
Sep 10, 2018
Hello, im doing 'Glory od the gods' quest but when it says
" If you enter that shrine, a boss will attack the player. Once killed, the boss will drop the Equine Manhood."
i only find two skeletons outside and they dont drop anything, inside theres only a totem that you can use (E), if I try to talk to the worshiper, the game crashes!

Also with "Ride the pony quest" if I try to pick ' Do you want to die for lack of fulfillement' game crashes too.
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Jan 6, 2019
This looks really interesting, hopefully it does well and doesn't fall apart like a lot of these "big" games tend to do.

I do have one concern/question though, if I'm reading the road map right, is there not going to be a male bodied PC until June?
That... seems like a pretty basic thing you should have earlier on. Was it just easier to implement the female/trans PC first or something? It's rather odd to me, but at least it's on the roadmap I suppose.
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New Member
Jan 24, 2021
Good so far, I like the furries and the Fem/Herm switch being as easy as adding or removing equipment. Same for furry/humie mode

I like the floppiness and I think it's just right, maybe 5-10% too much but everyone has their own tastes

I like the fall damage being negated by the roll, and I feel that I can believe that the game lore would explain it in terms of the idea that felines can fall far without injuring themselves

I like the player-side feeling of combat but the enemy AI wants improvement because it can be reduced to step in, step back, combo combo combo right now

I like the compass but when we have a lot of stuff in the compass close together can we default to the closest one of any given type so we don't have five side-quest icons attempting to inhabit the same 50px

I like the inventory window as it stands, with the zooming etc. Maybe change the colour from active being white to active being orange and inactive being grey still in the categories to draw more attention to it
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
not really, it just adds human female to playable races, meaning the PC not NPC's (well, might be NPC's too, we dunno that)
But the question you were responding to didn't specify. By the end of may, the game will have at least one non-furry woman. The developers have explicitly stated they were delaying humans because of the rigging necessary (people care less about a furry character's face not actually properly animating), and I see literally no reason they would implement that rigging and then use it for only one character who may or may not ever actually make use of it.
Thank you for the kind words and positive feedback. It's less a case of 'waiting' to release humans and more that they are entirely different under the hood than the existing content. Humans need more morphs to meet a basic standard and males are a totally different proportion - we don't hold any content back, it just takes time to realise things fully. If we could push the content today we would.

Photo mode has been pulled from the roadmap for the time being as we're totally redesigning it from our initial vision. It's not gone, but we need more time to decide where it sits in our list of priorities and, as mentioned in the main post, we'll update the roadmap when we add additional items to it (such as photo mode).

I hope that answers your questions, but please do ask again if not!

Team Carnal Instinct
That right there is a response to a question on their roadmap post. This response, like many that refer to human characters, uses a plural. That's not explicit confirmation, but with the way the developers are handling content implementation I'd be shocked if they didn't add actual human characters with or shortly after human player characters.
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Nov 9, 2019
This game is 30 USD on Steam...? and it not even completed...

4 me All Sex Games got wiped out Steam :D* banned that's great #Blacklist Germany :D . Maybe Start China 2.0 .My Problem VPN dosn't help ._. I love Germany+ law+ Steam ._.
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Oct 18, 2017
But the question you were responding to didn't specify. By the end of may, the game will have at least one non-furry woman. The developers have explicitly stated they were delaying humans because of the rigging necessary (people care less about a furry character's face not actually properly animating), and I see literally no reason they would implement that rigging and then use it for only one character who may or may not ever actually make use of it.

That right there is a response to a question on their roadmap post. This response, like many that refer to human characters, uses a plural. That's not explicit confirmation, but with the way the developers are handling content implementation I'd be shocked if they didn't add actual human characters with or shortly after human player characters.
fair, my mistake there, I'm used to developer saying "playable race" as "only the playable character" it's good to see this game will be much more thought out than many others I've seen...


Jan 12, 2018
Feel free to make a new Patreon account, toss $10 (the minimum for this update) at the developer, share the update, and then get banned from their patreon a few days before the next update because the downloads can be tracked. That last part is exactly why it may be a while before a copy of the new version gets shared. Until someone figures out specifically what makes the download traceable, most subscribers are going to remain unwilling to share the latest versions.
And, as TheInternetIsForThis mentioned, the latest version of the game is tied to the patreon network enough to mean the creators can tell if someone's copy of the game is uploaded to pirate sites VERY easily since it has visible and hidden identifiers which tell the creators who did the deed
I'm honestly nervous with these kind of things. I get that they want to avoid piracy but I really want to know if this is a breach of privacy or not. Is this thing tracking us if we download it? Like how does it work exactly?

I tried the game here and loved it. Was pretty much deadset on buying it until people told me that the steam version is only updated every 3 months or something... I would've given them a chance for that 30$ pricetag if they updated it at least once a month like everyone else. I want to support these guys but this is turning me off to doing it. Then I learn that they're tracking patreon downloads? That's creepy man. How invasive are these things.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I'm honestly nervous with these kind of things. I get that they want to avoid piracy but I really want to know if this is a breach of privacy or not. Is this thing tracking us if we download it? Like how does it work exactly?

I tried the game here and loved it. Was pretty much deadset on buying it until people told me that the steam version is only updated every 3 months or something... I want to support these guys but this is turning me off to doing it and then I learn that they're tracking patreon downloads? That's creepy man. How invasive are these things.
Most likely there is a file in the download (I suspect I know the one but can't confirm without risking an account) that has a bit of data unique to a specific download, such as a code that gets tracked alongside the patreon/subscribestar account that downloaded it. It's not a matter of the client connecting to them, but rather just having a signature of sorts that the developers know how to backtrack to find out who leaked the game.

The steam version should not have that issue, because Steam doesn't allow developers to revoke a player's privileges to the game. (aside from subscriptions, but you're supposed to use a different pay model for those that operates through Steam.) However, the Steam version will receive fewer updates and has some items deliberately removed by the developers, who clearly are trying to encourage subscriptions over one-time sales.
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