Cyberpunk is a mood, attitude and style set in a futuristic dystopia. That is all. To expect this game to bear any likeness to CP2077 by CDPR is not realistic. You cannot compare all steampunk to 20,000 Leagues under the Sea or Steam Boy. Steampunk and Cyberpunk are story genres. It is unfair to expect titles that are in a specific genre to align with only one game, book or film. Open your mind, friend.
This is an INCREDIBLE game that blew my mind and the minds of many other fans because it is the best of the best in terms of quality, originality of story, exceptional rendering and a multitude of options. As long as you expect to have an amazing adventure in a funky, dystopian, cyberpunk future realm, you should enjoy this game. If you are expecting it to clone ANY other game, film or book you will be sorely disappointed. Again, not all cyberpunk has anything to do with CP2077. That game was a minor blip on my radar and wasn't that good in the end. Just to give a couple examples of what a cyberpunk story can truly be, check out Robo Cop, Johnny Mnemonic or the Matrix films.
What defines cyberpunk genre? (per the dictionary)
1 :
science fiction dealing with future urban societies dominated by computer technology.
2 : an opportunistic computer hacker.
Hope this helps, friend. Adventure ever on, Phat