
Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Right, I had just assumed that that and several other moves worked on an "at least two turns" rule based on how I'd seen it used before. I'm in the code every so often now and I see a bit better how things work.

The plan is to go back to R10 on this save once there's a good reason to do so.

Ideally, for an in-game tutorial, the ability to go line-by-line through output and change it or mark it up would be key, so that it's possible to do things like "explain the output of the INFO button" and "show the new player that they are about to cross/have crossed a threshold".

Also--the option to remove some buttons at specific times, to introduce new concepts one-at-a-time.

Some kind of different font or the ability to highlight or color text would be helpful for having explanatory text stand out from game text would also be helpful for this.

What I'm thinking is a "Begin Tutorial" button that can be clicked from the main menu, that puts players on rails against a specific non-variable instructionally appropriate team. They can exit the tutorial any time by doing an action clearly different from what is indicated, and will be prompted, "This action will leave the tutorial. Are you sure you want to exit the tutorial?" with Yes and No buttons before being kicked out. The tutorial walks them through Loop 1 basics move-by-move against a preset team of Forsaken. Every EE purchase, a few key presses of INFO when relevant, and explanations of what information is conveyed by the pictures on the right side of the screen are included in this.

Eventually, this could be expanded to get players through: training their first Forsaken, Distortions and their effects, how to use Forsaken Punishers, how to deal with Superior Chosen, how to deal with Animalistic/Undead Chosen. Since it's a tutorial, settings can be changed so that they're fighting against specific Chosen, and options/settings can be locked to disallow sources of randomness.

Or, it can be broken into multiple tutorials, each with a clear end-state and defined beginning state, the way some modern strategy games do it. You could break up Loop 1 into its constituent tasks: beginning to T1 breaks, T2 breaks, T3 breaks, T4 breaks, the final battle, and explain the parts relevant to each within each tutorial. This way, the randomness doesn't actually matter as players are doing it piece-by-piece and can expect discontinuity.

Of course, it's entirely fair to say, "This game is made for an audience that differs from the usual f95zone game audience. Players should understand exponential growth before playing to maximize their enjoyment and progress towards game goals. Help files go into detail about game specifics and the thread on f95zone has multiple players who will advise if you're having trouble progressing. Post a save file in the thread if you're stuck. Good luck!"
I do want to make the game at least a bit more accessible, and I see how useful the features you're requesting would be for that. But it would take a big code rewrite to make some of that stuff possible. There'll definitely come a day where I make a big push toward improving the interface and such, so I'll note these suggestions down for whenever that day comes.
Is there any guide that talks about how your choices when fighting a chosen shapes them as forsaken?
As others have said, the forsaken reference .txt file contains most of that info, but it's probably not as comprehensive as it should be. I think I should add a section for how the initial corruption stats are determined: a starting value from 0-33 for each one (Minor Vulnerabilities have higher starting values than Core Vulnerabilities), with a +10 bonus per tier of the highest-tier Break they suffered associated with that stat.
Well, the reason why I said it makes no sense is that after the Final Battle ends the game explicitly says that no Chosen can enter the city anymore or else they'd immediately get corrupted, so logically if a Forsaken gives birth to a Chosen within a post-Final Battle city they would instantly get corrupted. Even disregarding that it still doesn't make much sense for the Demon Lord to send the Chosen away to become a problem later, especially considering having a captured Chosen that doesn't become a Forsaken is probably insanely valuable with how we have that vague note about Chosen impregnated by demons giving birth to something worse that a demon. So from an in-universe perspective the Chosen going to another city doesn't make much sense, even if it makes sense from a gameplay perspective.
I don't think people are born Chosen
Right, they aren't born Forsaken, but they aren't born Chosen either. They're just regular humans. The idea is that the Demon Lord uses Demonic foresight to figure out where they need to be sent in order to receive the upbringing that will cause them to awaken to Chosen powers. In theory, the Demon Lord could do this for any human, but it's preferable to face Chosen who have the "weakness" of being related to one of your Forsaken.
Maybe the way it works is that the child is such a large bundle of conflicting psychic energy that they would implode in a huge explosion that would level the city and anything in it, forsaken and demon lord. So to avoid this, the child is effectively ejected from demon territory to avoid any losses. A reason why the children are usually plopped in cities is to keep forsaken functional rather than rebelling after the death of their child.

