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Mar 15, 2017
Do Hate, Pleasure, Injury and Exposure get added to a pool at the end of a battle or do I have to raise them each battle? Also does Angst make the heroine's hit harder or my attacks hit harder?


Apr 23, 2018
Hate and Co. are Circumstances, and do not get directly converted to Angst. They are however crucial for raising Traumas, which do, and for breaking Vulnerabilities. Angst makes Heroines take more Trauma damage and commit greater sins to produce more EE.
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Oct 25, 2017
R48 bug report: Forsaken are showing up as/being processed as helpless/restrained in some instances when no INJU training has been applied. Screenshot:

The only previously applied training is Grand Concert, which should not be leaving her helpless here.

Save is attached: load slot 1 "train". Then train Orgasmia: Grand Concert followed by Tentacle Show.

Also, a quality of life/logic thing--if you Retreat after one Averted Chosen is caught in an Orgy, the text mentions her giving chase. Obviously, that shouldn't be happening--she's trying to flee in a panic. I suppose you don't have to adjust the EE given in that case as Aversion is balanced around giving exactly 0 EE, but at least the flavor needs to be adjusted.

Do Hate, Pleasure, Injury and Exposure get added to a pool at the end of a battle or do I have to raise them each battle? Also does Angst make the heroine's hit harder or my attacks hit harder?
Short answer: they get added to a pool, Angst adds to your damage vs. the Chosen.
Longer answer:
These four stats are called Traumas. At the end of a battle, the Chosen perform some action (called a Downtime Action) with two effects:
1) The Downtime Action gives you Evil Energy. More "sinful" actions generate more EE.
2) The Downtime Action lowers some combination of Trauma and Angst. More "sinful" actions resolve more Trauma and Angst.

The Trauma that remains after the Downtime Action stays on the Chosen, and is added to any Trauma already on the chosen. Also, every day, the Trauma that remains on the Chosen generates Angst.

Angst adds an amount to all of your attacks that cause damage against that Chosen.
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Nov 8, 2019
Do Hate, Pleasure, Injury and Exposure get added to a pool at the end of a battle or do I have to raise them each battle? Also does Angst make the heroine's hit harder or my attacks hit harder?
Fear, Disgust, Pain and Shame are what are added at the end of battle as Unresolved Trauma and ANGST.

Hate, Pleasure, Injury and Exposure are Circumstances and they only effect the current battle in the form of damage modifiers.

ANGST is a small buff to you, not a buff to the Chosen. It makes all damage you do to a Chosen deal a fixed amount of bonus damage.


Oct 25, 2017
Missing string:
Morality Break

Scurry doesn't enjoy violence, but her desperation over being unable to stop the Thralls has reached the breaking point, and the fact that she's bottled it up inside for so long only makes its release that much more spectacular.  Even though she knows that she's about to cross an irreversible line, right now she just doesn't care.

+20 Evil Energy

Scurry's Action: Wild Hunt

, killing them in much greater numbers now that she's drawing on so much Demonic energy.
FEAR [----''''''] (  432         =   432) nervous eyes
DISG [-'''''''''] (  138         =   138) lips curled in distaste
PAIN [-'''''''''] (  192         =   192) wincing in pain
SHAM [--''''''''] (  259         =   259) face downturned

HATE [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 1893 +  8107 = 10.0k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [          ] (    0         =     0) 
INJU [          ] (    0         =     0) 
EXPO [          ] (    0         =     0) 

HATE up!  Scurry's attacks grow stronger and stronger in a desperate effort to to end the battle before things get any worse.  She has begun to grow numb to the violence, and she can't muster the willpower to think of anything better to do.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the first post where I fight Devil Chosen in the Campaign.

I've got a fresh start, a new batch of Forsaken and items. I've got Splendor being a real drag on everything:

Suspiciously Incompetent
Deals no damage in combat, cannot be trained, captured targets immediately heal all circumstance damage

Tales of Terrifying Deeds
Thralls and Forsaken deal decreased damage to target depending on species: 4/5 against Undead, 1/2 against Devil, 1/10 against Mechanical

Social Saboteur
Every day, all other Forsaken lose 1/10 their current Motivation

Triple Agent
City difficulty modifiers are determined as if the number of loops completed were 10% higher
I've got the following set of items, which I feel are fairly synergistic and nice:
Inferno Pepper
After deploying a Commander, at the end of the day, an Evil Energy refund is granted with a maximum value equal to the number of items owned. [Currently: 5]

Tomorrow's Newspaper
All Demon Commander customization options are always unlocked. When purchasing the upgrades which normally unlock those options, an Evil Energy refund is granted with a maximum value equal to half the number of items owned. [Currently: 3]

Executor Drone
The daily extermination requirement is increased by 100.

Omelette du Maléfice
Gain +1 Evil Energy every time one of the Chosen uses an action unlocked by Tier-3 breaks.

Silver Collar
Whenever the Chosen take circumstance damage from a Surround or Capture, the amount dealt is increased by a flat value of 30 regardless of personality, corruption, or species
I've warped through a lot of the preceding loops, skipping loops 2, 4, 6, and 8 (didn't skip 9, though I could have--Silver Collar was too good to pass up, and in a loop where I fought 2 Animalistic Chosen)

This means that my roster is a little bit lean, my items are a little bit better, and my achievements are a bit behind (though whenever possible I've been beating the Chosen I don't keep twice--first Distorting them, then breaking that Distortion with a Defiler, which gets the achievements for all 4 T4 breaks and for the Distortion). I'll introduce Forsaken as necessary.

So, can this team beat the first Devil Chosen?

My choices in Loop 11:
Damage Mitigation: 14% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 35
Luxuries: 233% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Devil, 1 Undead, 1 Superior Chosen
16 Influence
New Item: Propaganda
When one of the Chosen first becomes a valid target for the Negotiation Distortion, deal 1 billion ANGST to the entire team. Also, on truce days, all active Tier-3 breaks gain 50% Punisher progress.

Damage Mitigation: 21% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 20
Luxuries: 792% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Undead, 1 Animalistic Chosen
14 Influence
New Item: Dimensional Kaleidoscope
Single use per campaign. At the start of battle, consumes Evil Energy to create a corrupted version of the target Chosen (stronger with more Evil Energy). The resulting Forsaken will be deployed for the current battle and is then added to the Forsaken roster for the rest of the campaign.
I don't have a real choice, I've got to try out the Devil. Dimensional Kaleidoscope is pretty neat, but Propaganda is actually pretty useful.

I'm explicitly not trying to use the new Loop 11 alternate finish, but I think I earn it anyway:
Loop 11: Can skip the next 2 loops by fulfilling a condition (only if Splendor was picked as the Loop 10 boss)
The Devil Chosen must end a day with an ally ANGST damage modifier at or beyond -120, before having 100M of any type of unresolved Trauma
Hey, it's math time. What does this equal?
From the help file, the Devil Chosen gets -2 ANGST modifier for every 1 ANGST modifier on other Chosen. So that means each of the other chosen would need +30 from ANGST, which is I believe 2^29=536M. Guess I'll be earning that through Propaganda, which does 1G Angst to all of them. I might take the alternate finish--I wouldn't really want to have to earn this in a loop with 35 days.

Anyway, starting the fight in the next post. Going to take some basic tactics as a given, but if you want more detailed explanations of why I do things, let me know.
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Oct 25, 2017
From peeking through Psychic Reading, the fight starts off against the Superior Chosen, Chaos.
Chaos +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
CON (sig) [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
I don't really care what kind of Forsaken she'll make. If I decide to do some kind of Break against her the only one available is Rampancy which is--kind of annoying? We'll see.

I buy Focus (refunded by Newspaper) and send out a 2-capture 2-turn Demon Commander with a free Hypnosis Punisher with my starting 3EE. I doubt it'll be enough to earn the customary +2EE from Chaos's core INN, but it doesn't hurt to try, and it'll at least rack up some turns and make other Chosen appear quicker.

Combat 1

Oh hey it was more than enough:
Round 13
Evacuation: 100/100 (100%) [####################]
Extermination: 167/200 (83%) [################====]

The Demons have the Chosen at their mercy!

