
Apr 8, 2019
It's just me or there are some lines that repeat themselves in this update? And some are abrupt, like you're getting off museum that you sudden appears at the bar.
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Apr 23, 2021
Pretty sure I've already expressed my own theory on that a while back when the pre-release hype sale pitches started really ramping themselves up and reading more like an always exagerrated late night infomercial.

Just because a developer making one of these games throws up a "donate more money" goal and reaches it doesn't mean they actually end up fully following through on what was promised. Especially on things you typically have to take them on their word with after-the-fact. More then anything else that all came across to me as a (smart) guy playing out the standard patreon game aiming to milk more money into his mostly one man show minus some outside freebie cut costs contributions, and nothing I've seen in the development as a whole since then has done much to change that perception belief that he essentially did more there then sell people a "team" concept idea ;)
Cause if you look at his discord/patreon, how he words things, it's a team not a 1 man show. He doesn't even know the answer to questions about specific parts of game cause he isn't the one writing the story lol

he's just the guy who's name is plastered on the game, that's all

even if it's not a team and it's just him, what difference does it make? the game has been trash since act 2 started. all he's interested in is making marketing vids to continue milking patreons


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
And yeah, tomatoe or tomato or however you want to present it on the anti mc stuff. Point was I don't need to play the latest update to already rationally conclude that the point to any such character this dev added was to indeed create internal game drama. That people like you with that tendency to throw around terms like 'ruining characters" here and while being trigger happy with those facepalm emotes are so worked up about it also just further rationally suggests he accomplished his underlying goal there. Especially when I'm pretty sure he at one point already generally eluded to the possibility of such in early development as one of the "real world aimed" ways he wanted his game to be and play different. Whether that goal is something that personally appeals to *you* or I specifically,......again, the bottlom line point there was that he doesn't care one iota about the posted outrage on the job he did with that or your facepalm emojis here. They hold no power or influence over his game.
I would really recommend u to play the update, before giving ur analysis of it.
I didn't see anything, which i would call internal drama (the Emily scene could count as such...but it was so stupid, that i don't think people will see it as drama).
If he wanted to make this "real world aimed" Charlie and pretty much all his interactions, are one huge fail at this.

This has less to do with, if the dev's approach appeals to u (implement Charlie for internal drama), but with how it is implemented. As it stands, it is just really badly written, that's the major point of criticism, not drama...not sure if this count's as 'accomplished his underlying goal'.
And yeah if established characters have sudden personality shifts and their actions/behavior makes no sense (towards MC as well as Charlie), then it ruins characters.

No idea if the dev cares, i honestly don't think he does, which doesn't make him a good dev imo.
Especially since many complaints are repeatedly brought up for quite a while now, like bugs, pacing etc.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
Cause if you look at his discord/patreon, how he words things, it's a team not a 1 man show. He doesn't even know the answer to questions about specific parts of game cause he isn't the one writing the story lol

he's just the guy who's name is plastered on the game, that's all

even if it's not a team and it's just him, what difference does it make? the game has been trash since act 2 started. all he's interested in is making marketing vids to continue milking patreons

*shrug* I run my own non-related side hussle job out of a discord channel I made and use the term "we" all the time. Simply because it sounds more professional and helps create a better presentation impression among people of the process going in to what I'm selling them. Regardless of the fact that "we" is really just me in the back round doing everything, and a few non-paid people I set as admins in the chat and who don't mind helping out there in their free time I typically don't have as much of or want to spend answering basic questions in the chat when I do.

