Aug 31, 2021
Same, I've read it all but something is not clicking for me. I managed to get a couple of wins with cheats, but still don't really understand the correct actions in most situations.

From other posts i figure there is something very basic I'm just overlooking, but haven't figured what that is yet.

Or I'm just being dumb.

Either way, I'll eventually figure it out.
Erm. Well I mean, the things you have to do is either go for a distortion path which I found really easy using cheats. Or by corrupting each vulnerability with cheats which I found to be way more time consuming. I am no expert so ill probably have someone yell at me for being wrong. But the temptation distortion has been the easiest for me to achieve. I havent been able to get an aversion path because I always somehow break them passively.

Maybe if you explained why you lose? For the final battle I always use a pleasure commander on my temptation chosen and then when the others arrive i use tempt to instakill the first chosen. And then using my commander and surrounds to stop them from being able to complete the erradication while whittling them down.

Cheats make it laughably easy to win so idk how much you used the cheats or whatever.


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
Maybe if you explained why you lose?
Well, if I understood why I loose I'd understand what I'm doing. ;)

But in general, without cheats, I can at best get 1 girl corrupted and in the final battle I just get crushed before I can take any down.

in essence I'd say I'm being very inefficient and run out of time before I can get to the point where i snowball a victory.

I've seen how the snowball hits when I'm using cheats, but I just can't cross that point in normal play.

I've also custom created some choosen to match an exampling that was posted in the thread and followed that guide exactly and failed to get the results the poster had.

I figure there is something *very* basic I'm overlooking.
Aug 31, 2021
Well, if I understood why I loose I'd understand what I'm doing. ;)

But in general, without cheats, I can at best get 1 girl corrupted and in the final battle I just get crushed before I can take any down.

in essence I'd say I'm being very inefficient and run out of time before I can get to the point where i snowball a victory.

I've seen how the snowball hits when I'm using cheats, but I just can't cross that point in normal play.

I've also custom created some choosen to match an exampling that was posted in the thread and followed that guide exactly and failed to get the results the poster had.

I figure there is something *very* basic I'm overlooking.

Checking each girl's summary thingy will let you see which type of attack they will take most damage from in the final battle. Now im no expert and havent tried a run without cheats. So im sure somebody more informed will have better answers maybe. But through their corruption they grow more weak to one specific type of attack, which is whatever corruption you focused on in your run. So using your pain attack against somebody who you've raised to be weak against fear attacks could lead to you dealing 1% resolve damage instead of 5% by using intimidate.

The damage you deal during the final battle is also multiplied by the amount of damage they've already taken throughout the fight. So if you captured a chosen using an injure commander then after they're released their pain will be really high. Using your attack command on them with the pain much higher will allow more resolve damage to be taken.

Also through the summary screen you will be able to see the amount of resolve they will have in the final battle. Through corruption you can lower it from the normal 100% resolve to (the least i saw) 40%. Meaning that you have to deal 60% less resovle damage in the final battle. So you want to choose to ambush the girl with the least amount of starting resolve so you can get her out the fastest meaning you can face 2 instead of 3 at the same time.

Now for actually corrupting the chosen to make it easier. I have no idea. As i still have yet to try a run without cheats. You said you could only get 1 girl corrupted before time was out. But why is that? Are you not able to corrupt them simultaneously during battles?


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
You said ou could only get 1 girl corrupted before time was out. But why is that? Are you not able to corrupt them simultaneously during battles?
I can get 1 or 2 of them locked down, but there is always at least one I can't get a surround on and they pound my face in.

Unless I get that one item that gives a flat multiplier I am just not getting enough built up to juggle all 3 of them. Even with that I can't reliably get them in a cycle, or if I do one of them flies the next turn and ends me when they attack.

here is an example fight I just tried.
New game, new chosen, unknown stats.


Round 1: Try attack, 72 pain.

Round 2: attack, 72 pain, gives an opening.

Round 3: Surround

Round 4: 1 pain level, 50% injury, so go for Humiliate.


Gets 37 exposure, 23 fear, 15 disgust, 8 pain and 17 shame.


So looking like fear may be a weak point?

Round 5: Threaten. 64 points

Round 6: Evacuation is done, 2 rounds to extermination.

threaten may get me 1 level of fear, but I need 3 to get an opening.

Won't hit 1k with attack, so will try slime to see what damage she takes.

66 points.

She rallies, so trauma is reduced.

Round 7: Try taunt. 32 points and another rally.

it's over next round, so this is a wash.

