So I have finally found some time to play this.. I am very very impressed!
Amazing job!
-Beautiful world building. I even red the Codex, which I never do, so that says a lot.
-Very interesting characters. I love it when each characters act like they have their own interest, likes and agenda and are not there simply to interact with the main character. Very good.
-Amazing intrigue.
-Art is also very well done.
My one
critique is the lack of music. In my opinion, music is absolutely essential to set up the mood of a scene. And given the quality of the rest of the novel I do believe including music is the way to further push it up. Other than that I don't have much to say.
I put it on my list to support when releases come. Any chance of including as a way to support it? Other than that, please think about steam. This novel would do well.
Kudos to dev and hope it becomes a very successful one!
EDIT: from what Cabin Fever said below, the lack of music might be a choice from dev according to story. If it is the case, I would really like to know why. Unless it is a spoiler. Then, I guess I will learn in the future.
Perhaps related to MC no longer being able to hear music, but just noise?