That he wouldn't know specific answers offhand that people ask about what's happening within the code of his own game probably shouldn't be all that surprising either to anybody that has been playing every release since day 1 :)

I also never said anything here that people don't have every right to complain about the current state of a game with this much financial support behind it. Just been pointing out that people getting upset here about his content choices and any accompanying insinuations that their combined presented opinion on that here does or could ever amount to a "mountain" aspect that will actually effect his bottomline is completely delusional based. The reality here is that at this point the next update could focus solely a flashback sequence that walks you entirely through Emily's previous cheating angle with unavoidable build up sex scenes, which would undoubtfully send this thread here on f95 spiraling into a 50 additional pages of repeating outrage posts....and it still wouldn't have much if any of an impact on the dev's own bottomline that does actually matter to the game's financial standing itself.
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Aug 4, 2020
For the life of me I can't seem to get the 3 Amber scenes. Anyone know Amber's route? Searched in the thread and didn't see one.
I might make a guide if I cba for an optimal "bang everyone" path cause you guys all seem to have multiple playthrough's for different characters. Yet I managed to get every scene in the game in one run apart from (Riley Prom) (Amber Prom) which weren't accessible due to choosing Chloe and one other (Riley Sex Scene) but still sleeping with her. Only other scene I didn't get was (Samantha First Scene) in Act 3 due to her being Gorilla exclusive.


May 7, 2019
"I don't need to play the latest update to already rationally conclude that the point to any such character this dev added was to indeed create internal game drama."
If you've actually played the game and actually paid 2 seconds to the words others are writing, you would've know the issue isn't the existence of an antagonist, hell drama is sometimes needed to avoid monotony, the issue is the out of character immediate reaction of your supposed LIs and friends to this guy's speeches. In a game like this, this twist out of nowhere takes the logic and immersion out of the window.

That people like you with that tendency to throw around terms like 'ruining characters" here and while being trigger happy with those facepalm emotes are so worked up about it
Terms like "ruining characters" are thrown because issues you don't seem to know because as you wrote before you didn't play the episode before criticizing others here. The character development doesn't match the actions of a lot of the girls around MC after spending minutes with the out of nowhere new antagonist with plot powered jedi mind tricks. Plus the story nerfs the MC who was already slapping respect back into people for way less than this. There's just 2 girls as far as I know that openly tells the MC they don't fall for Charli's BS (Lauren and Nora) and Lauren even tells the MC about Charli's MO. He sweet talks the girl and act charming, then switches to bashing MC's name and reputation. So this makes players realize this friends of MC for sometime by now also got this BS speech and still defends Charli when MC is skeptical about him. That's kinda fucked up.

I won't comment much about the facepalm thing, you seem to be triggered about that to even mention it, unless you lose "forum point" for facepalms or whatever and that would be new to me. About the "writer accomplishment of his underlying goal", again; the issue never was the antagonism happening, but the way it's happening. It breaks what we knew by far about a lot of characters. This may be what Dev wanted, but as an open to discussion forum, everybody can write what they think about it. If I was a dev I would check at least portions of the comments even if I find them against my story. Everybody screw up sometimes. Not so far ago, even the "not to be mentioned here", the "Voldemort" game's dev had to fix a fuck up because after feedback it was clear that move wasn't the best option and made no sense story wise.

"he doesn't care one iota about the posted outrage on the job he did with that or your facepalm emojis here."
Yet, you seem to care a lot, even mentioning the damn facepalms twice. Again, criticism during a game in the making is as good or as bad as the dev wants to take it. Personally; when behind the criticism there's reasons pointed out and way more than one person mentioning the same points as an issue, I think is with the best intentions possible. Does they "sound" harsh or rude? Maybe it's tough love. The people criticizing are usually the ones who want the game to be great the most.
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New Member
Sep 1, 2019
If you already have a previous version, rename your game folder to "CollegeKings-11.0.1-pc"
Now open your torrent client and indicate path where you named the folder.
It will recheck and download the missing files.

Didn't you understand? ignore it if you didn't understand my explanation above and lower it completely.

Game is already extracted in case someone wants to do my explanation above, to avoid downloading the 17.1GB

I'm seed for the first 24 hours.


Helped a lot dude thanks


Feb 18, 2021
Does anyone have a NOPY or MEGA link they can share for the Windows version of this game? The other links on the OP take soooo long. :p


Aug 17, 2019
I think the mod is screwed up, get exception errors constantly. I'm able to play but I think it skips choices when you ignore


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Bit of a clusterfuck on both the technical and content fronts. Got the game to work with the compressed version but the green writing in the top left corner is distracting. Oh and the flags for certain events/actions taken are still all over the place which is just...super.

