
Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
"because that's a core part of his and others common complaints routine here"
Good for them, the facepalm is an option for a reason.

"the whole process in which they present such distaste here essentially amounts to a meaningless effect one that at this point shouldn't even be worth their expended emotional energy on"
Yet here you're apparently whining about it. That's a thingy in a porn game forum, isn't supposed to be a life changer. You're showing dramatic diva attitude right now pretending to accuse others of stuff while you fail to be an example of the opposite.

"I actually tend to take a no facepalm emoji out of a reply I aimed at people who do that as more a failure to adequately get my counter point across I don't expect them to like"
This sounds like a huge strawman. They disagree or have a different point of view? I guess they must be stupid or stubborn, because apparently you can't be wrong. lol

"If the rest of what you wrote there is your way to try and salvage yourself"
Hahah, you talk about wrong choices while you chose the word "salvage". From who, you? Are you supposed to judge me somehow and it's supposed to have a real effect on me? You mean nothing to me, you're a rando person on a rando forum typing rando shit. I gave my opinion, I explained and diluted it to you because you seemed to fail understanding or maybe you just chose to disagree and I guess in your mind I'm supposed to care about it.

"a blatantly flawed and terrible choice of game examples you tried to use and apply as supporting logic within your clearly intended insinuation that College Kings better somehow "be mindful of the f95 backlash"
Can you write this without crying now? Your strawman means nothing. A collection of similar opinions are points to be taken by anybody with half of a functional brain. "they better somehow" Cut that crap; nobody can order anybody, people give criticism and advise in forums and Dev either take it or leave it, but again and let me be even more clear, is smart to read opinions when they are abundant and similar. Most times they point out legit issues. Your approval or understanding about this, is irrelevant.

"I was good with letting you have that last word win if you really want or need it btw."
You actually believe this is a competition? I guess you're really a man child, or that drama diva comment I did before was true. Feel free to think I'm wrong for what I care. I'm risking to make an ad populum now, but the amount of comments agreeing with opinions like mine is big enough to show a pattern. Or you think there's a players conspiracy to "say baddie thingies" about this episode? Grow up. This is boring me.

"It's why I didn't bother to reply your initial post to me in the first place."
Because I was right, next.

"Since again there wouldn't be much more to say there on my end"
Reading your answer, you could've done the same here. There wasn't much for you to say about this either.

"pointing out that you seemingly are having a hard time comprehending..."
Blah blah the same BS again. I'm not dev's financial advisor nor his analyst, nor I care about that. I'm a player and as like most people here I comment story wise. If you have or not the brain to accept and understand that you can't decide what was my comment about, sounds like a you problem and has no effect on the forum's conversation nor in my actual reasoning.

I read the rest but is the same garbage you fail to understand therefore you strawman the shit about. This is a game forum and we all are sharing our opinions about the game, the story, the logic or lack of behind writer's decisions, etc. I can't care less about dev's financials now, because I wasn't talking about that nor I have his bank statements nor I care to see them. Bigger and smaller devs have done changes after reading feedback, if the points are valid. That should be the whole point of devs having the opportunity to read almost immediate feedback on forums and even deeper explaining if they really want to. Games like this come and go all the time, there's no success certainty making this kind of games so yeah, your opinion about the amount of people criticizing is irrelevant, they're still a portion of the players, pretty much beta testing and giving feedback for the love of it.

You having or not "issues" with me is another thing I didn't care about, if you have even one issue with me more than simple comments exchange, then I could say you need a life to entertain yourself with. I comment good or bad stuff because that's what I think about the games, If somebody seem to have an issue with me then I argue for the giggles, then with the same smile I go when I get bored and continue my day with that same smile. The second I end reading and answering, you stop existing to me. That's how little I care. Again, I stand by my opinions and they were specific, if you have a problem about that, that's a you problem.
At this point I'm not even sure the bulk of that anger was even directed at me as much as it seems to be with the fact that you apparently REALLY don't like the idea of having your presented example exposed as being based on nothing more then a misrepresented "mountain" assumption that clearly didn't actually have any of the meaningful weight behind it that you ideally would of liked it to.

It was terrible supporting example of a game failure point you wanted to stress here, and one that was already discredited by the traffic data the dev posted before I even bothered expanding on it with context. Let it go and move past that man.


