, sometimes made and APROVED by the game devs themselves JUST DONT WORK. But you can be that what in all of those what always work is the Patreon and Subscribestar systems they have implemented to their their "Eddies" (By this I mean, dolars, euros, yens, whatever). Then there's the fanfolks that try to defend them when the way they back those up is just unforgivable. Like dude. This guy has been doing nothing for like 5 months and you come saying that "Oh, but doing games in Unreal is hard. You cannot ask him to do more, he has issues....". And whenever I hear them go like that Im like.... Motherfucker you want me to get on Unreal from today on and in two years flat I prove you flat that I can make this thing but twice as better without having a single day of previous experience? Because Im betting my soul that not only I can do it but also can in an even lesser amount of time.

Sorry for the quick rant but honestly Im just sick of excuses from crappy devs and masochistic fanboys defending them keeping the gaming industry (adult or general) getting worse and worse, then you get cases like Palworld that decides to say "F this shit, Ill do things MY way" and make masterpieces that those same people have the balls to criticise for being "copies". When the "copy" just outclasses the originals in pretty much every possible damn aspect being an early access.

Cause dude, when someone actually cares about what they're doing you notice in the smallest details but there's just far too many that don't give two craps and many are blind enought to still pay for them besides getting an increasingly worse product. But hey. It has Pikachu, It has the challenge of having sex with Pride the such awaited sexy sin, or has triple A quality cumshots that feels like the Elder Scrolls of Porn games.... That's when they don't go the Visual Novel way. Which is another 100s of its own XD
  • Wow
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Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
You, better than anyone know the guy. So it just confirm things for me.
When I designed the earlier system with world level, I tested every step and be sure every formula works as my calculations. It was not perfect but even the released builds was working bug free. I can still tell you exactly what is what. If he let me to design the game further, we would talk about different things..

Now he changed it with the help of some fanboys of him who doea not have any idea about game design or simple math and nobody knows how it's working and why it's changed. No logic, no plan, no tester..

3 years ago, when I work with him, he wanted to stop development so badly as he was not fine. I said leaving the project would make him worse as he will struggle financially. He said he made 1.4 Million $ from this game and investing that to bitcoin.

Next year, he suddenly did not want to stop the project and did not tell me what he is working. As I did not ask money for the system designs and testing, I only wanted Horse nephs. He did it after I pushed like crazy. Many QoL additions done by my advises too. In the end the project he hided from me was the toy company sponsorship. I did not like it but still I would like to finish the system but he fired me suddenly with a mental breakdown or just wanted to get rid of me for a reason...

I wish I got SS from discord chats but I don't want to tell more. But milking for 3 years is just bad... some people needs to know the truth..


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
When I designed the earlier system with world level, I tested every step and be sure every formula works as my calculations. It was not perfect but even the released builds was working bug free. I can still tell you exactly what is what. If he let me to design the game further, we would talk about different things..

Now he changed it with the help of some fanboys of him who doea not have any idea about game design or simple math and nobody knows how it's working and why it's changed. No logic, no plan, no tester..

3 years ago, when I work with him, he wanted to stop development so badly as he was not fine. I said leaving the project would make him worse as he will struggle financially. He said he made 1.4 Million $ from this game and investing that to bitcoin.

Next year, he suddenly did not want to stop the project and did not tell me what he is working. As I did not ask money for the system designs and testing, I only wanted Horse nephs. He did it after I pushed like crazy. Many QoL additions done by my advises too. In the end the project he hided from me was the toy company sponsorship. I did not like it but still I would like to finish the system but he fired me suddenly with a mental breakdown or just wanted to get rid of me for a reason...

I wish I got SS from discord chats but I don't want to tell more. But milking for 3 years is just bad... some people needs to know the truth..
He invested on bitcoins? Geez. No wonder why he had so many mental issues. That kind of business is extremely unstable if you don't know what you're doing. Honestly everyone that I know that dealt with it either gained no substantial return or got pseudo-rich just before facing literal jail. Not a thing you treat lightly specially if you're not economist level of knowledgeable on the matter. And Dere doesn't strike me as the kind that knows how to deal with that at all.

And yeah gotta say Im yet to meet a content creator that partnered with Lovense that didn't had their content messed up by the way they dealt with either access to it (Like starting having always some public content with some backers exclusive to just be backers only for example) or that the content itself didn't suffered a massive quality drop on each subsequential update.