Also sidenote, a neat idea would be for these demon lord sired chosen to occasionally pop up in a loop with modifiers that could make them harder or easier to corrupt. Like being birthed from rampancy chosen would make them accumulate hate more easily, possibly at the cost of being harder to accumulate pain levels on them. General chosen would add additional resistances or weaknesses like "Hateful" (hate accumulates more easily) or "Benign" (hate accumulates more slowly). Maybe implement a new forsaken post that mechanically adds a chance for these half-breeds to show up in loops until the post is made empty, at which point no more appear.
This is me throwing rough ideas out so I don't really expect mechanical implementation, but do feel that adding demon sired history/backstory would do a bit for world building, whether it be through player means or caused by other demon lords.
It's an interesting idea, but I'm wary of tying too many gameplay features to it, because it's something that might not be possible to do depending on your toggles.
I don't know if this is intentional or not, but you can't shift a male chosen if you choose to preserve their virginity. Which I guess makes sense given how the shift happens, but the option to shift them but preserve their new vaginal virginity would be nice.
I suppose this makes sense. It wouldn't require a separate toggle, because if you have male->female shift and preserve virginity both toggled on for the same Chosen, then of course the desired final result must be a virgin female Chosen.
Also the "Guide Goals" option keeps turning itself back on.
I wasn't able to reproduce this bug. The game should always be looking at your most recent save in order to determine whether guide goals should be toggled on by default or not.
Sidenote, and something I should have raised earlier: Is Victory (or any boss team) supposed to break the usual balance of vulnerabilities because for example, my Victory had no min vulnerabilities. I wasn't sure since it does make sense as they are a boss so I wanted to check.
That's right, each boss has their own Vulnerability spread which doesn't necessarily keep to the normal rules, and their attendants can also be given rule-breaking Vulnerabilities in order to avoid doubling up.
Finally, I haven't tried them out so I wanted to ask: do any of the body feature damage modifications also add in/modify the flavor text when they activate?
The body traits do affect flavor text, but this happens regardless of whether the damage modifications are toggled on.
R48 bug report: Forsaken are showing up as/being processed as helpless/restrained in some instances when no INJU training has been applied. Screenshot:
View attachment 3133618

The only previously applied training is Grand Concert, which should not be leaving her helpless here.

Save is attached: load slot 1 "train". Then train Orgasmia: Grand Concert followed by Tentacle Show.
Thanks for catching this. I saw your post just in time to slip a fix into R48b.
Also, a quality of life/logic thing--if you Retreat after one Averted Chosen is caught in an Orgy, the text mentions her giving chase. Obviously, that shouldn't be happening--she's trying to flee in a panic. I suppose you don't have to adjust the EE given in that case as Aversion is balanced around giving exactly 0 EE, but at least the flavor needs to be adjusted.
Yeah, the gameplay will remain the same, but I should adjust that flavor.
Missing string:
Morality Break

Scurry doesn't enjoy violence, but her desperation over being unable to stop the Thralls has reached the breaking point, and the fact that she's bottled it up inside for so long only makes its release that much more spectacular.  Even though she knows that she's about to cross an irreversible line, right now she just doesn't care.

+20 Evil Energy

Scurry's Action: Wild Hunt

, killing them in much greater numbers now that she's drawing on so much Demonic energy.
FEAR [----''''''] (  432         =   432) nervous eyes
DISG [-'''''''''] (  138         =   138) lips curled in distaste
PAIN [-'''''''''] (  192         =   192) wincing in pain
SHAM [--''''''''] (  259         =   259) face downturned

HATE [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 1893 +  8107 = 10.0k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [          ] (    0         =     0)
INJU [          ] (    0         =     0)
EXPO [          ] (    0         =     0)

HATE up!  Scurry's attacks grow stronger and stronger in a desperate effort to to end the battle before things get any worse.  She has begun to grow numb to the violence, and she can't muster the willpower to think of anything better to do.
Thanks for catching this as well. Looks like it's affecting Devil Chosen too. I'll have it fixed for the next release.
Want to see how having -130 base damage affects Order in the orgy?
Q: Do you know what happens to a Devil Chosen when she's blasted with a 10-turn Orgy?
A: The same thing that happens to everything else!

