Basically, I will answer the points you raised, but there are also further thoughts involved, which is why I am not answering you,
Polpota , directly.
Re 2)
As for morale, yes, it should go down when fishing. But if a masterful cast succeeds and the aforementioned tonnes of fish are caught, this would be a massive morale boost. Even more so if the reserves were scarce or one had not eaten for a day.
Re 3 & 4)
Yes, basically in favour.
The signs can be different. There is no voluntary sex with the girls(except forced, which is again a mood killer).
The girls can run away or they can kill you and keep using the shelter themselves. (Would it then perhaps be an option to continue playing with a new char? How would the girls ensure survival?)
If the mood is too low, will action points be cut? I know this makes it even more difficult to survive, but one has to overcome one's inner stinker first.
By the way, are the girls just sitting around twiddling their thumbs all day? Will there be work for them? Can you set up a daily schedule for your residents?
Re 5)
I think a condition cheque for usable items is good, but this should not apply to all items.
I have been renting for 30 years and have never needed a new shower. Sure, I've changed the shower head once and replaced the (functioning) hose so that it matches the colour better.
In 30 years, the only time I've had to replace a washing machine was when the heating element burnt out. But it was already 9 years old. Otherwise, a new one was only bought because of a move. My first two were even used ones that lasted a few years before they were exchanged for something newer. However, things like dimensions or load volume were more important.
The oldest spade in my garden came from my grandfather. With the original handle.
It's more likely that you'll lose a screwdriver.
I don't know how complex it is to programme this, but I would build in a hidden counter that deals with the care of tools or weapons, for example.
If you fire 100 rounds but don't clean your gun in camp, the chance of a jam increases. This does not mean that you need an action for weapon care every day, but at least after use or once a week if not used, you should already spend an action for care.