End the fight to get physic reading to check stats.


already has T2 innocence broken, slightly weak to fear, disgust and pain.
Weakest to Pleasure.

Reload for take 2.

Round 1.
Fear/Disgust/Pain all equal, so going to try to cycle them till they get to lvl 1 for a longer surround.
we'll see.

threaten for 64

Round 2: slime for 66

round 3: attack for 72

round 4: threaten for 64

round 5: slime for 66

round 6: attack for 63

round 7: Surround for 2 (could have skipped fear since it won't give me an opening)

round 8: caress

7/31/25/8 and 32 pleasure. not great.


round 9: try for Humiliate as exposure is 2nd weakest.

30/47/34/26 with 32 pleasure and 37 exposure.

Surround ends and she ends the fight.

Reload for Take 3: Much the same as 2 but skipping fear this time.

Round1/2: Slime
Round3/4: attack
Round 5: Surround.
Round 6/7: Caress/Humiliate
Round 8: round earlier but same overall results, maybe got 2 more rounds. Would need 70 on fear or same to get an opening, but won't get more than 66 and fear won't help. Taunt will get 32 based on the first go. Buggered but will try taunt.


Fails and fight ends that round.


Did better overall in the 2nd attempt but still pretty meh.
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Oct 10, 2019
First days don't matter, you won't achieve much no matter what you do. Usually just hitting her weakest vuln with basic attacks without surrounding will give you the best results.
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Mar 23, 2020
First days don't matter, you won't achieve much no matter what you do. Usually just hitting her weakest vuln with basic attacks without surrounding will give you the best results.
I mean that's what I do, till the last fight when I loose.

Then day 9, all 3 chosen involved:


No really good vulnerabilities to start with, so going with commander on Shadow since she is very weak to Hate/Injury.

Turn 1/2: Grind, Pummel.

Turn 3: Slime.
- Can't make fear/shame work right now, so going to try for Disgust and see if I can get fear up to level 1 before the 2nd chosen shows.
- Gets to Disgust lvl 1 so good.


Turn 4: Fear
- level 1 as well.

Turn 5: Shame.
- Level 1 on all, so she is setup for a 4 turn surround once fear is triggered.

Turn 6: Justice arrives, attack on Justice.
- will try to get her to level 1 pain for a quick surround to get fear active on Shadow.

Turn 7: Surround Justice (1 round)
- Purity shows up.
- I've got 1 round before they finish extermination.

Turn 8: Surround on Shadow (4 rounds)

Turn 9/10: Grind, Pummel

Turn 11: Threaten on Purity
- I have 2 more rounds on shadow, but ideally want to move to setup Purity for a surround.

Turn 12: Surround purity (1 round).

Turn 13: Humiliate.

fight ends.

3 EE, 14k angst on Justice, 6k on purity, 3K on shadow.

Not terrible, but probably would have been more productive to use all 4 turns on Shadow.

But this is pretty much how it works till the final fight for me, I never get any better than this.


Oct 10, 2019
But this is pretty much how it works till the final fight for me, I never get any better than this.
You don't get better commander than 1 EE? :unsure: 1 EE is only good if you have a girl you don't plan to touch in near future so you can pump couple thousands of angst in her so she won't stop giving you EE. Otherwise just wait for a better commander. 5 EE is usual working horse, but 3 EE can also work in some instances. Rule of thumb is you should get more EE from using a commander, if you can't make that happen you don't use it.
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New Member
Mar 23, 2020
I only had 1 EE, and just unlocked commander that day, so not like I could get anything better if I wanted to.

But no, I have never gotten more than 3 EE from a fight (outside of using cheats). If i didn't use a commander I'd probably only get 2 EE.


Aug 5, 2018
Haksaw has good advice there- for a beginner you should focus on using your EE to research then build a 5EE commander, which can be doable by day 12-15. For your first few days, you have two priorities during battles:
1-Get each revealed heroine to 200 trauma, which will get you 1 EE per day.
2-Reveal the 3 heroines ASAP. This requires you to prolong battles as much as possible, by using tactics (attack/slime etc) to build up surrounds then only using those surrounds the round before the battle would otherwise finish.
That's optimal play, it won't make a huge difference if you can't, for example, do enough damage to the third heroine when she first shows up. But following this generally will get you to earning 3EE/d as quickly as possible. Then it's a question of patience, where you save EE and just add trauma to each heroine. It's normal to feel you're wasting time waiting and in later tries you can streamline the process with your better skills.