Funny to see this, since it could have gone very differently with how Devil Chosen were originally designed. Originally, their own ANGST bonus didn't actually serve as a floor for their base damage. If the ally ANGST modifier outweighed the Devil Chosen's base susceptibility plus her own ANGST bonus, then the Devil Chosen would simply take 1 base damage. This meant that, because the Orgy would also spike the damage on the Devil's allies, the Devil would quickly become basically immune to damage and not even the Orgy multipliers would be enough to get her up to T3-Break levels.

Overall, I think that the adjustment was probably for the better. Setting up a large Orgy should be a victory condition, even against a species that's meant to incentivize focusing on her over her allies. The remaining high-tier species will all have other ways of making the Orgy step more tricky in its own right.
Hey everyone, I'm mostly doing these as part of a request for feedback on whether Devil Chosen are attuned correctly. Overall, I think they are--they'll definitely get more difficult when they start being combined with shorter loops and higher DM. I don't think that the ease in which I have basically won this loop should be used to judge whether Devils are too hard or too easy.
That's the impression I'm getting as well. After all, you blew through Loop 11 pretty handily in your previous playthrough too, and the addition of Devils isn't supposed to make the game harder - it's just supposed to replace the "big number" modifiers with something more interesting (but roughly equal in difficulty).

One other thing I am curious about, though: what did you think about the restrictions placed by Order on her allies' downtime actions? It probably wasn't as impactful as it could have been, since the bonus ANGST from Propaganda would have caused her to want to do more sinful downtime actions anyway, but I did see that it was causing you some trouble by removing the "silver lining" of rampaging Chosen generating more daily EE.

Devil Chosen are meant to be sort of a hybrid of the prior advanced species, with their ANGST-based damage reduction making them tough like Animalistic Chosen, while their ally downtime restriction hits your EE like Undead Chosen. This is why their loop difficulty value is just equal to the sum of two of the next-lower species. Was that how it felt during your playthrough?


Oct 25, 2017
I do want to make the game at least a bit more accessible, and I see how useful the features you're requesting would be for that. But it would take a big code rewrite to make some of that stuff possible. There'll definitely come a day where I make a big push toward improving the interface and such, so I'll note these suggestions down for whenever that day comes.
Right, I completely understand that. In this alpha you get to pick what your priorities are. Just let me know if you want some help with conveyance and objective-focused learning when you're getting around to that point. I don't say much about what I do for a living here, but breaking down complex concepts to a piece or two at a time is kind of what I do in my day job.
Funny to see this, since it could have gone very differently with how Devil Chosen were originally designed. Originally, their own ANGST bonus didn't actually serve as a floor for their base damage. If the ally ANGST modifier outweighed the Devil Chosen's base susceptibility plus her own ANGST bonus, then the Devil Chosen would simply take 1 base damage. This meant that, because the Orgy would also spike the damage on the Devil's allies, the Devil would quickly become basically immune to damage and not even the Orgy multipliers would be enough to get her up to T3-Break levels.

Overall, I think that the adjustment was probably for the better. Setting up a large Orgy should be a victory condition, even against a species that's meant to incentivize focusing on her over her allies. The remaining high-tier species will all have other ways of making the Orgy step more tricky in its own right.

That's the impression I'm getting as well. After all, you blew through Loop 11 pretty handily in your previous playthrough too, and the addition of Devils isn't supposed to make the game harder - it's just supposed to replace the "big number" modifiers with something more interesting (but roughly equal in difficulty).