Content-wise I agree with everyone on Charli being a cock-juggling thundercunt...the timeline for him becoming a trusted confidante to everyone is so thoroughly truncated as to make zero sense. I can only assume he's being inserted to add some drama to the story because every other source of drama (except for this incessant Nora/Chloe feud) vanished right after it reared its head (Ape/Wolf rivalry w/Grayson in particular).

The only one his influence made sense with is Emily and honestly I don't really give a damn about her. Riley though knows him for what, two days max and is already siding with him? I'll give the Devs this though, it is super easy to despise Charli.

A couple side notes: The plane debacle with Aubrey and Lauren sucked and Nora not believing dinosaurs existed is very dumb.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
If you've actually played the game and actually paid 2 seconds to the words others are writing, you would've know the issue isn't the existence of an antagonist, hell drama is sometimes needed to avoid monotony, the issue is the out of character immediate reaction of your supposed LIs and friends to this guy's speeches. In a game like this, this twist out of nowhere takes the logic and immersion out of the window.

Terms like "ruining characters" are thrown because issues you don't seem to know because as you wrote before you didn't play the episode before criticizing others here. The character development doesn't match the actions of a lot of the girls around MC after spending minutes with the out of nowhere new antagonist with plot powered jedi mind tricks. Plus the story nerfs the MC who was already slapping respect back into people for way less than this. There's just 2 girls as far as I know that openly tells the MC they don't fall for Charli's BS (Lauren and Nora) and Lauren even tells the MC about Charli's MO. He sweet talks the girl and act charming, then switches to bashing MC's name and reputation. So this makes players realize this friends of MC for sometime by now also got this BS speech and still defends Charli when MC is skeptical about him. That's kinda fucked up.

I won't comment much about the facepalm thing, you seem to be triggered about that to even mention it, unless you lose "forum point" for facepalms or whatever and that would be new to me. About the "writer accomplishment of his underlying goal", again; the issue never was the antagonism happening, but the way it's happening. It breaks what we knew by far about a lot of characters. This may be what Dev wanted, but as an open to discussion forum, everybody can write what they think about it. If I was a dev I would check at least portions of the comments even if I find them against my story. Everybody screw up sometimes. Not so far ago, even the "not to be mentioned here", the "Voldemort" game's dev had to fix a fuck up because after feedback it was clear that move wasn't the best option and made no sense story wise.

Yet, you seem to care a lot, even mentioning the damn facepalms twice. Again, criticism during a game in the making is as good or as bad as the dev wants to take it. Personally; when behind the criticism there's reasons pointed out and way more than one person mentioning the same points as an issue, I think is with the best intentions possible. Does they "sound" harsh or rude? Maybe it's tough love. The people criticizing are usually the ones who want the game to be great the most.
I pointed out the facepalm thing to him specifically because that's a core part of his and others common complaints routine here, and as an underlining acknowledgement that the whole process in which they present such distaste here essentially amounts to a meaningless effect one that at this point shouldn't even be worth their expended emotional energy on. If anything and from my own personal point of view on that I actually tend to take a no facepalm emoji out of a reply I aimed at people who do that as more a failure to adequately get my counter point across I don't expect them to like ;)