May 7, 2019
At this point I'm not even sure the bulk of that anger was even directed at me as much as it seems to be with the fact that you apparently REALLY don't like the idea of having your presented example exposed as being based on nothing more then a misrepresented "mountain" assumption that clearly didn't actually have any of the meaningful weight behind it that you ideally would of liked it to.

It was terrible supporting example of a game failure point you wanted to stress here, and one that was already discredited by the traffic data the dev posted before I even bothered expanding on it with context. Let it go and move past that man.
"the bulk of that anger"
Oh you're one of those that close yourself in your mental gymnastic bubble to convince yourself that you're right. If literally after telling you I do this for the giggles you still convincing yourself there's some anger blah, you're just trying to make yourself feel better. Or maybe you're projecting.

"it seems to be with the fact that you apparently REALLY don't like the idea of having your presented example exposed"
Verona the Facts Whispered we should call you. haha. Exposing something? There was nothing to expose, you just can't accept my comment so you try to twist the meaning behind it; Strawman 101. The fact is that you're pulling your strawman out of your ass so you have something to keep answering ad nauseam. I thought first that you was just having problems understanding a different opinion. Now I realize your problem isn't mere dumbness but also denial being obvious how you try to pretend to fail understanding others while you keep thinking that you know more about my opinions than myself, even after being diluted and explained for easy understanding. I guess your little BS bubble is the only way you can even answer after my comments. Again, your BS doesn't describe my reality, but nice try.

"Meh your game example meh"
It may not enter your brain, but my opinions mean what I say they mean, and there's logic behind my point and even my comparison. Even others on the forum seem to understand my comments, so again all the BS you want to make about my comments and comparisons seem to be a you problem. My point was simple, specific, clear and at this point over explained: "this kind of thing causes this kind of feedback". You may want to hug the idea of irrelevancies in the game I used to compare that cause/effect situation, but out of your selected closed mentality people can pick 1 thing about a different game if the issue they're talking about happens in both, because I wasn't comparing games per se, but the cause and effect of one thing. You can understand and accept it, or you can keep your mental gymnastic that at this point feels like a baby tantrum.

Blah traffic blah. Dumb dumb you still keep trying to push the same narrative assuming it disqualifies mine, while you pretend to ignore that my point and criticism touches something different than that. I will choose to believe that you aren't really this idiot and that you're choosing to fake having this level of idiocy. All the blah you wrote is the same dumb answer you gave me before and all this was already answered, meaning that either you don't read it or that you're so up in your own ass that you can't accept anything that differs from what you think, that you can't handle opinions different than yours. Again; feel free to believe me and the others are wrong because you're right, but not me nor others need to get on that BS train. I feel like I'm dealing with Pavlov's dog and every notice is the metronome. Then you come back, but not because you have something to say but because you have to say something.

"Let it go and move past that man"
If you could realize how hypocrite and dishonest you're by writing this while you're failing to apply it to yourself. Live by example and accept you can't decide what I wrote and what I meant by it. This whining is laughable at this point, deal with it and practice what you preach.


New Member
Feb 9, 2018
Chloe's beautiful but something about her rubs me wrong, Nora's too hot I'm sorry Chris you're a good friend but Nora's mine
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Jun 20, 2021
I really like the ambition of this series with at least 10 love interests, but it's getting pretty clear that the author isn't quite up to maintaining the story as is and is beginning to take quite a number of shortcuts in development, a number of which are pretty jarring.

Golden Trump

Jul 8, 2021
I really like the ambition of this series with at least 10 love interests, but it's getting pretty clear that the author isn't quite up to maintaining the story as is and is beginning to take quite a number of shortcuts in development, a number of which are pretty jarring.
Dude , he is literally ruining the LI's characters , MC has spent way much more time with LI's than charli but still they end up trusting charli way more than MC even riley , if there is no fkin trust among them what's the fun of playing their paths.

