So, how do I get around porting saves from 0.2 to the new version? Particularly regarding where the saves are located, or at least the farm json file.
A few days ago, I posted the previous two save location paths for v0.2, and I confused someone into thinking they were for 0.3.x
Anyway, the save file paths have changed, and fools here (including myself) are having a hard time finding it. Devs aren't commenting on our questions about it, probably because they don't want to deal with save file bug reports ontop of new version glitches.
Looks like they're saved directly to the registry....
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team Bieno\Breeding Farm
If this person is right, then I disagree with this change. Most games on this site aren't packaged with installers, so there's no uninstall script either. Therefore, when you decide to uninstall them, some leave lost bits on your harddrive if file locations aren't where you expect them to be. It's fine; I'll deal with it. But now, saves are hidden into the registry? This is bad form, in my opinion. This is why I always worry about using more than a couple of save slots, lol.
The scattered files business and single-player games contacting online servers are giving certain game engines a bad reputation here. In fact, I think the engines are all perfectly adequate, and rather the issue is with a few details devs tend to overlook.