I have to react to this, I probably shouldn't but I have to.
First. Yes, this community is amazing when it comes to discussing the games, what is good, what is bad, bugs and such. But when it comes to advertisement, you're very wrong about that. Popularity on this site doesn't necessarily translate to creator's earning. Look at games like "Life with Marry", "The DeLuca Family" or "Our Fate - A New Family". These games are way better than my game and are way popular as well, yet it doen't show on their patreon pages. Why? Because people on this site just won't/can't support them financialy. And it's alright, I undestand that many people can't support the creators. At least not all the creators, but you should consider to support at least one, the best one you have. Even one stupid dollar makes a difference, if another 50 people like you decide to support somebody.
Second, about piracy, I've never said I condemn it. I fact, I very much download most games from here like everyone else. The reason I've mentioned it at all is, because I was asked by
@SamJohnson, why he has a problem unpacking game downloaded from here. And I told him that I don't know where the problem is, because I don't upload my game on this site. And if you think my responses were rude, than be my guest. I don't think they were, there may have been assertive, but not rude.
BTW, what is wrong with word piracy? Is there a new word that describes illegal downloading from internet? Or do you just find it offensive, like so many other things these days? I am pirate and I don't mind it, why do you?
And I don't believe that striking down on pirates will help anybody, with DRM, or shaming, or whatever. That's why I'm here, talking to you, trying to convince you that I'm worth the support. Play the game, tell me what you think, and if you like it, consider supporting it. I'm not asking that much. So it saddens me, when people read an anger, rudeness or arrogance in my comments, because it's not there. There might be a sarcasm, when I feel depressed, but I still try to help, if somebody asks for it.
Have you asked for my help? I don't believe you have. Because if you have, you would read something like this. You don't have the lastest version of the game, where the bug after opening with "S" is fixed (no one has reported any problems). And the bug only happens once (to my knowledge). When you're on slot 50 and push the down button, you'll move to slot 1, so you don't have to move up 25 times. Plus you can use page up, page down buttons. And why would you need a load menu? You can load a save from the same menu, where you save games. So you don't have to leave to the title screen everytime.
Also you've started at an unfortunate time. Two months ago I've implemented a new plugin for animations, since then I had a lot of bugs with saving system, because this plugin wasn't compatible with my edits. It took a lot of time to fix all the problems and the last few has been fixed in the version that isn't here.
And accusing me for deliberately prolonging gameplay by forcing people to quit to main menu and load from there? How can you event say something like that? I've implemented fast treveling to the game, loading/saving game at any moment. I've designed maps that aren't overly huge and I've added HUD, so you don't have to aimlessly travel back and forth to find, where the girls are. I don't know an RPG Maker game that has any of those. And roll back feature in an RPG Maker game? When you see it, tell me about it and I try to do it. But as far as I know, there's no way.
Last. I don't think you're going to read this. But I hope you will, since you've put enough effort to write your piece. Next time don't be so hostile. I haven't given you a reason to be. First ask question, then be upset, if you're not satisfied with the answer.