Gotta tell you, I kept joking in the past that I would have better luck doing my ideal game myself with pretty much no experience instead of waiting for someone to do something that could feel like being close to.... But as dumb as that may sound, it may be a lot more feasible than I'm giving it credit for. No joke :eek:

Now that you mentioned the Horse Nephs.... TBH they always felt like a bit too simplistic deviation from the cows.... IDK, at least the version he made :unsure:
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Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Now that you mentioned the Horse Nephs.... TBH they always felt like a bit too simplistic deviation from the cows.... IDK, at least the version he made :unsure:
He got more trauma from past from some very bad experiences. I never underestimated his problems but this does not give him an excuse to milk people for a looong time.

I commissioned the minotaurs, they are based my character in my own game. He is good at it. He hates horse.. but it's a real hate level. I like to see horses at a breeding game so much so I pushed it. Yeah the result is meh but at least there.

Btw, he can create a new neph in 3 days. Yeah, 3 days. I gave him the minotaur reference and he done it in 3 days fully working. We added the whole system in 2 months. This is the sad part. I know what he can do with a good support in a very short time. Now I am looking for 3 years and yeah I can tell you that he does not touch the game at all anymore.

People think he should give a half year 7/24 just to add something simple.. He could be a hero even he worked just 2 months per year as it would be more then enough content to satisfy people.

This game could be Palworld of porn games....

If I can find a good UE coder and modeler, I plan to make a breeding game like this in future. I already got all the plans and designs..


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
He got more trauma from past from some very bad experiences. I never underestimated his problems but this does not give him an excuse to milk people for a looong time.

I commissioned the minotaurs, they are based my character in my own game. He is good at it. He hates horse.. but it's a real hate level. I like to see horses at a breeding game so much so I pushed it. Yeah the result is meh but at least there.

Btw, he can create a new neph in 3 days. Yeah, 3 days. I gave him the minotaur reference and he done it in 3 days fully working. We added the whole system in 2 months. This is the sad part. I know what he can do with a good support in a very short time. Now I am looking for 3 years and yeah I can tell you that he does not touch the game at all anymore.

People think he should give a half year 7/24 just to add something simple.. He could be a hero even he worked just 2 months per year as it would be more then enough content to satisfy people.

This game could be Palworld of porn games....

If I can find a good UE coder and modeler, I plan to make a breeding game like this in future. I already got all the plans and designs..
Exactly. I can understand having a troubled past or dealing with intense IRL shit but there are ways and ways to handle it. Even by asking for help or compreension.

And please do. I really loved the concept of BotN at first back in version 0.723 but after the Pawsmatti update things started going downhill about it and.... Yeah, we're here now :(
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Jan 19, 2022
When I designed the earlier system with world level, I tested every step and be sure every formula works as my calculations. It was not perfect but even the released builds was working bug free. I can still tell you exactly what is what. If he let me to design the game further, we would talk about different things..

Now he changed it with the help of some fanboys of him who doea not have any idea about game design or simple math and nobody knows how it's working and why it's changed. No logic, no plan, no tester..

3 years ago, when I work with him, he wanted to stop development so badly as he was not fine. I said leaving the project would make him worse as he will struggle financially. He said he made 1.4 Million $ from this game and investing that to bitcoin.

Next year, he suddenly did not want to stop the project and did not tell me what he is working. As I did not ask money for the system designs and testing, I only wanted Horse nephs. He did it after I pushed like crazy. Many QoL additions done by my advises too. In the end the project he hided from me was the toy company sponsorship. I did not like it but still I would like to finish the system but he fired me suddenly with a mental breakdown or just wanted to get rid of me for a reason...

I wish I got SS from discord chats but I don't want to tell more. But milking for 3 years is just bad... some people needs to know the truth..

Regarding your unique position as a former Dev on the game, lets imagine Derelic stop the project for whatever reason ( I know it's a big ask but still... ) do you think as someone who saw the inside of the game, opening the game to mods would be fesable for outsider ?

I'm just curious because from what you said previously years ago the code is a complete mess and you were doubting the fact that mods will ever arrive .

Sorry to bother.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: RubyZeronyka


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Regarding your unique position as a former Dev on the game, lets imagine Derelic stop the project for whatever reason ( I know it's a big ask but still... ) do you think as someone who saw the inside of the game, opening the game to mods would be fesable for outsider ?

I'm just curious because from what you said previously years ago the code is a complete mess and you were doubting the fact that mods will ever arrive .