[SUPERIOR] Chaos: Captured until next turn

FEAR: 1243 [Lv 2] x4(HATE) x16(PLEA) = x64 Total
DISG: 32.9k [Lv 3] x2(HATE) x64(PLEA) = x128 Total
PAIN: 4100 [Lv 2] x2(HATE) x16(PLEA) x2(INJU) = x64 Total
SHAM: 1879 [Lv 2] x2(HATE) x16(PLEA) x2(own EXPO) = x64 Total

HATE: 229 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/4(highest Circ.) = x1.5 Total
PLEA: 1219 [Lv 2] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/2(DISG) x1/4(highest Circ.) = x0.75 Total
INJU: 114 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/4(highest Circ.) = x1.5 Total
EXPO: 163 [Lv 1] x2(HATE) x3(INJU) x1/4(highest Circ.) = x1.5 Total
For the record, I have 13 Forsaken, that are all losing 10% of their Motivation each turn. I think I've only got one Sacrifice lined up, so, uh, this sucks:
During her daily routine, Bitters is confronted by a Thrall with a recording of her being humiliated, but Bitters is pleasantly surprised to see that the Thrall is just an enthusiastic fan. (+25.4% Stamina, -7.8% Motivation)

Polequeen sleeps through most of the day, having vivid dreams as you reach directly into her mind and carefully influence her thought process in order to prevent her from finding a way to break your hypnotism. (+68.0% Stamina, -6.4% Motivation)

Liquorice goes outside in the nude as if it isn't any big deal. (+15.4% Stamina, -10.7% Motivation)

Due to her nighttime activities, Poke has been impregnated with another fast-growing Demonic child. She gives birth to a small tentacled creature, then mentally collects herself and continues about her business. (+38.2% Stamina, -5.6% Motivation)

EXPOdia locks herself in her room, resting there until she can overcome her old fears of being abused by the Thralls. (+36.4% Stamina, -5.7% Motivation)

Queen Ruth isolates herself and spends the day in silent contemplation of your greatness, reminding herself that your will is absolute. (+42.0% Stamina, -9.0% Motivation)

Haterape begs you to punish her for ever daring to oppose you, and after you use a spare Demonic body to lightly molest her, she seems grateful and satisfied. (+32.2% Stamina, -5.5% Motivation)

Queen Tacticia feels worried about going outside, so she just spends the day in her room. (+44.8% Stamina, -8.5% Motivation)

During her daily routine, Splendor is confronted by a Thrall with a recording of her being humiliated, but Splendor doesn't let it get to her. (+60.0% Stamina)

pet of expodia is busy making plans for training. (-6.8% Motivation)

Ritual is put to work punishing a disobedient Thrall selected by pet of expodia. She's careful not to kill her victim, but she does end up breaking his mind in the end. (-28.4% Stamina, -5.8% Motivation)
PLEA/EXPO -> 1757 Exp -> HATE/INJU

Queen Lampanelli is put to work punishing a disobedient Thrall selected by pet of expodia. She ends up killing her victim, but she enjoys herself in the process, so she doesn't really care. (-39.0% Stamina, -9.0% Motivation)
+1800 Exp HATE/INJU

Queen Sadonia is made to drink a Demonic extract that causes her to become uncontrollably horny. She ends up violently assaulting an unsuspecting Thrall lured by pet of expodia. It isn't too different from her normal behavior, but she still enjoys it so much that she becomes even more motivated to do the same thing during battle. (-27.2% Stamina, -9.0% Motivation)
+5000 Exp HATE
No other Forsaken show up Day 1. The Inferno Pepper restores the 3EE I spent, I got 2EE from reaching Level 2 PLEA, and I got 1EE from Chaos, so now I'm at 6EE, which is exactly what the Pepper gives me. But, there's not really a way to spend 6EE on a Demon Commander. Oh, if I only had a Forsaken that cost exactly yeah you know where this is going.

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 96.7%
Cost: 20% Stamina, 17.2% Motivation, 6 EE
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Reputation Strength: 48%
Target Compatibilities:
Chaos - Good (7 rounds)

Liquorice (formerly known as Flawless Princess Mayhem)
Real name: Rokuda Rin

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 96.7% (max 136.5%)

HATE: 25.5k (x1.037 dmg)
PLEA: 26.2k (x1.040 dmg)
INJU: 338k (x1.416 dmg)
EXPO: 65.3k (x1.174 dmg)
x8.300 trauma dmg from Ritual's parasitism
Combat Style: Desperate (1000% INJU)
Lacking confidence in own abilities, acts with singleminded focus to disable the target. Useful early in the battle to increase future circumstance damage taken.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Torture (INJU)
Can torment a target with at least 10k INJU, dealing bonus INJU damage, multiplying all damage with lower Disgrace, and causing tier-2 Confidence Break

First Impregnation: Ritual (+36.5% max Motivation)
First Hypnosis: Demon Lord
First Drain: Ritual (-29% starting Obedience)
First Parasitism: Ritual (+730% trauma damage)

Hostility: 54% (Pessimistic about humanity)
Deviancy: 48% (Twisted sexual desires)
Obedience: 71% (Eagerly obeys)
Disgrace: 76% (Viewed with contempt)
I send her out in the hope that Forsaken #2 will have a core CON vulnerability. There's a 50% chance, right? Hopefully the Devil doesn't also have the core of CON?

Normally by this point I've got my Undead Demon Knight which would be perfect. Alas, fate has not been kind and there has not been a good candidate so far.

Combat 2

Well, shit.
The Demons advance on Purgatory, brandishing their razor-sharp claws. She very prudently retreats, lacking confidence in her ability to withstand many hits.

FEAR [ ] ( 0 = 0)
DISG [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PAIN [ ] ( 0 + 1 = 1) only a hurting a little
SHAM [ ] ( 0 = 0)

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [ ] ( 0 = 0)
EXPO [ ] ( 0 = 0)
Well, shit. That's clearly a CON unbroken minor, even though I'm not able to look at her stats. At least Liquorice will be tearing right through her.

I can't seem to avoid this turn in the fight, or get an improvement on it:
Round 10
Evacuation: 100/100 (100%) [####################]
Extermination: 170/200 (85%) [#################===]

The district is consumed by an enormous explosion as Chaos blasts away the Demons!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 75)

[SUPERIOR] Chaos: Opening Level 5 vs. Defense Level 3
[UNDEAD] Purgatory: Captured for 6 more turns

Liquorice: Busy with Purgatory

Who will you target?
If I surround Chaos, the fight ends on the turn they're both free and I lose a lot of extra turns since Purgatory isn't escaping yet. But waiting to surround her means I'm still losing some turns because I don't get the second surround on her. I need to prioritize getting an advanced species that's focused on CON damage.

I do manage to get Level 2 EXPO on Purgatory.

I get the 6EE back, +1EE x 2 for each of the Chosen's Downtimes, and the +2EE for Level 2 EXPO. Purgatory, by the way, is the Demon Knight I want:
Deployment cost: 78 Evil Energy
Braggart Breeder (+8.9% own HATE damage per Impregnation)
Adaptive Hypnotist (+0.089 own Expertise gain multiplier per Hypnosis)
Dutiful Harvester (+77 EE per Drain)
Notorious Publicist (+178% own trauma damage per Parasitism)
So we'll definitely be doing some level of Rampaging.
Anyway, with 10EE, I get Psychic Reading (no more flying blind!), Wide Deployment, Fast Breeders, and Coordinated Deployment, along with some free 2EE and 3EE techs I don't bother enumerating from the Newspaper. This brings me to 5EE.