If the rest of what you wrote there is your way to try and salvage yourself out of what was a blatantly flawed and terrible choice of game examples you tried to use and apply as supporting logic within your clearly intended insinuation that College Kings better somehow "be mindful of the f95 backlash"...I was good with letting you have that last word win if you really want or need it btw. It's why I didn't bother to reply your initial post to me in the first place. Since again there wouldn't be much more to say there on my end then again pointing out that you seemingly are having a hard time comprehending that a subsection of people making a lot of repetitive post dislike noise here about things that "ruin characters" is typically a poor and fairly misleading representation of any "mountain" that actually matters within a game like College King's larger scale paying player base and/or meaningful financial structure. Subtract that out and I have zero issues with you ripping the game here over your own personal dislikes of it or it's recent content inclusions.
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Apr 23, 2021
If the rest of what you wrote there is your way to try and salvage yourself out of what was a blatantly flawed and terrible choice of game examples you tried to use and apply as supporting logic within your clearly intended insinuation that College Kings better somehow "be mindful of the f95 backlash"...I was good with letting you have that last word win if you really want or need it btw. It's why I didn't bother to reply your initial post to me in the first place. Since again there wouldn't be much more to say there on my end then again pointing out that you seemingly are having a hard time comprehending that a subsection of people making a lot of repetitive post dislike noise here about things that "ruin characters" is typically a poor and fairly misleading representation of any "mountain" that actually matters within a game like College King's larger scale paying player base and/or meaningful financial structure. Subtract that out and I have zero issues with you ripping the game here over your own personal dislikes of it or it's recent content inclusions.
If the larger scale of player base was happy with the game, why were there like 3+ marketing vids that talked about why CK team learned from their mistakes in Act 2 and the next update is gonna be amazing?


Mar 9, 2020
Hey ! Since the update 10.x I have this bug when Jenny, Penelop's friend tries to contact me through text. I have multiple Tracebacks (one for every dialogue in fact), I will just attach the very first one and also the latest where the game tells me I have to answer her before opening the phone.

I don't know if there is a fix for this ? Update 11.x didn't fixed it, I was hoping for it. Though in my first playthrough I didn't have this exception error, only with a replay playthrough.

If anyone knows anything, I will gladly appreciate :)

Edit : Tried with 10.0.0 vanilla, 10.0.2 Vanilla, 11.0.1 Vanilla, still the bug. Could it come from the save, which was using the walkthrough mod before ?
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May 7, 2019
I pointed out the facepalm thing to him specifically because that's a core part of his and others common complaints routine here, and as an underlining acknowledgement that the whole process in which they present such distaste here essentially amounts to a meaningless effect one that at this point shouldn't even be worth their expended emotional energy on. If anything and from my own personal point of view on that I actually tend to take a no facepalm emoji out of a reply I aimed at people who do that as more a failure to adequately get my counter point across I don't expect them to like ;)

If the rest of what you wrote there is your way to try and salvage yourself out of what was a blatantly flawed and terrible choice of game examples you tried to use and apply as supporting logic within your clearly intended insinuation that College Kings better somehow "be mindful of the f95 backlash"...I was good with letting you have that last word win if you really want or need it btw. It's why I didn't bother to reply your initial post to me in the first place. Since again there wouldn't be much more to say there on my end then again pointing out that you seemingly are having a hard time comprehending that a subsection of people making a lot of repetitive post dislike noise here about things that "ruin characters" is typically a poor and fairly misleading representation of any "mountain" that actually matters within a game like College King's larger scale paying player base and/or meaningful financial structure. Subtract that out and I have zero issues with you ripping the game here over your own personal dislikes of it or it's recent content inclusions.
"because that's a core part of his and others common complaints routine here"
Good for them, the facepalm is an option for a reason.

"the whole process in which they present such distaste here essentially amounts to a meaningless effect one that at this point shouldn't even be worth their expended emotional energy on"
Yet here you're apparently whining about it. That's a thingy in a porn game forum, isn't supposed to be a life changer. You're showing dramatic diva attitude right now pretending to accuse others of stuff while you fail to be an example of the opposite.

"I actually tend to take a no facepalm emoji out of a reply I aimed at people who do that as more a failure to adequately get my counter point across I don't expect them to like"
This sounds like a huge strawman. They disagree or have a different point of view? I guess they must be stupid or stubborn, because apparently you can't be wrong. lol

"If the rest of what you wrote there is your way to try and salvage yourself"
Hahah, you talk about wrong choices while you chose the word "salvage". From who, you? Are you supposed to judge me somehow and it's supposed to have a real effect on me? You mean nothing to me, you're a rando person on a rando forum typing rando shit. I gave my opinion, I explained and diluted it to you because you seemed to fail understanding or maybe you just chose to disagree and I guess in your mind I'm supposed to care about it.