In the hope of creating drama in the game , dev screwed up the character building of LI's , well lets see what comes in future although I will stay away from the game for a while, might play after 4-5 updates when the shit is fixed or probably not.

xxx Oh I just saw the rating of game went from 4.5 to 3 xxx


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I have to ask a question -- Are there gun ranges in England? I know that when I worked for EDS our training center for international employees was in Plano Texas. All the people that came from England would always go to the shooting range because they can't do it at home. So that scene looked out of place. The other issue was the Harry Potter quiz -- when Lauren ask how many books I was sure she being a big Harry Potter fan -- would state that there is 8 books, with Harry Potter and Curse Child being the 8th, as Rowlings has now stated that. Also when we go to Big Ben -why wouldn't the MC or Nora not look at it from the London Eye (since we are trying to show her a good time)? Understand there might not be assets, but the scene just paid lip service to it.
No we don't have gun ranges, not like they are in America. There are places to go clay pigeon shooting and very few gun clubs but those are heavily regulated and guns aren't available to the general public.

As for the Harry Potter books, the ones you mentioned are not part of the main series. More like spin off's similar to the Fantastic Beasts.

The Cursed Child is a play.
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Jan 31, 2018
The Charli debacle is so bizarre and strange. It feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone. A guy you've never heard of suddenly appears out of thin air and is instantly super close friends with all of your friends. He begins to undermine your relationships with your friends. When you question where this guy came from, and who he is, everyone acts like they have no idea what you're talking about and you're the crazy one. You slowly begin to question your sanity.

Many adult VNs have poor quality writing, in large part because very few authors have any forethought about where the story is going and where it's going to end up. The story is created on a purely ad hoc basis. This is particularly evident in College Kings, where the writer has changed hands more than once, and there is no direction for the plot. I wonder if there was ever a semblance of an intended story beyond "Guy goes to college, joins a fighting fraternity, fucks chicks along the way".
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Dec 9, 2018
took me A WHILE to fix those bugs for Android version. I requested it. hopefully Android links will be updated soon.
Hey! So the thumbnails in the gallery are mostly blurred (and don't open) and even the few clear ones are not opening. This is the android port, btw


I, for one, welcome our new android overlords.
Nov 2, 2017
Hey! So the thumbnails in the gallery are mostly blurred (and don't open) and even the few clear ones are not opening. This is the android port, btw
yeah those scenes are not unlocked. it's not port's fault :FacePalm:


Feb 24, 2018
The dev really messed with with the writing this time...Like who the fook is Charli? He appeared like a fart out of nowhere and is causing the LI's to undermine the MC and causing some friction between them. ALSO can I have a complete walkthrough of the game in a pdf files because the walkthrough mod doesn't completely guides through the game and I wouldn't want to miss anything.
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Aug 4, 2020
The Charli debacle is so bizarre and strange. It feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone. A guy you've never heard of suddenly appears out of thin air and is instantly super close friends with all of your friends. He begins to undermine your relationships with your friends. When you question where this guy came from, and who he is, everyone acts like they have no idea what you're talking about and you're the crazy one. You slowly begin to question your sanity.

Many adult VNs have poor quality writing, in large part because very few authors have any forethought about where the story is going and where it's going to end up. The story is created on a purely ad hoc basis. This is particularly evident in College Kings, where the writer has changed hands more than once, and there is no direction for the plot. I wonder if there was ever a semblance of an intended story beyond "Guy goes to college, joins a fighting fraternity, fucks chicks along the way".
Gotta admit the discussion around Charli is making me laugh my ass off though. It's hard to even know what the best choices are with Charli anyway as he becomes your arch nemesis after two conversations...
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Sep 1, 2019
No we don't have gun ranges, not like they are in America. There are places to go clay pigeon shooting and very few gun clubs but those are heavily regulated and guns aren't available to the general public.

As for the Harry Potter books, the ones you mentioned are not part of the main series. More like spin off's similar to the Fantastic Beasts.

The Cursed Child is a play.
Thank you Avaron1974 for replying, I always love your posts. Thank you for the clarification on the gun clubs. As for the Harry Potter I only brought it up, because Rowlings on Pottermore had mention she now consider that play to be the 8th book. ( although originally she said it was not cannon, but has since changed her mind). I just though the Dev didn't give much though to England. Like the scene where you talk to Chris about Nora, he makes the comment that he has his evening and night free for her. What time zone is the school in. He should have more free time in the day. ( I worked in Ireland for 6 months, I would phone home @ midnight to talk to family, because it was 6 pm there.) thanks again for the reply and Look forward to reading more of your posts.
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3.20 star(s) 191 Votes