One other thing I am curious about, though: what did you think about the restrictions placed by Order on her allies' downtime actions? It probably wasn't as impactful as it could have been, since the bonus ANGST from Propaganda would have caused her to want to do more sinful downtime actions anyway, but I did see that it was causing you some trouble by removing the "silver lining" of rampaging Chosen generating more daily EE.

Devil Chosen are meant to be sort of a hybrid of the prior advanced species, with their ANGST-based damage reduction making them tough like Animalistic Chosen, while their ally downtime restriction hits your EE like Undead Chosen. This is why their loop difficulty value is just equal to the sum of two of the next-lower species. Was that how it felt during your playthrough?
My loop 11 was Superior, Undead, Devil. If we think of a "normal" chosen as having difficulty 1, Superior 2, Animalistic and Undead 3, and Devil as Undead + Animalistic = 3 + 3 = 6, that's a sum of 11 for this loop. I'd compare this loop more directly and say it was about as difficult as a loop with Undead, Undead, Animalistic which would make for 9. So by that metric the Devil could use a bit of strengthening, but I don't think Animalistic and Undead are equal difficulty at any rate.

Personally I'd rate the combinations I know and have fought multiple times as:
  • normal 1 per (no compounding difficulty, they're just always easy)
  • Superior 2 per (no compounding difficulty, their only benefit is being harder to hurt)
  • Single Undead 2.5
  • Single Animalistic 3
  • Double Undead 6 (the two have a compounding factor that can be difficult if you have trouble with early breaks)
  • Triple Undead 7.5~8 (the third doesn't add very much)
  • Double Animalistic 9 (the need to sync up their cycles provides a significant extra layer of challenge)
  • Splendor and pals 9
  • Triple Animalistic 12 (the third doesn't add nearly as much as the second)
  • Victory and pals 14~15
Where do I put the Devil Chosen on this list? My general feeling after fighting a grand total of one is that it was slightly less difficult than an animalistic/undead pair, which would lead me to rate it a 5. But the one I fought had cores on CON and MOR, and those two cores together on a Chosen usually make the Chosen a bit tougher to beat than any other combination because of the difficulty in getting Circumstance multipliers up. So it's possible that on average the Devil Chosen are a bit easier than the one I was up against. I could never see them as being as easy as (Animalistic + normal =) 4 and (Animalistic + Superior = ) 5 seems like a really good estimation of how difficult they are.

By this subjective scale, the loop I finished was difficulty 9.5, and yeah that seems about right. So it was slightly more difficult than the Splendor boss fight, while being notably less difficult than any fight with 2x Animalistic.

I definitely noticed the downtime restrictions even in this battle, even considering the extra Angst from the Propaganda. My particular set of items generated quite a bit of EE on its own, especially in the early part of the loop, so I wasn't really missing much from the fact that it took a while to get the Devil up to 5EE. I got up to 6 back from my Commander/Forsaken each day, much of my 2EE-3EE tech purchases had an adjusted cost of 0, so those plus the 6EE that the Chosen generated were plenty enough to allow me to progress until the Chosen open up from Networked Consciousness.

The tough part right now for me is actually Splendor. My previous routing has been to go through Victory at 10, so that when I get Splendor, I can turn off the fucking Motivation drain. The inability do that this time is killing the Motivation of all my Forsaken and honestly, it's also killing my own motivation for getting further in this campaign. Everything's got to be done and checked twice with an interface that makes that very click-heavy. It's alpha, I'm not complaining, but I do want to explain what this level of play requires right now because of Splendor specifically.

I see, for example, that my Forsaken's motivation is going down, and by how much, in the daily Forsaken report. But what I don't see there, is how much motivation they have left, or if they're still deployable. If I want to see who is still deployable, I have to go all the way into the Forsaken-> Deploy menu and scroll through my currently 3 pages of Forsaken to see who shows up with a clickable button. And that's not the worst part. If I want to get some idea of who might be deployable tomorrow, I have to either click on each Forsaken, of which there are 13 (12 if you don't count Splendor), or, the slightly quicker way I found, is to go into Position->Favorites and then I can view their Stamina and Motivation, and deployment cost one page at a time. But that's got to be cross-referenced with the information above about how much Motivation they're losing each day, which, by the way, doesn't show Splendor's effect. And since my Forsaken have different Max Motivations, which is only viewable in the detailed view of that Forsaken, I have to remember or reference that information as well, and... you kind of get the point, I'm sure.

