
Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
He probably was. He just got separated from her before that could really be seen. Companions have too short of an effective life span to actually test their natural one. Only ones who make it to old age are the ones who never fully awaken their connection and there's no logical reason to expect them to benefit from any potential longevity increase. Nael never cared enough about humans to take a companion before Gab so Amy and MC are the first chance to really test that thought. Sam would quite likely have no way of definitively knowing those limits.

Sam also doesn't seem to appreciate the actual limits of Nael's power yet. She's managed to bypass his restrictions quite a few times and also managed to hide her godhood from him until Gab made her snitch herself out. She's still interfering with the world even now which seemed to be against Sam's rules for her.
nope, Gab was not immortal.
and Sam did know. he confronted Nael after she revealed her godhood. Sam is implied to be a god that rules over life, he would know. he said that Nael could prolong Gab's life for a long while but eventually he would die. and no, Nael cannot interfere directly anymore, except for the portal. it might have been allowed so she could still see Gab and avoid her being frustrated and upset too quickly. though, Gab dies killed by Dia's companion, Nael destroys the universe. so "not allowed to interfere" might be just because the other gods would punish her or something like that.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
nope, Gab was not immortal.
and Sam did know. he confronted Nael after she revealed her godhood. Sam is implied to be a god that rules over life, he would know. he said that Nael could prolong Gab's life for a long while but eventually he would die. and no, Nael cannot interfere directly anymore, except for the portal. it might have been allowed so she could still see Gab and avoid her being frustrated and upset too quickly. though, Gab dies killed by Dia's companion, Nael destroys the universe. so "not allowed to interfere" might be just because the other gods would punish her or something like that.
Summoning the other primordials and giving them instructions is interfering, having a portal to Earth is interfering, Blowing the MC's head up is interfering.
We don't know the former status of Gab's mortality. You're taking Sam at his word when he's obviously underestimated Nael at least once.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Hello everyone!

I wanted to give you a quick update on the development process. I'm currently working on the final stages, and I'm happy to report that Chapter 9 is over 92% complete. It's turning out to be quite substantial, with a size about 50% larger than Chapter 7, which I find impressive.

I’ve noticed some issues arise when the game is modified, and unfortunately, I'm unable to provide support for modded versions. There have been instances where Chapter 8.5 doesn't work correctly, decisions from previous chapters aren't carried over, or players encounter dead ends in Chapter 4. These problems have all occurred in modified versions of the game.

That said, I think it’s great that people are interested enough in my game to create mods. I'm happy to see such enthusiasm and want to emphasize that I don't intend to dictate how anyone should play. Companion of Darkness is designed for you to relax and enjoy. If modding, cheating, or using a walkthrough enhances your experience, then, by all means, go for it!

However, if you encounter issues while using mods, my best advice is to delete everything, including save states, and start a clean playthrough. Unfortunately, I can only provide support for the original, unmodified version of the game.

Thank you for your support and understanding!

PS: How do you like this render? I think it's cool!


May 18, 2019
Excellent game, would love to play more.

P/s: Dev's opinion on the modded version gains my eternal respect.
Last edited:


Feb 20, 2018
So, for people who don't want to use the mod because of the possible bugs the dev warned about, I put together a text Walkthrough.

I'm not a walkthrough maker. This was made with WordPad, so it doesn't look the best, but it is at least usable. I do intend to keep it up to date. This was made by using the mod, so all credits go to MurrayMods. The only thing I did was transcribe the choices that the mod highlighted.

Also, english is not my first language, so if anything I put in the document is either wrong, or confusing, I would appreciate if it could be pointed out so I can correct.


May 11, 2023
The Saya no Uta OST makes the scenes unserious, like it's trying to emanate an unsettling feeling that doesn't match the situations. I'm sorry to be like this but... you're not that guy, pal.


May 11, 2023
Pardon but I'm about to yap because I'm too bored right now.

You can look for the most trashy and less than average manhwa out there and it will be better than the majority of the most popular porn games. And the best ones, well, let's say it's hard to keep up with stories that take themselves seriously. I've yet to find one single VN that constructs a narrative that doesn't insult my intelligence.