Oct 10, 2019
But no, I have never gotten more than 3 EE from a fight
You don't get EE from fights, you get EE from actions girls do in their downtime and those actions depend on their corruption lvls. So to get more EE from a girl you need to break her vulnerability in a single fight and she will be providing increased EE every day from that point on (if she has enough angst for that). You don't need to do smth good every single fight.


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
which can be doable by day 12-15
Takes me 25-30 days. By that time It's pretty much a lost cause.
2-Reveal the 3 heroines ASAP. This requires you to prolong battles as much as possible, by using tactics
Ok, this is one I did not know, I assumed they only showed up after a certain number of days passed.

build up surrounds then only using those surrounds the round before the battle would otherwise finish.
THANK YOU. That's what I've been missing in the early game.

I haven't been getting to 3 EE till day 9-10 (or latter), so I'm perpetually behind on research/commanders.

(if she has enough angst for that)
And I haven't been doing enough damage so they reduce angst faster than I can build it, hence me never getting past 3EE and I have to use 1EE commanders just to keep that level up.

But from what Zargal pointed out I'm just hitting 3EE too late in and can't catch up. I just need to adjust how I do the first few days so I get to the 3EE point early enough to get ahead on research/damage.


Oct 10, 2019
But from what Zargal pointed out I'm just hitting 3EE too late in and can't catch up.
That's first time I hear you can get 3rd one early, she always comes at day 7 for me. Even if you can get her a day or two earlier it changes nothing in the big picture.


Aug 5, 2018
You don't get EE from fights, you get EE from actions girls do in their downtime and those actions depend on their corruption lvls. So to get more EE from a girl you need to break her vulnerability in a single fight and she will be providing increased EE every day from that point on (if she has enough angst for that). You don't need to do smth good every single fight.
Not exactly strictly true; some vulnerability breaks during battle will give a one time boost of EE. breaking the "zero" core vulnerability gives +2 EE, Breaking a T1 core or minor vulnerability yields 2-3 EE, and Breaking T4 yields 2-3 EE, if T1 hasn't been broken yet (at least, from what I can tell from the R35 decompiled files I have).

Though, realistically, your best bet is to get trauma as high as possible. Which is why "orgasm in a can" is OP. Massive boost to trama, meaning high surround turns, + free T2 break and likely some T1 breaks? an extra +1 EE per turn from the start of the loop and the other chosen arriving sooner? Massive boost to your early game. Basically can break a T2 on each chosen before day 12.
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Aug 22, 2017
Can someone tell me why Casual Projection isn't working for me, it is supposed to do the following:
" Grants you the ability to identify which civilians would, if removed from society, induce the greatest despair and sinful behavior in those close to them. By withdrawing your forces while the Chosen are occupied and bringing those people with you, you can harvest a bit of energy from the general population. This adds a Retreat option during battle which ends the fight prematurely, but grants +1 Evil Energy for every five full surround or capture turns added up among the Chosen. "

But for some reason it isn't giving me the Evil Energy despite the fact I capture a hero for 4 rounds then surround 2 others for 1 round each.


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
But for some reason it isn't giving me the Evil Energy despite the fact I capture a hero for 4 rounds then surround 2 others for 1 round each.
Been a bit since I used it, but IIRC, it's based on the REMAINING surround duration, not the total in the fight.

So if you have a chosen surrounded for 5 turns, the Retreat button should show as "Retreat (1)" to show how much EE you would get. If it remains as just "Retreat" you aren't getting any EE.

If I'm remembering that correctly I think the description needs to be reworded as it's a bit unclear.


Oct 10, 2019
some vulnerability breaks during battle will give a one time boost of EE
Well, yes, but that's just a bonus on the side and a one off. Your main income is passive, not earned in the battle itself so you can afford some slow days.
how tf am i supposed to get 100m unresolved pain if im earning like 500 per battle?
A single good orgy gives like 10 trillions :PogChamp:Or whatever T means, I didn't count those insane nubers.
But for some reason it isn't giving me the Evil Energy despite the fact I capture a hero for 4 rounds then surround 2 others for 1 round each.
Yes, you need to retreat while girls are still surrounded for that to give EE. It won't be a retreat otherwise, isn't it? Not that useful of ability. At the stage when EE matter, every single surround turn count so you don't want to waste them. And when you can give up like 30 turns worth of surrond you're making like 100-150 EE per turn and don't care about 6 extra EE.
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