I must have played almost the same amount of time than you

and if there are cheats I know nothing about them...
First I maxed out everything with Taylor trough dialogs and actions.
Then you must speak with dad and watch Star Wars with him. Then it may unlock "watch the terrible sequel triology " (always during the night) as you can see in the first screenshot.
And then you should be able to blackmail her as shown in the second ss and get your first bj and anal. After this you can have fun with her when you want, if the "sexual thoughts" and "actions" are good enough. To have casual sex with her it's another story...
There is also others places in highschool where to fuck with her, but you need to become a "GymCoach" and befriend the janitor girl to unlock them. Hope it helped a little...
If someone can tell me where saves are stored, maybe I could share them, even uncompleted...
The problem i found, there no direction, task list, you can spend a whole week, just repeating, Chit chat or try to view Panties etc etc. ive watched starwars, chit chat and drove round map, touched thigh, been on 45 dates .. (i spent 7 days just trying to get a peep) 9 + hours or more game play (i was like fek this

im honest opinion its a mess...