Glad to hear. Doing good work so far, and I assumed you would be ok with feedback. Also I noticed a bug in 2 places. The first is that, when you do the puppy rescue quest near the tomb in the forest by the first village, if you click on where the puppy was after it walks away, your character repeats their lines but then gets stuck there as it tries to send the dog to move to the left but there is no longer a dog. In specific, I walked away, then walked back, and could re-inspect that square.
Second bug I found was something that happens if you are caught by the lumberjack in his basement. If you are, say, facing his bed, fight him, and lose, his bed is still interactable (at least for a bit) and if you click on his bed it has you re-do the fight (at 1 hp). This happens while the normal loss scene is playing, and you end up with 2 loss scenes playing on different parts of the screen at the same time, with them both being at different stages.
I'll pass along any other insights or bugs as I find them, keep up the good work!