So mostly I value them by how hot they are (based on my preferences) and how well-made the visuals are. The story might be enjoyable if it isn't pretentious, it always works better when the themes are light-hearted with a bit of juvenile drama AND when they understand that they are pornography. But then there are the overdramatic ones that think they're writing a book when they're only taking advantage of how bad this industry is literature-wise. They wouldn't last a day in the novel market.
*Exceptions are VNs that have a clear distinction between the real work and the pornography (referring to fan service / optional nsfw scenes that don't affect the narrative in any way) or works that include erotism in their themes rather than straight-up pornography*

Having say that, I can say without remorse, yes, "my bully is my lover" is horseshit. Like, really really bad.

I find Companion of darkness to be better, but again, I could choose a random manhwa from a random website with similar or better qualities in under one minute.

Y'all would be happier if you understood that porn games are bad works (again I must reiterate that they are mostly from frustrated artists that know they wouldn't stand a chance outside this low-iq industry) but that they can appeal to us from different angles, and they only respond to our urges.

Can we spot a difference in quality? Absolutely. Is it wise to start a war between fanbases? No. Most likely both works are very bad. Some can hide it better than others, but they're still bad. I find it ridiculous that people try to be smart about the quality of adult VNs. You're consuming pornography son, get off your high horse.

Feel free to get offended :devilish:


Jan 3, 2022
Honestly Nael seems like a pure mary sue to me same with the older brother god they both make me fucking cringe next level annoying characters.
first you hate my bully then this VN .. i have a feeling when you look in the mirror you hate what you see to .. a very small........ booooom yeah that just happened nimby


Game Developer
Mar 28, 2023
Hello everyone!
I'm sorry it took so long, but it's finally finished—Chapter 9 is here!
And let me tell you, Chapter 9 is by far the biggest chapter yet. I really hope you enjoy it, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts, feedback, and criticism.
Public release will be the : 07.09.2024
Thank you all so much for your support. I love you all, and I hope you stay safe. ❤


Game Developer
Mar 28, 2023
So, for people who don't want to use the mod because of the possible bugs the dev warned about, I put together a text Walkthrough.

I'm not a walkthrough maker. This was made with WordPad, so it doesn't look the best, but it is at least usable. I do intend to keep it up to date. This was made by using the mod, so all credits go to MurrayMods. The only thing I did was transcribe the choices that the mod highlighted.

Also, english is not my first language, so if anything I put in the document is either wrong, or confusing, I would appreciate if it could be pointed out so I can correct.
Wow thank you very much for doing it.

i took the liberty of updating the walkthrough because a few things weren't quite right.


Feb 1, 2023
People really do seem to misunderstand what it means to be a "Mary Sue". Being very powerful, or even all-powerful, doesn't make one a Mary Sue. Being perfect in every single way is what makes a Mary Sue. That is literally the definition of the archetype. Nael is called out on her actions by MC and even by Gabriel and Noel, who love her. Even her, herself, says that the best traits she had, she passed on to Noel, and was left only with the bad, pretty much.
Noel, her own sister, fears her, and thinks her overprotective and overbearing. She is constantly shown to be arrogant, selfish, violent, and several other traits that people call her out on. People in world don't see her as a perfect person who can do no wrong and I'm pretty sure people irl who play the game don't see her as perfect as well. She is much more of a Deus Ex Machina, or a Plot Device, than she ever will be a Mary Sue.

There are some arguments to be made that Gabriel is a Gary Stu, but honestly, his part in the game is very minimal, and when he appears, imo, it is pretty ok, so I don't think too much about it.

I would say that Nael and Gabriel are not the "Mary Sue" archetype they are more inline with the Deus Ex Machina device, since they only appear to move the plot along to it's next portion.


Feb 20, 2018
Wow thank you very much for doing it.

i took the liberty of updating the walkthrough because a few things weren't quite right.
I really enjoyed the game and can't wait to play Chapter 9, thanks for your work.

Like I said in the document, it is all made by following the mod, so I appreciate your input on it, it really helps. When I play the new release, I will update it with your tips added.

Since there was no text walkthrough, I thought to try my hand at it. Even if the mod itself is already very appreciated, the possibility of bugs and broken saves is a really sad prospect.
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