So as I plan for the next combat, realizing that I definitely do have to do a Rampancy on Purgatory and might also do Rampancy on Chaos, the core that's out there waiting to be broken is Purgatory's DIG. It's time for the world's most confusing summoning, meet our friend:

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 44.1%
Cost: 20% Stamina, 7.2% Motivation, 4 EE
Combat Style: Flashy (1000% EXPO)
Reputation Strength: 80%
Target Compatibilities:
Chaos - Good (7 rounds)
Purgatory - Excellent (8 rounds)
Loyal Hypnotist (+20 victim training consent modifier)

EXPOdia (formerly known as Revived Revenant Return)
Real name: Fujmori Natsuki

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 44.1%

HATE: 60.2k (x1.162 dmg)
PLEA: 87.2k (x1.216 dmg)
INJU: 73.1k (x1.191 dmg)
EXPO: 243k (x1.367 dmg)
x8.300 trauma dmg from Ritual's parasitism
Combat Style: Flashy (1000% EXPO)
Focuses on putting on a show for any onlookers, usually by attacking the target's clothes or by sabotaging a stripped target's attempts at modesty. Can be used to demoralize an entire team.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Tempt (PLEA)
Can switch mid-battle to a high-PLEA combat style with an extra damage multiplier at low Disgrace, can cause and intensify Morality/Confidence Distortion against valid targets

Trait: Undead Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, 1/4 Evil Energy cost, Distortion trait changed

Trait: Eager Partner (Vitality Addict)
Regardless of Obedience, 1/4 Motivation cost to deploy and +50% PLEA and EXPO damage
Restore 1% Stamina per Trauma level inflicted on targets, can spend 100% Stamina to Capture flying target

First Hypnosis: Orgasmia (+0.02 Orgasmia's Expertise gain multiplier)
First Parasitism: Ritual (+730% trauma damage)

Hostility: 20% (Ambivalent about humanity)
Deviancy: 51% (Twisted sexual desires)
Obedience: 44% (Obeys out of fear)
Disgrace: 60% (Object of base lust)
At a cost of 4, she was created early in the run, one of my fist Undead. She's tuned to deal lots of EXPO, lots of Trauma, and can switch it up with Tempt to also deal lots of PLEA. I am fairly sure I can use her to at least get a T2 break on Purgatory's DIG.

Combat 3

Oh, here's the Devil:

All across the battlefield, Thralls suddenly begin to hesitate and look over their shoulders, overwhelmed by the sense that they're being watched. Memories of the sins they've committed flash across their minds, and even though they should have lost all of their inhibitions, some of them momentarily wonder whether they've done something wrong. The figure staring down at them looks almost human, but the disappointment reflected in her wise eyes speaks of an ageless intelligence.

"My knowledge is too much for you to bear! Wise Djinn Order, transform!"

The speaker is enveloped in blinding light as her civilian clothes burst away and are replaced by the garb of the Chosen! A thigh-length dress spills down her body, with a midriff cutout dipping down to expose the leather straps that go down to cover her crotch. Her legs are bare down to her high-heeled boots. Her clothes' bright colors and provocative cut give her a striking presence. Her long, detached sleeves wave in the wind. She wields a heavy mace whose impacts banish evil from their target.

Leaping from the rooftops down to the streets below, Order joins the fray!

"Don't worry, I'm here to save you!"
Huh, wonder if they get along:
(Chaos courtesy of Kalloi's Portrait Pack)

Anyway, reading more:
Her dress clings to her shoulders with no sleeves. It covers her not even down to her knees. The bulges of her tiny breasts draw immediate notice. On the other side of the see-through material, her leather straps can be seen going just barely down past her bottom. Her feet are covered by heeled boots which stop at the ankle. She proficiently wields her mace.

Devil Chosen:
Base damage taken is decreased by double Allies' ANGST bonuses (but never to less than own ANGST bonus)
Allies cannot pick downtime actions which generate more Evil Energy than own downtime action
If two Devils are present, third ally must pick downtime action which generates less than theirs
Alternative Tier-3 Break moves
Quadruple Resolve in Final Battle
Quadruple Achievement Weight

Morality: FEAR | HATE <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 HATE
Innocence: DISG |- PLEA <= Minor Vulnerability: Reach 100M Unresolved DISG
Confidence: PAIN | INJU <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 INJU
Dignity: SHAM | EXPO <= Significant Vulnerability: Use Grind and Humiliate until 10k dmg

Unresolved Trauma: 0 FEAR, 0 DISG, 0 PAIN, 0 SHAM. 0 ANGST (+0 base damage)
(-68 base damage from ally ANGST)
Note that the vulnerabilities are all just blank, except for PLEA which comes to us pre-broken.

So, what happens when the damage modifier is -68, but you deal 8x Trauma damage because that seemed like a good idea?
EXPOdia and Order catch sight of each other across the battlefield, but when Order tries to subdue the Forsaken quickly, she finds that EXPOdia is no pushover.

FEAR ['''''' ] ( 0 + 69 = 69) only a little worried
DISG [' ] ( 0 + 13 = 13) only a little disturbed
PAIN [' ] ( 0 + 16 = 16) only a hurting a little
SHAM [ ] ( 0 + 3 = 3) only a little self-conscious

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [ ] ( 0 = 0)
EXPO [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 185 = 185) clothes have some small tears

EXPO up! Despite Order's best efforts to keep herself covered, EXPOdia rips her dress all the way up to her hip. She does her best to squirm away and reduce the damage, but her clothes are much less durable than her flesh.

"This must be EXPOdia. Be ready, because I won't hold back!"

"I have to fight you. I just need you to hurt me..."
Well, that's a bit unpleasant. What about when she uses Tempt?
Order starts lashing out with superhuman strength, and EXPOdia stops molesting her and backs off reluctantly.

FEAR [--''''''''] ( 69 + 142 = 211) nervous eyes
DISG [''''''' ] ( 13 + 59 = 72) only a little disturbed
PAIN ['''''''' ] ( 16 + 65 = 81) only a hurting a little
SHAM [''''''' ] ( 3 + 71 = 74) only a little self-conscious

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [---------'] ( 0 + 999 = 999) blushing and distracted
INJU [ ] ( 0 = 0)
EXPO [-'''''''''] ( 185 = 185) clothes have some small tears
That's a bit better.

I do manage to get Purgatory's T1 and T2 breaks on DIG, as well as the allowed T1 INN break. I also do a bit of Trauma to our friend Order:
Wise Djinn Order: real name, Rokuda Wattan. Though incarnated as a human, she has the memories and soul of a Devil, an entity which exists to punish all sinners. As a djinn, she offers her knowledge and power to any mortals who know how to ask, even though she knows that most of them will use it only to consign themselves to damnation.

She has a dedicated fanbase among those who appreciate her strong sense of right and wrong. She is absolutely tireless in using her popularity to promote the war effort to the public, but feels a cynical contempt for the way that many of her fans hold her up as an object of sexual desire. Despite how much she enjoys being the center of attention, she doesn't consider it acceptable to dignify that sort of obsession.

As expected of a Chosen with such a wholesome reputation, Order lives a fairly traditional personal life. She is very outgoing and is considered irreplaceable by her many friends, always trying to do what's best for everyone. However, she's more of a cynic than a romantic, and in any case she's too strong-willed to let herself be forced into a relationship before she's absolutely ready for it.

Order became one of the Chosen to protect what she actually cares about. Always smarter and more capable of taking care of herself than her peers, she is absolutely fearless and convinced that she'll be the one to save the day. She doesn't take her fights as seriously as she should despite the fact that she ought to have learned better by now.

But the Demons are perfectly willing to teach her other lessons in the meantime. Order is normally very focused on her goal, but she feels no shame whatsoever about using their lewd attentions to satisfy her own sexual needs. She doesn't truly hate them, and that leaves an opening in her heart that she doesn't care about correcting.