All of that is necessary to answer a question like "can I deploy EXPOdia today and tomorrow?", which is a question that I find myself asking more and more as the loops get a bit tighter and tougher each time. And...I kind of don't want to do that? That feels, without giving too much personal stuff away, like it's the sort of thing people have paid me to do in the past, and not how I spend my leisure time. I tried Sacrificing her, I like that you pulled that one over on me.

I'm not saying this to make you try to change your development priorities. In alpha versions of games, this kind of of difficulty in interrogating the game to answer the questions that come up during gameplay is completely expected and normal. It's exactly the thing that formal playtesting of games reveals. Splendor's gimmick is mechanically interesting, and if the interface were designed around showing you all that information in the same place it'd be easier to play the game at a higher level. So, since this is my first time dealing with Splendor in this way, that's some feedback for you to consider.

Because I don't like only pointing out problems without solutions, here is something you might implement on a trial basis--you can pay Splendor EE to go away for the current loop. Cost should be high but not prohibitively so: let's say 30EE. For 30EE, she'll be empowered to go pick apart some other Demon Lord's society from the inside, instead of yours, for the duration of the current loop. It makes some sense thematically as:
  • She's already known to do that as a "lone wolf" Chosen
  • She picked your city because she found you interesting
  • Accepting a conditional gift from a Demon Lord is another sin to add to her litany
  • It plays into her story of making deals that always turn out worse for her than expected
  • It plays into her story of straddling the line between Chosen and Forsaken, sometimes doing the bidding of one side, and sometimes doing what the other side wants of her
It makes sense mechanically as:
  • This amount of EE is difficult to attain early in a loop, but easy to attain later, making it somewhat of a reasonable tradeoff for power and progress against the current Chosen. I can see situations where I'd prefer to get this first and situations where I'd prefer to get Networked Consciousness first and they're roughly the same investment.
  • 30EE is 3x her daily deployment cost, meaning it should be enough to seriously power her up to go work some mischief
  • It's an expandable mechanic. She can offer other deals with you as you are breaking down her resistances over the next (based on what I know) 20 loops or more. You've shown a willingness to include randomness in other parts of the game, so she might offer these deals randomly or on a set schedule:
    • Splendor gives you some of her accumulated EE from past destroyed Demon Lords and heals some/all Trauma/ANGST on the current Chosen team.
    • Splendor offers you an Item in exchange for (itemInfluence * 7) EE nah there shouldn't be any way to buy extra items with a loop currency like EE
    • Splendor agrees to fight actually on your side for 7 days, turning all of her negative modifiers into their positive other halves, but wants to throw a massive orgy that will drain all stamina from all Forsaken and disable the use of Grand Concert for 7 days (I really like this one, since there's no way in-game currently to see how good she would be with all positive traits)
    • Splendor offers you n days of respite from her in exchange for the permanent freeing of another Forsaken (n can be dependent on the Forsaken's stats in some way, but it's really hard to get a sense of what a "good" vs "worthless" Forsaken is other than to say Forsaken with very high Obedience and/or Deviancy are probably bad and ones with high Expertise are probably good)
    • Splendor has fallen in love! She and another Forsaken run off together, until Splendor gets bored. While they're gone, you don't suffer Splendor's negative (or positive) effects and you can't deploy or train either Forsaken. But, when the Forsaken comes back, she has some extra Expertise (divided in proportion to her current Exp)
If you make her have more interactions with players that aren't all negative, players will resent her less and view her as another part of the game rather than a lead weight they have to carry around for a while (currently forever). Just some thoughts.
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2018
Portrait: Arknight Dorothy, AI generated
to combat low volume of Animalistic Chosen

Speaking of which, I notice that we are quite lacking in Undead portraits


New Member
Sep 24, 2021
As a player, I feel sort of overwhelmed managing multiple forsaken at a time. It's pretty challenging keeping tabs on motivation, remembering who's doing what and who's good at what, which passive trainings are going on and which I have to stop/swap soon, etc. It feels like I'm supposed to be building a toolkit, but I have no way to organize my tools.