Sorry to bother.
No need to be sry. DH uses some unique addons for the models, mostly about the interaction between models. For those reasons, just having the game code would not be enough. You need to have everything. But you can make gay stuff without problem but DH did not make the game with all the possibilities so you can't just chance some parameters and got the gay sex. I am not so expert about those stuff but rather then modding it would be better to re-code it.

Botn is not a masterpiece. Concept is copied from Breeding Season and turn into a 3D world, which can be done even with assets in unreal and some simple mechanics. DH saw the opportunity and did the right thing right time. He is a game dev as a job so he is not someone random who wanna learn how to make games. If there is a free UE5 developer out there, who can code the simple roaming/zoning mechanic can find a modeler/rigger and an animator and viola. I am a designer and animator so, 2 people and some stuff out sourced can easily create an awesome breeding game.

I still think Breeding Season is better. It's clearly designed by people who knows this stuff, good art choice, very brave and open content but they fly too high and burned in the sun. I think breeding games should be fast. Nobody cares the mediocre animations after few times and you just spam breed until you get better and better results. Yes, visuals are important to get people but the game part always more important. Like the Palworld against Pokemon.


Jan 19, 2022
No need to be sry. DH uses some unique addons for the models, mostly about the interaction between models. For those reasons, just having the game code would not be enough. You need to have everything. But you can make gay stuff without problem but DH did not make the game with all the possibilities so you can't just chance some parameters and got the gay sex. I am not so expert about those stuff but rather then modding it would be better to re-code it.

Botn is not a masterpiece. Concept is copied from Breeding Season and turn into a 3D world, which can be done even with assets in unreal and some simple mechanics. DH saw the opportunity and did the right thing right time. He is a game dev as a job so he is not someone random who wanna learn how to make games. If there is a free UE5 developer out there, who can code the simple roaming/zoning mechanic can find a modeler/rigger and an animator and viola. I am a designer and animator so, 2 people and some stuff out sourced can easily create an awesome breeding game.

I still think Breeding Season is better. It's clearly designed by people who knows this stuff, good art choice, very brave and open content but they fly too high and burned in the sun. I think breeding games should be fast. Nobody cares the mediocre animations after few times and you just spam breed until you get better and better results. Yes, visuals are important to get people but the game part always more important. Like the Palworld against Pokemon.

Very interesting, well in that case at least now I know what's really happening in the background of this game.

And that, hopping for anykind of future for it will either take 10 more years or maybe someone (wink;wink) will finally make a proper 3D breeding game :)

Anyway, thanks for your time.
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
No need to be sry. DH uses some unique addons for the models, mostly about the interaction between models. For those reasons, just having the game code would not be enough. You need to have everything. But you can make gay stuff without problem but DH did not make the game with all the possibilities so you can't just chance some parameters and got the gay sex. I am not so expert about those stuff but rather then modding it would be better to re-code it.

Botn is not a masterpiece. Concept is copied from Breeding Season and turn into a 3D world, which can be done even with assets in unreal and some simple mechanics. DH saw the opportunity and did the right thing right time. He is a game dev as a job so he is not someone random who wanna learn how to make games. If there is a free UE5 developer out there, who can code the simple roaming/zoning mechanic can find a modeler/rigger and an animator and viola. I am a designer and animator so, 2 people and some stuff out sourced can easily create an awesome breeding game.

I still think Breeding Season is better. It's clearly designed by people who knows this stuff, good art choice, very brave and open content but they fly too high and burned in the sun. I think breeding games should be fast. Nobody cares the mediocre animations after few times and you just spam breed until you get better and better results. Yes, visuals are important to get people but the game part always more important. Like the Palworld against Pokemon.
I think that you nailed. A big part of the success of Palworld is based on how burnt out people were with Pokemon's repetitive playloop and lack of innovation. It added in a game every single thing that people have been asking for years but they got too confy on their undesputed thrones to even bother innovating. Palworld devs saw the chance and made the game and now is on it's way to be the most played game in Steam's history. It has already succeeded at reaching the number 1 spot in a few categories and hey. It's competing against the likes of Counter Strike and that bloody game I have been annoyed of hearing about it all the time since I was barely say ungabunga XD
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Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
(...) If a game like Wild Life is like the triple A adult game standards you can find, what do you expect other games to fare?
I've noticed this since ~2 years ago, it's that some of the best "porn game" experience i've ever had were rarely from playing actual porn game made by porn game devs, they're mostly from an actual game that is modded with porn (sims4, skyrim, rimworld, etc)

Ironically porn modders are better at making porn game experiences than an actual dedicated porn game developer


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Ironically porn modders are better at making porn game experiences than an actual dedicated porn game developer
Because people want to have "a game" with porn in it. They still want to play Skyrim or Rimworld as it is but just kinky stuff they want to see.

