Mormont, this thread is my second home. So...
*sigh* This is the one game that I care about enough to comment on somewhat regularly. So, I'm going to politely ask that you not come in here with your 20K (soon to be 25K
) likes and try to intimidate me away from any of the girls. However, I will make you an offer... As long as you stay far, far away from Victoria & Katie I'll let you have Gloria & ALL the other girls*. But, if you take that deal you're gonna have a much, much bigger problem on your hands.
There is someone in this thread who cares about Gloria, and only Gloria. It's
scary how much he loves her. None of you have seen his true form... I have. If Meredith is smart she'll be running to this mysterious "man" for help in recovering Gloria. No one has a higher kill count than this supernatural force. Of course, he'll kill Meredith and everyone else that stands between him and some serious fap-time with CoBD's Jean Grey/Marvel Girl. Mormont, I wouldn't wish what you have just unleashed on my
worst enemy (that's you, just to be clear. Worst enemy = Mormont
). Good luck, Mormont! You're gonna need it. Here comes....
*terms of deal subject to change in the event of a Chandra & Meredith scene