As an example, if I want:
A set of 1-3 cheap and efficient busters to rack up early angst+low hanging fruit breaks and Concert occasionally
A set of 2-3 midrange specialists to burn through stubborn T2/distortions and start setting up orgies
A set of 2-6 high cost punishers to customize the next generation of forsaken, maybe doubling as higher-cost midrange specialists?

And then on top of this I have benchwarmers I can't sacrifice without upsetting someone too.

That's already a lot of units that I need to maintain, to say nothing of optimizing/specializing and picking the tool for the job, and a few chaff to just ignore I guess.

On top of that, it feels like until rather late in the game, the AOE stamina regen/motivation regen is incentivizing me to collect more backups for each role, unless I'm supposed to be willing to let tantrums through, which is in theory an incentive to restrict to a small set.

Some things that could be neat and reduce mental load could be:

When training corruption, let me give the trainer a threshold at which to stop. Maybe train for X sessions then stop, maybe train until X stat is reached?

Alternative sacrifices. Maybe a way to retire/recycle used Forsaken at the end of their useful life, to just get them out of the unit select screen, perhaps for minor passive bonuses like the achievements give instead of instant motivation? Send them to cause trouble at new cities for an EE or two at the start of a loop, cheerleading around the base for minor passive motivation, have them breed extra thralls for a bit of bonus extermination count, send them to stalk chosens nearby to unlock upgrades like peeking Psychic Reading stats before going to cities, marginally useful stuff like that that you can just toss useless forsaken in without micromanaging. Maybe have stats (expertise/corruption/species) affect output a bit?

Maybe add some filters to forsaken deployment selection? Something like "Can Apply Punisher", "Has enough stamina/motivation/EE", "Has X damage type", "Has distorter", "Favorited", to make it easier to pick the right forsaken before a daily fight.

Still not a super experienced player, but I'm really digging the gameplay in each loop.


Nov 12, 2018
does anyone have a begginner's guide to this? I played around but did nothing substantial
There should be text files in the game folder
additionaly, things you should consider in your run:

Chosen relationships: Chosen with Core Vuln will pair with Chosen has Minor Vuln in the same type, the pairing will depend if the Core one when breaking is <= the break of the Minor Chosen. If the break is >, then the relationship will turn hostile
Distortion: Alternative win con for the final fight. You can set the plan to distort a Chosen when you inspect them. Distortion can be wierd to go for when you start the game but it do allow you to break a Chosen on the final fight without them broken the final Vuln level.
Damage is very depend on chosen for the reason I mention above, but there is a rule of thumb to it. Damge is either Trauma or Circumstance.Trauma is very self explain and you should understand it as you play, Circumstance is slightly more wonky. Circumstance damage is reduce by 2 to the power of the same Trauma. The more Trauma Level is in one of the 4 types, the harder it is to Raise Circumstance. However, more Circumstance level means more Trauma of that type, by a wierder formula. Another note is that raising Circumstance level will make it harder, this is calculate by the highest Circ Level of that Chosen. To combat these problem, Hate and INJU Level on that chosen will help mitigate the reduction and EXPO on another Chosen will help alot more. PLEA is for Amping Trauma damange so you can force a longer Suround.
The Chosen personality determind how much damage they would normaly take relate to their personal values, further explaination is in the Text files. That means that some Chosen should be target first because they can generate EXO the fastest then you can Cycle to the INJU and HATE vulnable Chosen.
Circumstance is important in breaking Vuln 1 2 4
Trauma is needed to corrupt a Chosen everyday activity. The more they are corrupt, the more they generate resource for you.