Devil Chosen:
Base damage taken is decreased by double Allies' ANGST bonuses (but never to less than own ANGST bonus)
Allies cannot pick downtime actions which generate more Evil Energy than own downtime action
If two Devils are present, third ally must pick downtime action which generates less than theirs
Alternative Tier-3 Break moves
Quadruple Resolve in Final Battle
Quadruple Achievement Weight

Morality: FEAR | HATE <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 HATE
Innocence: DISG |- PLEA <= Minor Vulnerability: Reach 100M Unresolved DISG
Confidence: PAIN | INJU <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 INJU
Dignity: SHAM | EXPO <= Significant Vulnerability: Use Grind and Humiliate until 10k dmg

Unresolved Trauma: 32.7k FEAR, 119k DISG, 22.1k PAIN, 24.8k SHAM. 198k ANGST (+17 base damage)
(-72 base damage from ally ANGST)
Yesterday's Evil Energy generation: 2 EE (4% of trauma required for more sinful action.)
What kind of Forsaken does she make?
Deployment cost: 268 Evil Energy
Charming Breeder (+40.5% victim max Motivation)
Resourceful Hypnotist (-360% Hypnosis Effectiveness required for Hypnosis)
Memorable Harvester (+40.5% victim INJU damage as Forsaken)
Practical Publicist (+40.5% victim EXPO damage as Forsaken)
I've already got the following: a victim +INJU, victim +EXPO, victim +Motivation. So, while those bonuses are very nice, I'm looking for a Forsaken I can use for damage.

From the species.txt file, here are the possible distortions for Devil Chosen:
Forsaken traits changed:
Capable of using Release on Captured targets
Deals +75% damage
Instead deals +100% damage if not defeated using Distortion
Every deployment deals 10% Motivation damage to all other Forsaken
"Eager Partner" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Eager Partner (Connoisseur of Correction)"
Lose 1% Obedience per day
When below 40% Obedience, 1/4 Motivation cost to deploy and deal +100% PLEA and EXPO damage but removes ally Motivation even when not deployed
When at or above 40% Obedience, grant +5% compounding damage bonus to all Forsaken
"Dissociative Identity" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Dissociative Identity (Personal Hell)"
Every time an Orgy is started, the next capture in the same combat can target flying Chosen
"Demon Knight" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Demon Knight (Unholy Avenger)"
Instead of dealing +50% HATE and EXPO damage, deals +50% for _all_ circumstance damage
"Flexible Peacemaker" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Flexible Peacemaker (Devil's Contract)"
Uses _worse_ between Hostility and Obedience to determine Stamina regeneration
Can be deployed regardless of Stamina and Motivation levels
If Stamina is brought to 0% by deployment, species damage trait is increased to +150% for that battle
Since she comes partially broken, my choices are Temptation or Negotiation. And I'm... going to sleep on it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Intermission: The Plan

Now that we have all 3 Chosen, what are we doing with them?

Chaos +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ] -|-----
INN (core) [X][ ][~][~][~] ----|
CON (sig) [~][~][~][~] -|--
DIG (min) [X][X][ ][ ] -|-----

Beautiful Avenger Chaos: real name, Ushioda Umeko. A recent addition to the Chosen, with extremely high psychic potential. Although she lacks the skill to make full use of her power, she's still reached the point where it's difficult to hold her down or even touch her against her will. Her motivations are anything but heroic, though, and her focus on winning the battle can cause her to neglect overall strategy and public relations.

Her performance is more than satisfactory, but she has trouble obtaining government support due to her deeply-skewed sense of right and wrong. Most of her 'fans' are just people who lust after her, and she obliges them with lucrative gravure photoshoots and whatever other public appearances her handlers consider appropriate. She uses it as an opportunity to blow off some steam. Teasing and manipulating all those people is great fun.

Given her wild public image, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Chaos disregards the rules of society in her personal life as well. She is trapped in mutually-abusive relationships with those around her, having sex with all of them on a regular basis, often with several of them at once. She really likes the warm emotions she feels when they all want to be with her. It's better than being lonely.

Chaos accepted her role as one of the Chosen in hopes of becoming strong enough to take control of her own life. She tends to trust what those around her say, so she believes that the Chosen are the natural predators of the Demons, their victory inevitable. Even though she still pours her heart and soul into every fight, it's only a matter of time until she learns that her optimism was unfounded.

But fighting the Demons has already left its impact on her. Chaos had expected that they'd just be fighting her fair and square, but they seem to prefer molesting her over actually attacking. She's mostly just angered, though some other strange feelings make their way through, her passion for battle becoming twisted into a very different sort of emotion.

Superior Chosen:
1/3 circumstance damage in Core Vulnerabilities
2/3 all damage in Significant Vulnerabilities
1/3 trauma damage in Minor Vulnerabilities
Stronger Slaughter, Fantasize, Detonate, and Striptease
Double Resolve in Final Battle
Double Achievement Weight
As I said, she's worthless. I'm not going to use her in any way whatsoever after this fight except as a Grand Concert-show before I Sacrifice her. Current plan is to try Rampaging her, then earning all Breaks against her. If I'm going to Rampage her, which has very little benefit since I don't plan to need another Rampant Forsaken after Purgatory, I need to do it first, because it soft breaks one of her Cores and no Minor Vulns.

Purgatory +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [ ][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (min) [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Morality: FEAR --|--- HATE <= Significant Vulnerability: Use Grind and Pummel until 10k dmg
Innocence: DISG --|--- PLEA <= Significant Vulnerability: Surround w/ >10k PLEA to Force Orgasm
Confidence: PAIN |----- INJU <= Minor Vulnerability: Use Caress and Pummel until 10k dmg
Dignity: SHAM -----|--- EXPO <= Core Vulnerability: Reach 100M Unresolved SHAM

Revived Revenant Purgatory: real name, Fujimori Otome. The public refused to accept her death, and so she was revived as one of the Chosen despite knowing that she should no longer exist. She's self-conscious about fighting as a public figure, but the vitality granted by her Chosen powers (along with an obsessive daily skincare routine) ensures that she doesn't look or feel like a corpse.

She's one of Japan's premier Chosen, adored by millions of fans as the ideal image of a stoic defender of the peace. She is compliant with most things she's asked to do as a propaganda tool for humanity, but she is having a harder and harder time tolerating the way that the entire world has access to pictures of her naked body. Her extreme shyness makes the humiliation even harder to endure, and she has to convince herself not to abandon humanity to its fate on a regular basis.

Her attempts to maintain a normal lifestyle continue even though all the people in it have seen Purgatory naked by now. She has trouble being as social as she wishes she could be, standing out as aloof but not outright hostile. Although she has a healthy appetite for social interaction, she barely has the willpower to refuse the sexual advances of those who want her to cheat on her partner.

Purgatory sees her Chosen powers as a chance to prove that she's useful. She never felt like she could do anything herself, and she hopes that becoming one of the Chosen will change who she is inside. Even though she can barely muster the tiniest amount of defiance to maintain that hope, she tries hard to convince herself that she can do this.

Even when she wins, the Demons' attacks take their toll. Purgatory is embarrassed and a bit annoyed by how she keeps finding herself forced to sexually service her attackers. It's hardly dignified, and the thought of picking up a reptuation for doing it regularly is absolutely mortifying.

Undead Chosen:
Drains Evil Energy upon starting a new day
Amount drained increases with time
Does not grant bonus Evil Energy for Significant and Minor Vulnerability Breaks
Alternative Tier-3 Break moves
Triple Resolve in Final Battle
Triple Achievement Weight

No picture. She was set to use Purgatory's folder, which hasn't been created. I switch her to use Paladin for now.
Purgatory is going to be my singular Undead Demon Knight, which will really propel my early game forward. You see, with Inferno Pepper I get a refund up to +n (currently 6) for sending any Commander, and she'll also as an Energy Raider give me back 90% of what I spend on her. So, by my reckoning, I'll get EE back twice. If I start a loop with 3 EE, I'll get 2 back from her Energy Raider and 3 back from Inferno Pepper for Day 2. Assuming I get one +2EE break against the first Chosen, that means 3 EE turns into 10 for day 2, and I can get even more back (9 + n) on Day 2.

Anyway, I want her to be broken in a way that gives her +max Motivation (because she loses so much each day) and +Trauma damage (because she'll build that multiplier to x50 or so counting both)

Order +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [ ][ ][~][~][~]
INN (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [ ][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig) [~][~][~][~]

Wise Djinn Order: real name, Rokuda Wattan. Though incarnated as a human, she has the memories and soul of a Devil, an entity which exists to punish all sinners. As a djinn, she offers her knowledge and power to any mortals who know how to ask, even though she knows that most of them will use it only to consign themselves to damnation.

