We all agree that Philly work is one of the best top AVN game right now. That is not up to discussion and I am not trying to say otherwise. My point is :"
What is good can be even better". Philly's game has high quality graphic textures and visual effects, which make his game very, very attractive to AVN players... But, I need to honest, the 3D mechs and skeletons that frame his game models nodes could use some improvements.
Example: A realistic mech 3D will make a big difference in the final quality of the game.
Here is the difference between a mech with rigged frame and not rigged frame:
My final point is: I would like to see that kind of "rigged" detail in Philly next game, because others AVN creators are now investing on that kind of "trick". But it is all up to Philly use the same trick or not.