Comander:After you upgrande Focus, you can now summon Comanders. Base commander help you have and instance surrond, but I surgest you take Tommorrow Newspaer as an Item on your first day (you are allowed to select your start Item on the very first day of the run in the Info menu) so you can skip toward better commanders and also have Eco refunds.
Upgrades regarding comanders you should strive for are the one that give you extra capture turns (best up to 4) and a single extra capture chance. Other often refer it as a 4-2 commander.

Usual game plan:
a) Target the HATE/INJU chosen with commander.
b)Add some PLEA and EXO in the follow up Surrond.
c) EXPO chosen shows up only to get a quick Surrond targeting her EXPO.
d) Go back the now escaped step a Chosen, she is usually now affected by the FEAR lv as a side affect and open to Surround

The game plan expand as you get better commanders that can deal massive up front damage.

The following is assuming you have Tomorrow Newspaper as suggested, otherwise you would need to think much more

Other than the basic upgrades and the one that boost your damages, Vengeful Constitution is a must have so in early game, grab them as soon as possible along your breaking. You are advices to speed run break the Chosen to they generate 6 Evil Energy every day, Then stop deploying commander for a few days so you can buy your way to Network Conscious. There, aims to break them to the point that each generate 5 EE everyday for total of 15 EE. Now its just the matter of grabing new upgrand every now and them and break the Chosen further.
Distortion mention earlier is great at this point as when successfully distort, each time the Distort action is made, you would get 15 EE from that Chosen at the end of the day. Distortion is somehow easier to do than break them to the actual point of 15 EE normally.


Oct 25, 2017
does anyone have a begginner's guide to this? I played around but did nothing substantial
The "guide.txt" file included with the game goes over the basics. That combined with the Guide Goals (in-game green text) is almost enough to get you started. There are some important details to add to this that aren't really mentioned.

1) Don't even bother with sending out a Commander until you can build one with 2 extra Duration and 1 extra Capture. You're just liable to waste your EE and end up with nothing to show for it.

2) During the first 8-12 days or so, if you're getting only 1EE per Chosen and you're not making much progress, you're on track. Once you can afford the commander mentioned in 1), you should be accomplishing something nearly every day.

3) You are a Demon Lord with the power to control time and reality. Save often and restart any battle that doesn't get you what you want, or where you waste resources like EE.

4) You need an understanding of multipliers. Once INJU hits level 1, your damage to Circumstances is tripled, and if you manage to get it to level 2, it's tripled again for a x9 multiplier. Here is something that's as close to turn-by-turn guidance as I can manage in this game, considering that teams are randomly generated. Multipliers are the only way to progress, and if you don't understand them, you're mashing buttons uselessly after day 12 or so.

Remember that the game is in alpha, and thus presentation and conveyance have generally taken a backseat to adding planned features. If you find the game impenetrable, this is likely the reason.

Oh, and just a general logical thing--if your goal is to get to 10,000 of something, and you get to 2,000, you didn't accomplish that goal and doing the same thing 4 more times won't get you there. This is different from most other games on f95 in that way. You do not get to the next stage by doing the same action multiple times. The numbers hide it, but this is more of a puzzle game than anything else.
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2018
When training corruption, let me give the trainer a threshold at which to stop. Maybe train for X sessions then stop, maybe train until X stat is reached?
This would be a good QOL feature

Alternative sacrifices. Maybe a way to retire/recycle used Forsaken at the end of their useful life, to just get them out of the unit select screen
These are planned with Angels I think

Another thing that needed to be updated last time I played was it was convoluted to view Forsaken punisher affects (you had to go into the assign screen to see it).


Jul 27, 2017
I'm still new to this game on my first run; and have finally managed to break all the t2's but have some questions. Do I just keep going as I have been. Secondly I can't complete the objective which states that I have to use the same defiler action on 2 chosen at the same time. I have done this twice I believe but neither time has it triggered this objective.