She has a dedicated fanbase among those who appreciate her strong sense of right and wrong. She is absolutely tireless in using her popularity to promote the war effort to the public, but feels a cynical contempt for the way that many of her fans hold her up as an object of sexual desire. Despite how much she enjoys being the center of attention, she doesn't consider it acceptable to dignify that sort of obsession.

As expected of a Chosen with such a wholesome reputation, Order lives a fairly traditional personal life. She is very outgoing and is considered irreplaceable by her many friends, always trying to do what's best for everyone. However, she's more of a cynic than a romantic, and in any case she's too strong-willed to let herself be forced into a relationship before she's absolutely ready for it.

Order became one of the Chosen to protect what she actually cares about. Always smarter and more capable of taking care of herself than her peers, she is absolutely fearless and convinced that she'll be the one to save the day. She doesn't take her fights as seriously as she should despite the fact that she ought to have learned better by now.

But the Demons are perfectly willing to teach her other lessons in the meantime. Order is normally very focused on her goal, but she feels no shame whatsoever about using their lewd attentions to satisfy her own sexual needs. She doesn't truly hate them, and that leaves an opening in her heart that she doesn't care about correcting.

Devil Chosen:
Base damage taken is decreased by double Allies' ANGST bonuses (but never to less than own ANGST bonus)
Allies cannot pick downtime actions which generate more Evil Energy than own downtime action
If two Devils are present, third ally must pick downtime action which generates less than theirs
Alternative Tier-3 Break moves
Quadruple Resolve in Final Battle
Quadruple Achievement Weight

Morality: FEAR | HATE <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 HATE
Innocence: DISG |- PLEA <= Minor Vulnerability: Reach 100M Unresolved DISG
Confidence: PAIN | INJU <= Core Vulnerability: Reach Lv 2 INJU
Dignity: SHAM | EXPO <= Significant Vulnerability: Use Grind and Humiliate until 10k dmg
Morality/Dignity Distortion: Do not break Morality or Dignity (violence is okay)
Use Sodomize

Unresolved Trauma: 32.7k FEAR, 119k DISG, 22.1k PAIN, 24.8k SHAM. 198k ANGST (+17 base damage)
(-72 base damage from ally ANGST)

Last night, I was trying to decide whether to do a Negotiation or Temptation Distortion on her.

This morning, let's write out the pros and cons of each:

Ease of Accomplishment:
Negotiation--Very easy, Propaganda gives me 1G ANGST to everyone to get this started.
Temptation--I'd say Moderate. She'll have the Devil Modifier preventing her from gaining PLEA as fast, but we have EXPOdia which is basically built for that Distortion.

Advantage: Negotiation

Utility of Distortion
"Flexible Peacemaker" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Flexible Peacemaker (Devil's Contract)"
Uses _worse_ between Hostility and Obedience to determine Stamina regeneration
Can be deployed regardless of Stamina and Motivation levels
If Stamina is brought to 0% by deployment, species damage trait is increased to +150% for that battle
If I Distort through Negotiation, when she does get that bonus damage, which will I think be quite rare, she'll do it to all circumstances. This means I have flexibility to damage whatever stats I want. The Defiler for Negotiation, Traumatize, deals extra damage to all Trauma stats while dealing no damage to Circumstances. Since I don't need more weak Forsaken, I'd aim for her to be about a 10-15 cost to fill in the space between where we have all T2 breaks and we need to start earning Distortions and T3 breaks. With that and a high base multiplier she could be my first 2-circumstance focused Chosen. The bonus Defiler makes the choice of those Circumstances kind of obvious: HATE and PLEA. I'd want her to have the +Motivation Defiler attached to her and the +Trauma damage multiplier from my other Forsaken.
"Eager Partner" Forsaken Distortion trait becomes "Eager Partner (Connoisseur of Correction)"
Lose 1% Obedience per day
When below 40% Obedience, 1/4 Motivation cost to deploy and deal +100% PLEA and EXPO damage but removes ally Motivation even when not deployed
When at or above 40% Obedience, grant +5% compounding damage bonus to all Forsaken
In this form, she'd deal a LOT of extra damage sometimes to PLEA and EXPO, but she'd have to be deployed most of the time. The fact that she loses Obedience every day means I'd have to train her to re-up it at least sometimes, which on those days everyone would take Motivation damage. Given that, it's hard to figure out what kind of cost we'd need--if she's costed for the beginning of a loop, she wouldn't be useful in the middle, and if she's costed for the middle of the loop, I can't afford her in the beginning. I guess with such a large modifier, I'd weight her towards the beginning and hope that it's still enough to be useful. I'd set her up with +PLEA and +EXPO damage from two Forsaken I've created for that purpose. Still hard to see how she doesn't mess with my Punishers at the end of the loop.

Advantage: Negotiation

While we're comparing and mulling things over, what do the Devil T3 moves look like?
No matter which Distortion, they both will do the Hypnosis-related move:
Fantasize replaced with Book of Inviolable Taboo
This move can be used on the first turn of being captured by a Forsaken
Increase PLEA level by 1, then remove 24,000 per PLEA level expertise from the capturing Forsaken
The removed expertise is divided between the types of damage used by the Forsaken's combat style, and this can change the Forsaken's combat style
Progresses Hypnosis Effectiveness by 30% per PLEA level
The other T3 move will be different.
Detonate replaced with Mutual Damnation
This move can only be used while a Forsaken is deployed
Increase INJU level by 1, then damage the deployed Forsaken's Stamina by 10% per INJU level
If this brings the deployed Forsaken to below 0% Stamina, then the Forsaken is disabled for the rest of the fight before being reset to 0% Stamina
Progresses Drain Effectiveness by 20% per INJU level
Striptease replaced with Bell of Silent Shame
This move can only be used when an ally is captured by a Forsaken
Increase EXPO level by 1, then temporarily increase the deployed Forsaken's Disgrace by 1% per EXPO level (wearing off by 1% per day)
Progresses Parasitism Effectiveness by 20% per EXPO level
I think the Detonate is slightly easier to deal with the Disgrace. My combat-focused Forsaken tend to have fairly low Obedience, but they're very exactly tuned on where I want their EE cost/Strength to be, and they're all at a phase where a small drop in Disgrace leads to a large power drop. Advantage: Negotiation

Well, obviously, I'm Negotiating.

Time to put my "strategy document" (MSPaint Cut and Paste) together for this loop.


Order's got a Core CON hanging out there. I'm sending Liquorice out to get her. Let's get that 1G Angst! Buying Eager Breeders, Weakness Sense and sending Liquorice to go after Purgatory then Order.

I messed up at some point after this, so I load back to day 4. I broke Pugatory's rampage instead of Chaos's so oops. that sucked. Anyway...

Battle 4
The fight goes basically as expected. Capturing Purgatory first allowed me to Expose her when I later captured Order, which gave me enough CON damage on Order to activate the INJU Defiler from Liquorice. Which means--I've met the minimum requirements for Propaganda, and these bitches is hurtin'.
Chaos       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][ ][-][-][-]
CON (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [ ][x][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][-][-][-]
CON (min)     [-][-][-][-]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Order       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [ ][ ][-][-][-]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
I've got 37EE and they're all at 990M+ trauma. But because they're doing level 3 downtimes, they're basically zeroing out a Circumstance worth of Trauma every time. I don't really have enough EE to keep on the pressure during this time, so I'm just going to get some T1/T2 breaks while my upgrades catch up a bit with my damage. Got MOR breaks allowed on both Purgatory and Order. So, since I need some MOR breaks, meet Poke!

