Just finished this, and I have to say this is one of the best VNs ever. (not just among AVNs)
I really liked
* how the characters are written. All have their unique style, and don't use "generic companion dialog". I mean a corporate agent talks like a corporate agents should, a bratty party girl talks like one, etc.
* a very specific thing, but I really liked that the love interests very often help out the PC. Most games can feel like the PC is acting as a therapist for insecure/troubled ladies, but here is feels quite a bit better, as they offer help in return all the time
* I really like the tributes to the source material. Die Hard with Katie, Elen doing Silverhand's Arasaka tower concert, etc. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but was the coroner scene a tribute to Jake Armitage?
* how shadows and lighting are used. I am quite sure this is one of the best looking AVNs, but with the work done on shadows/lighting it is definietly the most atmospheric (for me). Reminds me a bit of Mass Effect (original) and Max Payne. Must have been a ton of work, but it paid off!
Didn't like?
Nothing really. The only scene I was a tiny bit disappointed with was Elen's concert, party because I knew what was going to happen since the garage scene. I expected metal (honestly even metalcore or something like "raise your fists and march around" Rage Against the Machine) for that scene, with Elen jumping in the crowd with a megaphone, then facing off riot control, before banging in some heads
Alltogether, definietly a polished gem, with strengths not too common elsewhere. 10/10