Since he's reading here, I wanted to congratulate with MikeMasters for the wonderful game he's making, one my absolute favorites.
I wish that for Kara, in future updates when she get more comfortable, there will be an option to choose her clothing when in her room (in normal conversation or study scenes), like a multiple choice: clothed, underwear, topless, naked. That would make for great imagery (alternatively well known as "fan service").
At any rate, keep up the good work
do you think it would be a good idea to add time tags before each action/step ?
Yep, I think so because many actions are exclusive for a certain time/hour in the game, and let's say if I want to search an older action which I've missed and forgot, I don't have to ponder what the exact moment of action was.
Generically speaking, a walkthrough ought to be as precise as it can get, because one can only play some hours per month of a game, but then there are other games, other things and there is real life. So while in a good game the plot stays in the long term memory, several mini actions as remembering if this happens at 12:00 or 13:00, go straight into short term memory and then erased.
Just my 2 cents and keep up the good work as well