[This pic comes from the Chrima folder, she was not displaying a picture since Memory doesn't have a folder]
Poke (formerly known as Returned Saint Memory)
Real name: Fujimori Rin

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 44.4%

HATE: 322k (x1.408 dmg) (x1.425 dmg from Bitters's impregnation)
PLEA: 43.5k (x1.114 dmg)
INJU: 51.6k (x1.139 dmg)
EXPO: 10.9k (x0.773 dmg)
Combat Style: Mean (1000% HATE)
Avoids direct combat, instead taunting and manipulating the target's emotional state. Can set up for a powerful surround afterward.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Orgy (all)
Can throw a target into an existing Defiler+ action to create a weaker Orgy (stronger with lower Disgrace), so long as the target has at least 10k HATE or INJU

Trait: Undead Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, 1/4 Evil Energy cost, Distortion trait changed

Trait: Dissociative Identity (Shattered Soul)
While consenting, training can only increase Disgrace. +50% HATE and INJU damage
Can use 'Shape Memories' in Customize menu

First Impregnation: Bitters (+42.5% HATE damage)
First Drain: Ritual (-29% starting Obedience)

Hostility: 51% (Pretending to be hateful toward humanity)
Deviancy: 33% (Pretending to fetishize aberrant actions)
Obedience: 42% (Pretending to be eager to obey)
Disgrace: 60% (Object of base lust)
Poke is one of the first, if not the first, Undead that I trained as a damage dealer. She deals 1000% HATE, costs 4EE, and can actually trap them in an Orgy if circumstances allow it, but I don't think they will this time since I'm trying to get Order to stay under 100M in all Traumas. I pick up Dominance, Causal Projection, the last 2EE and 3EE techs, and Nursery Hives. All of that leaves me with 9EE, which hopefully I can put into a Networked Consciousness purchase tomorrow.

Battle 5
I get some breaks on Purgatory, but not really on Order. When I surround Order after she's at 10K HATE, doing Grind on her shows a warning that she's going to break DIG instead, which would of course take her out of the Negotiation path.

Anyway, we're here now:
Overall corruption progress:

Chaos +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][ ][-][-][-]
CON (sig) [-][-][-][-]
DIG (min) [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig) [X][-][-][-]
CON (min) [-][-][-][-]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Order +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][ ][-][-][-]
INN (min) [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig) [-][-][-][-]

Which information do you want to view?
With 29EE it's time to buy Network. 9EE left means I can send out Poke again, or go back to trying Liquorice. I try Poke again, and this time I'm going to try to make a point of getting some Trauma developed on Chaos and Purgatory (starting with Purgatory).

Battle 6
Well, I was able to get the Rampage on Purgatory. This time I need to remember, that's not the one I need to clear. I noticed both this time and last time that I was getting Rampages that weren't resulting in the +30EE downtime. Honestly, it's probably good that they don't because that would clear my Trauma/ANGST, but if this is a bug, CSdev , you can see it for yourself by loading Slot 1 in the saves.sav file atttached and performing a sequence of actions that gets you a Rampancy Break this is not a bug, it's a feature of the Devil Chosen preventing them from just smashing the city down.

Chaos       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][-][-][-]
CON (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Order       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
What's 122 EE get us? Passion Release, Soul Resonance, and Reality Sealing, along with all pre-requisites for these brings us back down to 34EE. At this point, the only purchases I have left really are the whatever I take from Antipathy, Empathy, and one of the basic attack+ options so I can put everything into attacking the Chosen. I messed up the calculation on the needed ANGST for the warp/loop skip/alternate route or whatever the preferred term is. I thought I needed 2^29, but it's actually 2^30 or somewhere between 1.07G and 1.08G. So, that's not far from where we are, with 990M being everyone's current ANGST.

There's enough going on to need a checklist:
1) Deal enough ANGST/Trauma to Chaos and Purgatory that they bump me over the -120 Devil modifier and earn the alternate exit to this loop.
2) Rampancy on Chaos still isn't a bad way to earn a bit of extra EE, that might be a useful buffer if raising Order's Trauma is difficult after all this.
3) Big Orgy once I've cleared the warp requirement
4) Negotiate Order whenever I can to do a soft break of her core MOR.

I decide that the best way to accomplish 1) and possibly 2) as well is a moderately sized Commander hitting 3 circumstances. I put HATE/PLEA in the Defiler slot because the focus is on Chaos and Purgatory, and remember that it may not be safe to Capture Order. I add an INJU Suppressor as somewhat counterintuitively the multipliers on Chaos and Purgatory make it quicker to build EXPO (min/core) if I do some CON (sig/min) first.

Battle 7
I end up accomplishing 2) but not 1). Purgatory gets up to 1.82G Angst, but not Chaos, who is still stuck at 1.00G. Anyway a quick Rampancy helps, and again, they don't do the associated Rampage downtime, which I'm now realizing isn't a bug, it's a feature of the Devil chosen! So, everything is working correctly.

Overall corruption progress:

Chaos       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
CON (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Order       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][-][-][-]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [-][-][-][-]
I realize that if I basically repeat the same actions as last time, I should get Purgatory up above (2^31 = 2.15G or so) ANGST, which will give her a +31 bonus. That'll earn the alternative exit, so lather, rinse, repeat!

Battle 8
I manage to earn the extra ANGST I need on Purgatory. I have to change up my order slightly, because if she does a Curse like she wants when she's free, it makes it so she can only Rampage which doesn't give me any Trauma.
Another option that I just recognized I had would have been buying up through Impregnation and sending a Forsaken out on an Assist Raid action. That's actually a pretty cheap option considering the Forsaken I have in reserve who can cause an Orgy costs well over 100EE.

no change, not bothering
So, I pick one of my Forsaken that just got replaced in the Loop 10 boss fight, and send her out for +6G trauma.

No Battle 8

And that means I've earned the modifier! Now all I need to do is negotiate Order and I'm done. I waste an extra day training because, haha, the radio show is today and it's funny to see them act innocent when we're so much beyond that now.

No Battle 9

Since it's been a couple of days:
Overall corruption progress:

Chaos       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
CON (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][/][ ]
INN (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Order       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
INN (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
CON (core) [X][ ][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
I'd like to earn all T4 breaks against Chaos. So, I need to free her and only her from Rampancy in order to do that. The Negotiation cleared out all of Order's ANGST/Trauma, but with Silver Collar and the like I'm fairly sure I can get her back up there in a single fight.

So, what kind of Demon do I need to do this? I've got a tough road to navigate here, because I'd like a single Demon to be able to do the following:
1) Ensure I get a T2 INN or CON break on Chaos, bringing her out of Rampage so she can get back to doing stuff.
2) Get a large Orgy on everyone to start breaking T3s on Purgatory and Order.

I think this will allow it, but the number of turns might have to be fine-tuned:
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Mania [EXPO]
Defiler: Ambition [HATE, PLEA]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a bestial Demon with an enormous cock which drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to tear off their clothes and force them into embarrassing positions for the watching crowd. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 106 Evil Energy. You have 10 Evil Energy remaining. This may interfere with the team's Distortions.
The major possible issue is that 4 turns might be too many for Order--we don't want the demon to activate the HATE defiler. But I don't have a really good sense for how the -130 Devil modifier is going to slow this body down.

EDIT: Going back to the same body, but 3 turns.
Battle 12
Yeah, this one took a lot of fine-tuning, but I did eventually manage to break Chaos out of Rampancy and additionally keep Purgatory from Rampaging for a 10-turn Orgy.

Want to see how having -130 base damage affects Order in the orgy?
Order's determined struggles abruptly falter, and she lets out a breathless groan as the Thrall behind her thrusts in and out of her ass. She has been trying to mentally train herself to endure this sort of thing, but she still reaches climax as quickly as ever, and she can't help but wonder whether she was ever truly strong at all. The Thralls taunt Order with the fact that she's faring no better than Chaos, who's squirming uselessly and moaning in pain as well.

FEAR [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 902G + 692G = 1.59T) consumed by fear
DISG [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 902G + 692G = 1.59T) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 902G + 692G = 1.59T) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 902G + 692G = 1.59T) mind paralyzed by shame

HATE [~~~-------] (2.37G + 1.25G = 3.62G) ready to become a Demon
PLEA [~~~-------] (2.37G + 1.25G = 3.62G) cumming nonstop
INJU [~~~-------] (2.37G + 1.25G = 3.62G) barely conscious
EXPO [~~~-------] (2.37G + 1.25G = 3.62G) every inch of skin exposed
So anyway this loop is now basically won and it's just a matter of playing it out.

