There is no harem at all in this game, there never has been. From day one it was made clear you'd have to choose eventually so even cheating to get points or even using mods to see all scenes won't get you a harem because there isn't going to be a harem ending.
I agree, Ava. Being with different LI in this game almost always has a cost. Pursuing Victoria blocks a large portion of Ellen's content and following Victoria's spellbound path not only blocks Ellen but Gloria as well, at least in large part. If MC does not choose to take Abby to the pit, MC and Abby do not have sex. There are quite a few other examples too. Our sweet doctor, Katie, is a rare exception. MC can romance Katie while engaging any of the other LI. The one scene (thus far) with Sonja also seems to be another rare exception as having sex with Sonja is solely based on his relationship with her and not the other LI.
So yes, dear Ava, I firmly agree that while CoBD does allow for multiple love interests through the game it never allows all like a harem and has always been about who you want to be with at the end of the game rather than any sort of harem. While I love a good harem, not all multiple LI games can do this, nor should they. Variety is the spice of life and that goes for the types of games I play as well as my diverse tastes in lovely LI. In CoBD, I love most of the LI in game, Chandra, Abby, Ellen, Sonja, Victoria, even strange little Kleo... but Katie is my favorite. She is the center of MC's world in my game. There are others to enjoy and I will run as many plays as needed to see all paths through the game and all endings. In the end, who you choose is up to you so pick your favorite as well. Katie is mine...
Adventure ever on dear friend, Phat