This game is so much of a bomb, babes are cool, the Mc is hot as hell, his body and gestures scream
alpha male .. yet he gets all these shitty circumstances .. it feels like a rollercoaster
where, as a player, you just cannot build anything into his character.
Like .. the hots 4 the mom of the friend now turns into her fantasy he no longer is into,
seemingly, she is melting 4 him in there and MC is just as passive as wallpaper.
Then MC feels so much out of his depth in that office scene, even tho he explains to his boss / friend
he gets it very well the value of people and the value of money, practically all he needs to do as a manager, manage their people and their money, now that they are partners in that business.
Again .. we are in one time stand territorry, because babes keep flaking on Mc, like it was said,
they are melting 4 Mc yet just enter passive mode while MC just jets wasted and made a fking
teenage clown the likes of van wilder or stiffler or anyone in those demented spring break movies.
the first episodes were starting to build him into someone, no drinking- now gets hammered,
tough guy now gets pushed by gurls into either ignore of flakey space,
memory keeping genious - we have a literal scene talking about his formidable memory,
yet he gats headaches remembering toddler glimpses of the past,
while we get absolutely no clue, no set up scenes - I was genuinely mad to see the babes
choosing to be recluse hermits in their humble abode dreaming of MC and almost banging eachother.
I mean .. what is the point of all these wonderful adults, babes and guys, if they keep
acting like scared little kids ... Even the babe jumping Mc in the bathroom just flakes him
and rubs one out .. is she not adult enough to just go out with him and actually live her life?
Why is she still looking at a screen and dreaming of being with the guy she could 4 sure be with if only she fking called and met up with him. this is a nightmare, starting to become hopeless,
whereas MC has already arrived out of a hopeless plase to make something of himself, but all
we manage to do, to the best of our gaming, is still ending up with a drunkard MC who crossed
all the lines he has set 4 himself in order to succeed. Now he is just as lost as his child like buddy ffs.
Yeah, the game is great otherwise, I guess I can just play the dream of that hot momma and the meeting of the head gear babe in the bathroom, those are just the hottest 4 me in this episode,
because anythign else is so much nonsensical and out of character for what we had of MC so far,
that there is literally no future in sight ... how more of a bottom of the barrel can you go than to make yourself the fking lousy drunkard of the city, along side your buddy who is not of great reputation,
everyone knows him as still a kid who never grew up and is just blowing money away, that is it.
Is this MCs great come back? Right into the naked drunken spoiled brat life he was supposed
to be above?
This is just one big over dramatization of what MCs life looks like in this point in the game.
Right after the great win of landing a managing position at his own co-owned firm,
he gets wasted in a spectacular fashion in some flashy bar, probably right in the eyes of
everyone who works there or would be a customer. I guess they sell hard partying and booz then.
The starting scenes were awesome, the restaurant dates were wild.
Yeah .. that scene with the babe getting hammered and stuff was outta whack ...
there it started to get away from MC ... and it went straight downhill from there.
Nice save with that amazon wonderful bar maid .. and then .. just all over the place.