Here's where things stand at day 13:
Chaos       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]
INN (core) [X][X][ ][/][ ]
CON (sig)     [X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (min)     [X][X][ ][ ]

Purgatory   +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig)     [X][X][X][ ]  200%
INN (sig)     [X][~][~][~]
CON (min)     [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][/][ ]

Order       +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
INN (min)     [X][X][/][ ]
CON (core) [X][X][X][ ][ ]
DIG (sig)     [~][~][~][~]
I only have 39 EE left, but I'm about to start racking up more breaks on everyone so the energy will be coming. I've got plenty of time left to Negotiate Order up to where she deals a decent amount of damage as well as fully break Chaos and Purgatory. The trickiest thing is that I've got to figure out how to use my Forsaken while Splendor is chewing up their Morale.

I'll check in again when Order starts doing those T3 moves.

Audience Participation

Hey everyone, I'm mostly doing these as part of a request for feedback on whether Devil Chosen are attuned correctly. Overall, I think they are--they'll definitely get more difficult when they start being combined with shorter loops and higher DM. I don't think that the ease in which I have basically won this loop should be used to judge whether Devils are too hard or too easy.

I don't know who reads and who doesn't, but I'm pretty sure CSdev does and a few others. Anyway, these Chosen will need new names. I'll copy their current Chosen descriptions below.

So, as you can see, I've got 3 Forsaken coming in at the end of the loop--I don't think there will be any problem with getting all of them.

Chaos is worthless, to be used up by my other Forsaken. Her main value is the breaks that she can give the few Forsaken I have that build up stats/multipliers.

Purgatory is incredibly useful--she'll be my Energy Raider/Demon Knight. She'll grow both her HATE and her Trauma multipliers to insane numbers during the game. I'll probably stop her overall trauma multiplier at around 50.

Order is going to be interesting--she's my first Devil Forsaken. As a reminder, I'll have her costing more than 10 but less than 15. She'll have a +PLEA damage modifier. I was originally going to put a -Obedience or a +Stamina Regen on her but that's actually a bit counter-productive since because of the Devil's Contract (Negotiated) bonus I actually want her Stamina to go down. I really like the idea of her being just the ultimate in Trauma damage, dealing HATE and PLEA and then switching up to Traumatize (although of course Purgatory will be stronger than her in dealing Trauma once her multipliers get going) so I don't actually have any Harvester bonus that makes her better.

Beautiful Avenger Chaos: real name, Ushioda Umeko. A recent addition to the Chosen, with extremely high psychic potential. Although she lacks the skill to make full use of her power, she's still reached the point where it's difficult to hold her down or even touch her against her will. Her motivations are anything but heroic, though, and her focus on winning the battle can cause her to neglect overall strategy and public relations.

Her performance is more than satisfactory, but she has trouble obtaining government support due to her deeply-skewed sense of right and wrong. Most of her 'fans' are just people who lust after her, and she obliges them with lucrative gravure photoshoots and whatever other public appearances her handlers consider appropriate. She uses it as an opportunity to blow off some steam. Teasing and manipulating all those people is great fun.

Given her wild public image, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Chaos disregards the rules of society in her personal life as well. She is trapped in mutually-abusive relationships with those around her, having sex with all of them on a regular basis, often with several of them at once. She really likes the warm emotions she feels when they all want to be with her. It's better than being lonely.

Chaos accepted her role as one of the Chosen in hopes of becoming strong enough to take control of her own life. She tends to trust what those around her say, so she believed it when she was told that as one of the Chosen, she was safe from the worst torments the Thralls had in store. She feels a visceral disgust at having been sodomized in public, waking up with nightmares about the incident every night, and she wishes she didn't have to be one of the Chosen anymore.

But finding herself at the mercy of the Demons has had consequences she couldn't foresee. Chaos had expected that they'd just be fighting her fair and square, but she ended up needing to use perverted methods to keep the Thralls under control. It's not like she really cares that other people consider that sort of thing to be naughty, though, and she takes a little bit of pride in being able to fight with pleasure as well as pain.

Revived Revenant Purgatory: real name, Fujimori Otome. The public refused to accept her death, and so she was revived as one of the Chosen despite knowing that she should no longer exist. She's self-conscious about fighting as a public figure, but the vitality granted by her Chosen powers (along with an obsessive daily skincare routine) ensures that she doesn't look or feel like a corpse.

She's one of Japan's premier Chosen, adored by millions of fans as the ideal image of a stoic defender of the peace. She is compliant with most things she's asked to do as a propaganda tool for humanity, but she is having a harder and harder time tolerating the way that the entire world has access to pictures of her naked body. Her extreme shyness makes the humiliation even harder to endure, and she has to convince herself not to abandon humanity to its fate on a regular basis.

Her reputation has also come to include a propensity for excessive violence, and that has had repercussions on Purgatory's social life. She refuses to take responsibility for all the killing she does as one of the Chosen, embracing her persona as a warrior of humanity even as it scares her friends away. She doesn't want to acknowledge how painful it is to lose them, so she just tries to convince herself that they never really liked her in the first place.

Purgatory has become a prolific killer, but deep down inside, she's actually a very timid person. She's managed to keep fighting without ever giving in, even while being raped. And the lack of gratitude from the public, while it was painful at first, no longer matters to her. She doesn't need praise or approval anymore. She's ready to show the world a whole new Purgatory.

She was surprised at how good it feels to be the one delivering torment instead of being the one receieving it. Purgatory had never needed to use brutality to earn people's respect, but now that she's had a taste of being one of the strong ones, there's no way she can give it up. She's drawing on Demonic energy more and more often when she fights, becoming something other than one of the Chosen. And she enjoys every moment of it.

Wise Djinn Order: real name, Rokuda Wattan. Though incarnated as a human, she has the memories and soul of a Devil, an entity which exists to punish all sinners. As a djinn, she offers her knowledge and power to any mortals who know how to ask, even though she knows that most of them will use it only to consign themselves to damnation.

She's moderately well-known for her constant hard work, which seems to have paid off in stopping the Demons' daily attacks. She's careful to conceal the truth, constructing alibis and deflecting suspicion from the fact that the prideful Order is sexually submitting herself to the Demon Lord. As far as Order is concerned, it's the only way to protect the city, since trying to fight has gone so poorly.

Being able to use her sexuality in a way that helps everyone has made her start to question her prior disapproval of casual sex. She's still refused to let anyone deflower her, but she feels a thrill whenever anyone looks at her with lust in their eyes. She's begun to actively plan out what her ideal 'first time' should be like, but her insistence on finding the perfect partner will keep her pure for the time being.

Order's willingness to use her own body to satisfy the Demon Lord is ultimately a product of her ruthlessness, her headstrong determination to strike down anything that stands in her way. Always smarter and more capable of taking care of herself than her peers, her determination has been significantly weakened following the anal torture she received at Liquorice's hands. She can't stop thinking back to it, and no matter how much she tells herself that it was no worse than getting stabbed or beaten, the sense of violation sticks deep enough within her that she can't rationalize it away.

But after countless battles against the Demons, she's learned more than she ever wanted to know. Order is normally very focused on her goal, but she feels no shame whatsoever about using their lewd attentions to satisfy her own sexual needs. She doesn't truly hate them, and that leaves an opening in her heart that she doesn't care about correcting.
Anyway, if you're reading, you can help by naming these ladies. I'm on the path to making them all hate each other.
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Oct 25, 2017
First Devil T3 break in Battle 14:

Innocence Break

Order has always been good at applying her smarts to understanding the public's perception of her, all the better to act as the hero they need her to be. But now, her sanity has begun to fail, and she's too headstrong to question whether she can afford to give in to her lustful impulses, even though she should be aware of the consequences.

+15 Evil Energy

Order's Action: Book of Inviolable Taboo - Desperate

As Liquorice approaches, Order makes the first move, tackling her to the ground! Order's hands crawl all over the Forsaken's body and she keeps going until she orgasms just from grinding her crotch against Order. With Order's full Devil Chosen strength being brought to bear, Liquorice is utterly helpless, and it takes some time for her to get some distance and turn the situation around.