"a blatantly flawed and terrible choice of game examples you tried to use and apply as supporting logic within your clearly intended insinuation that College Kings better somehow "be mindful of the f95 backlash"
Can you write this without crying now? Your strawman means nothing. A collection of similar opinions are points to be taken by anybody with half of a functional brain. "they better somehow" Cut that crap; nobody can order anybody, people give criticism and advise in forums and Dev either take it or leave it, but again and let me be even more clear, is smart to read opinions when they are abundant and similar. Most times they point out legit issues. Your approval or understanding about this, is irrelevant.

"I was good with letting you have that last word win if you really want or need it btw."
You actually believe this is a competition? I guess you're really a man child, or that drama diva comment I did before was true. Feel free to think I'm wrong for what I care. I'm risking to make an ad populum now, but the amount of comments agreeing with opinions like mine is big enough to show a pattern. Or you think there's a players conspiracy to "say baddie thingies" about this episode? Grow up. This is boring me.

"It's why I didn't bother to reply your initial post to me in the first place."
Because I was right, next.

"Since again there wouldn't be much more to say there on my end"
Reading your answer, you could've done the same here. There wasn't much for you to say about this either.

"pointing out that you seemingly are having a hard time comprehending..."
Blah blah the same BS again. I'm not dev's financial advisor nor his analyst, nor I care about that. I'm a player and as like most people here I comment story wise. If you have or not the brain to accept and understand that you can't decide what was my comment about, sounds like a you problem and has no effect on the forum's conversation nor in my actual reasoning.

I read the rest but is the same garbage you fail to understand therefore you strawman the shit about. This is a game forum and we all are sharing our opinions about the game, the story, the logic or lack of behind writer's decisions, etc. I can't care less about dev's financials now, because I wasn't talking about that nor I have his bank statements nor I care to see them. Bigger and smaller devs have done changes after reading feedback, if the points are valid. That should be the whole point of devs having the opportunity to read almost immediate feedback on forums and even deeper explaining if they really want to. Games like this come and go all the time, there's no success certainty making this kind of games so yeah, your opinion about the amount of people criticizing is irrelevant, they're still a portion of the players, pretty much beta testing and giving feedback for the love of it.

You having or not "issues" with me is another thing I didn't care about, if you have even one issue with me more than simple comments exchange, then I could say you need a life to entertain yourself with. I comment good or bad stuff because that's what I think about the games, If somebody seem to have an issue with me then I argue for the giggles, then with the same smile I go when I get bored and continue my day with that same smile. The second I end reading and answering, you stop existing to me. That's how little I care. Again, I stand by my opinions and they were specific, if you have a problem about that, that's a you problem.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
If the larger scale of player base was happy with the game, why were there like 3+ marketing vids that talked about why CK team learned from their mistakes in Act 2 and the next update is gonna be amazing?
There really is no *if* there. At least among those without an underlying need here to talk themselves into believing some narrative that his patreon totals and game sales keep going up based on their own desired conclusion instead of what is easily the most logical one on the table. Which on that note I believe those patreon subs even went up another couple of hundred since I last checked a day or 2 ago before even starting this post release discussion with you guys continually pointing out how much he ruined the game with it. But yeah....*THAT* is clearly what you expect to see happening when the larger scale player base isn't happy with the game, right?

As for the latest round of marketing videos, which of course is again going to lead into this AMAZING outcome result (no, SERIOUSLY this time guys!) people should be hyped about....that is basically par for the course marketing approach stuff out of the guy at this point. Of course he's going to keep pushing those buttons since they obviously work well for him. Telling people what you know they want to hear and that the game is aiming to only get better usually does. Dude is no dummy on that front.
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