Dedicated porn game developers are mostly not so game developers. They create interactive porn experience, you watch porn but got limited control over it. It's not enough for many people. Modders mostly do not know to make a game or not enough time for it. Making a game is way more then modding and requires a dedicated team with many years of development.

Botn is a pokemon game with breeding. Imagine you can bring your neph to catch wild nephs with some kind of sex game which you can use positions as attacks... Imagine to make it online and let people use their nephs for duels.. Options are limitless for a serious developing team.

DH did not care nobody or his game, at least for many years. Sad..


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
Botn is a pokemon game with breeding. Imagine you can bring your neph to catch wild nephs with some kind of sex game which you can use positions as attacks... Imagine to make it online and let people use their nephs for duels.. Options are limitless for a serious developing team.
Yeah, i mentioned these a few posts ago after seeing how popular "pokemon with guns" became, it's that botn had actually been in such a perfect spot to surprise the world by storm as "pokemon with sex" waay earlier but it got fumbled into a coma state
  • Haha
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I've noticed this since ~2 years ago, it's that some of the best "porn game" experience i've ever had were rarely from playing actual porn game made by porn game devs, they're mostly from an actual game that is modded with porn (sims4, skyrim, rimworld, etc)

Ironically porn modders are better at making porn game experiences than an actual dedicated porn game developer
Same here. While Skyrim for various reasons is on a league of its own, its crazy that say games like Conan Exiles or even Minecraft feels superior in giving sex vibes than other porn games. Well I hate Cyberpunk but its insane how messing with photomode and mods for it I can get better lewd results than in Wild Life. With the difference than outside photomode there's content to play, while Wild Life is still hollow. And again, this is coming from someone that despises Cyberpunk in many many ways. But Im not blind, if it does something better than another Im not gonna hide it. Its.... Sad NGL :confused:


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Because people want to have "a game" with porn in it. They still want to play Skyrim or Rimworld as it is but just kinky stuff they want to see.

Dedicated porn game developers are mostly not so game developers. They create interactive porn experience, you watch porn but got limited control over it. It's not enough for many people. Modders mostly do not know to make a game or not enough time for it. Making a game is way more then modding and requires a dedicated team with many years of development.

Botn is a pokemon game with breeding. Imagine you can bring your neph to catch wild nephs with some kind of sex game which you can use positions as attacks... Imagine to make it online and let people use their nephs for duels.. Options are limitless for a serious developing team.

DH did not care nobody or his game, at least for many years. Sad..
Another big factor is that lets address the elephant on the room. Someone may not have experience making games but if they're gamers themselves they're way ahead of the pack. A big issue is that most developers, indie or triple A-ed are NOT gamers themselves. Im not talking casual or hardcore, I mean gamers like, AT ALL. People that truly enjoy games or have an actual passion for anything gaming related. Thats partially why games like Palworld or Skyrim were so damn succesful. You hear the devs talking and you could notice the vibe in their coments that they cared about the players experience, they cared about fun an engaging playloops. In other words, they WERE gamers themselves. I remember an interview of Pocketpair CEO mentioning he wanted to make a samdbox but with some automation cause he found the resource gathering in other samdboxes a bit too tedious to deal. Details like that you HAVE to be a gamer to notice cause just by playing you get that vibe. Thats what ends up separating those games from others and why I get the feel that Palworld soon could be if not the new Skyrim, it would definitely be something that complements it.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Yeah, i mentioned these a few posts ago after seeing how popular "pokemon with guns" became, it's that botn had actually been in such a perfect spot to surprise the world by storm as "pokemon with sex" waay earlier but it got fumbled into a coma state
U made me remind that "Press F to pay respects" meme. Guess with BotN thats getting close to happen lol


Active Member
May 3, 2018
Found a nice and also funny Speedrun for BotN. Skip the commercial part at the beginning. :D


May 18, 2020
I'm stuck, but I'm not sure if my game's bugged or if there's another keystone somewhere. I made it to the Amorous Hollows and I have everywhere unlocked except for the Glade and the Crag, but I need an elf to get the next keystone. I checked the Game Progression Wiki page and I've gotten all the keystones listed there. I'd rather not sequence break with cheats when I'm this close to unlocking the whole map. So is there another keystone that's not listed on the wiki, or did I hit a game-breaking bug?
3.90 star(s) 109 Votes