+1 Evil Energy (sinful action)

FEAR [''''''''' ] ( 4 + 94 = 98) only a little worried
DISG [''''''''' ] ( 0 + 94 = 94) only a little disturbed
PAIN [''''''''' ] ( 0 + 94 = 94) only a hurting a little
SHAM [''''''''' ] ( 0 + 94 = 94) only a little self-conscious

HATE [' ] ( 18 = 18) trying to think positively
PLEA [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 100 = 100) blushing and distracted
INJU [---------'] ( 0 + 999 = 999) light bruising
EXPO [ ] ( 0 = 0)

PLEA up! INJU up! Despite the dire situation, Order can't deny that the Forsaken's sexual stimulation is starting to have an effect on her. Liquorice's fingers are able to easily work their way in under her clothes, and her bruised limbs lack the strength to completely fend off the assault.

(PLEA Lv 1: removes 24.0k Expertise from Liquorice's 1 used damage types. +30% Hypnosis effectiveness: 130% total.)
Now it takes a while to accumulate high levels of Expertise, past a certain point. But as long as I'm using single types against her, it won't affect anything. The last bit of Exp is the hardest to get and has the least overall effect. I can afford this.

Next Devil T3 break in Battle 15:
Confidence Break

Order used to be a driven, purposeful person who took pride in being able to endure anything for the sake of the greater good. But she can't ignore her own suffering anymore, and as she faces down Ritual, she realizes that she really just wants it all to be over.

Order's Action: Mutual Damnation

Order interrupts Ritual's rest with an offensive that's equal parts precise and suicidal. She's calculated it so that Ritual will be forced to kill her. Ritual eagerly tries to do just that, leaving herself open to some attacks as well in the process.

FEAR [ ] ( 0 = 0)
DISG [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PAIN [ ] ( 0 = 0)
SHAM [ ] ( 0 = 0)

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 100 = 100) light bruising
EXPO [ ] ( 0 = 0)

INJU up! Order grits her teeth as her recklessness starts to earn her bruises, but she does her best to ignore it. She's still putting a brave face on it for the time being, but her movements are slowed by the damage.

(INJU Lv 1: deals 10% Stamina damage to Ritual[41.6% left]. +20% Drain effectiveness: 120% total.)

"I will find the limit of my supposed immortality!"

"Stop! Don't you recognize me!? Wait- No, of course you don't. And I don't recognize you either. Of course I don't..."
My Forsaken don't have a problem with Stamina--none of the useful ones take a long time to regenerate when they're resting. And, I've got at least one that I can Grand Concert with a few more times if need be.
In Battle 20 I had one of my promising Forsaken have all of her Exp sucked out of her main damage type. Poor Haterape:
Haterape (formerly known as Prudent Mouse Scurry)
Real name: Kyoguchi Wattan

Stamina: 48.0%
Motivation: 65.4%

HATE: 1 (x0.500 dmg) (x1.71 dmg from impregnated opponents) (x1.425 dmg from Bitters's impregnation)
PLEA: 2052 (x0.551 dmg)
INJU: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
EXPO: 2052 (x0.551 dmg)
Combat Style: Perverted (100% PLEA/EXPO)
it's going to take a while to rebuild her. I was still working on getting her multipliers right. I'm sure it'll be fine, eventually. I can still work on her impressive HATE multiplier combination while she re-learns what an insult is.

Something I realize after that is that I can send one of my Averted Undead after her, and then just mindwipe them, if I can think of something else useful for them to do. But that's OK, we'll get this figured out.

Anyway, on Day 22, we're looking at this with 13 days left to go:
Chaos +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][X][ ] 300%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 644%
CON (sig) [X][X][X][X] 710%
DIG (min) [X][X][X][?] 290%

Purgatory +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][X][X] 1160%
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (min) [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 1385%

Order +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
INN (min) [X][X][X][/] 650%
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 740%
DIG (sig) [~][~][~][~]
And so we're really almost there. The big thing we need to do, since it takes 400% Resolve to convert Order, is finish up converting and then stack that Appeal up up up.

And on Day 31, just after the military base vignette, I've got everyone as fully broken as I'm going to.

Overall corruption progress:

Chaos +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][X][X] 650%
INN (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 986%
CON (sig) [X][X][X][X] 1100%
DIG (min) [X][X][X][X] 690%

Purgatory +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (sig) [X][X][X][X] 1550%
INN (sig) [X][~][~][~]
CON (min) [~][~][~][~]
DIG (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 1745%

Order +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [X][X][~][~][~]
INN (min) [X][X][X][X] 950%
CON (core) [X][X][X][X][X] 1100%
DIG (sig) [~][~][~][~]
Order takes 143% damage from Appeal, so it takes 1 hit to kill her after getting Antipathy. I have over 900EE, so it's no problem to buy everything. I need to:
1) set up Purgatory with a longass Rampage/Surround, and
2) beat the shit out of Chaos (my choice was Taunt+), and
3) just ask Order to join our side,
which can happen in any order.

I decide on the following Demon as one that won't interfere with Purgatory's Rampancy. It'll never have to capture Order so the warning message is fine.
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: Anger [INJU]
Defiler: Ambition [HATE, PLEA]
Punisher: Parasitism [EXPO]

Your Commander is a mostly-transparent cloud which drifts across the battlefield until it comes into contact with one of the Chosen. After flowing into its targets, it can merge with and influence the clothes created by their transformations. It's especially proficient at creating phallic protrusions on the inside of the clothing to penetrate them as they try to fight, exhausting and weakening them. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order. It is worth 106 Evil Energy. You have 186 Evil Energy remaining. This may interfere with the team's Distortions.
There's really essentially nothing to this fight, once it's planned out. I start with Purgatory, capturing her again once free to make the difference between HATE and INJU more noticable.

Order has come to feel sympathy for the Demon Lord, and her mind grasps for any justification that she can use to stop fighting. When you start sending telepathic messages offering to curb your evil ways in exchange for her service, she's subconsciously happy for the excuse to frame surrender as something heroic. After all, if she loses without making a deal with you, then all her efforts will have been for nothing.

-146% Resolve

Resolve Broken

Order is convinced, and she immediately surrenders to the nearest group of Thralls she can find. She allows them to escort her away, walking with a light step as if a great weight had been liften from her shoulders.

"I will redeem you, Demon Lord... even if it means condemning myself."
R11, Purgatory uses Fatal Curse for some reason. And that lets me go ahead and cause her Rampage.

R14 I convert Chaos using Taunt+
And also Purgatory finishes up rampaging, finishing up all this loop.

The Devil Achievement bonus is pretty big:
Devil Summoner
Devil Chosen Broken: 1
Level: 1 (Next: 3 Broken)
Bonus: +10% damage dealt by Forsaken
People always hesitate before committing evil, fearful of punishment either in this world or in the world beyond. But as the Devils themselves fall under your sway, it will become clear that those who serve you are beyond all punishment.
Anyway, get those names in for the Forsaken, if you're feeling creative. I'm just going to warp to at least Loop 13, possibly as far as 14 depending on what items are offered.

And on Loop 13, these are the choices:
Damage Mitigation: 29% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 41
Luxuries: 449% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Devil, 2 Animalistic Chosen
15 Influence
New Item: Inevitability
While Activated, gain -1 Evil Energy per day, but deal 10x damage with Threaten, Slime, Attack, and Taunt. Does not function during final battle.

Damage Mitigation: 21% per level
Preparedness: Final Battle on Day 26
Luxuries: 3987% Trauma resolution speed
Elites: 1 Undead, 1 Animalistic, 1 Superior Chosen
40 Influence
New Item: Applied Teledildonics
The daily evacuation requirement is increased by 20.

Chosen Examination Grounds
No Chosen defenders
48 Influence
New Item: Love's Pantsu
Humiliate deals +40% damage against hiding targets.
I think either Kawaguchi or the Chosen Examination Grounds have completely fine items. Inevitability is definitely more fun, but I think that the city would be a slog with Splendor constantly dragging me down.

Anyway, taking a break for now!
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3.80 star(s) 54 Votes