Feb 9, 2020
Hi, I´ve been wondering something for the portraits: Would it be possible to set several pictures for the same emotion so that the game picks one of them either every time it displays that emotion, or it picks one to use every fight/"scene". I feel like that could make it a lot less repetitive, considering you´ll be seeing the same pictures a lot more if there´s no variance.
Or is that a thing already and I´ve just not found it yet?


Nov 8, 2019
I'm still new to this game on my first run; and have finally managed to break all the t2's but have some questions. Do I just keep going as I have been. Secondly I can't complete the objective which states that I have to use the same defiler action on 2 chosen at the same time. I have done this twice I believe but neither time has it triggered this objective.
When you did it was the second Defiler use listed as "<Defiler Name>+" and highlighted purple instead of the usual yellow? For example if it was Broadcast, did you use Broadcast on one Chosen then follow it up with using Broadcast+ on a second Chosen? Cause that's what that Goal is telling you to do.

Hi, I´ve been wondering something for the portraits: Would it be possible to set several pictures for the same emotion so that the game picks one of them either every time it displays that emotion, or it picks one to use every fight/"scene". I feel like that could make it a lot less repetitive, considering you´ll be seeing the same pictures a lot more if there´s no variance.
Or is that a thing already and I´ve just not found it yet?
That's not currently possible as far as I'm aware.


Apr 23, 2018
Most packs currently don't even have enough images for each character's varying forms, much less multiple ones for random expressions, so it's unlikely that winds up being a priority feature. There's a lot of Chosen and good art isn't easy to come by.


Feb 9, 2020
That´s fair, I was just wondering since I´m making some portrait packs for myself if such a feature was present/planned so I´d know whether it´d be worth ot to make some extras for the sake of variety.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still new to this game on my first run; and have finally managed to break all the t2's but have some questions. Do I just keep going as I have been. Secondly I can't complete the objective which states that I have to use the same defiler action on 2 chosen at the same time. I have done this twice I believe but neither time has it triggered this objective.
When you use a Defiler on one Chosen, and the same Defiler is available for another Chosen, the button for that Defiler on the other will show up in a different color (purple? Can't remember offhand) and will say, for example, "Inseminate+" instead of "Inseminate". It doesn't work this way if you're using a Commander for its defiler, which may possibly be the source of your confusion--you have to click the button that makes your Thralls do the action, not using a specialized Demon with a defiler on it. The intent is that your Thralls are doing the same action to both Chosen.


Jul 27, 2017
When you did it was the second Defiler use listed as "<Defiler Name>+" and highlighted purple instead of the usual yellow? For example if it was Broadcast, did you use Broadcast on one Chosen then follow it up with using Broadcast+ on a second Chosen? Cause that's what that Goal is telling you to do.

That's not currently possible as far as I'm aware.
Yes, both times that is what came up
When you use a Defiler on one Chosen, and the same Defiler is available for another Chosen, the button for that Defiler on the other will show up in a different color (purple? Can't remember offhand) and will say, for example, "Inseminate+" instead of "Inseminate". It doesn't work this way if you're using a Commander for its defiler, which may possibly be the source of your confusion--you have to click the button that makes your Thralls do the action, not using a specialized Demon with a defiler on it. The intent is that your Thralls are doing the same action to both Chosen.
Yes, both times I did the action it was highlighted purple with the plus. It was also not with a commander with defiler upgrades. The text that followed indicated that both were affected and when the timer ran out on one, the other was freed too.


Jan 30, 2021
Is there any way to make specific forsaken get along better? I've had them meet each other several times, and they only seem to hate each other a little more now.


Nov 8, 2019
Yes, both times that is what came up

Yes, both times I did the action it was highlighted purple with the plus. It was also not with a commander with defiler upgrades. The text that followed indicated that both were affected and when the timer ran out on one, the other was freed too.
Huh weird, probably a bug then.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, both times that is what came up

Yes, both times I did the action it was highlighted purple with the plus. It was also not with a commander with defiler upgrades. The text that followed indicated that both were affected and when the timer ran out on one, the other was freed too.
In that case, i think the guide message is supposed to clear at the start of the next combat turn. Did you have multiple turns with the defiler+ out, or was it perhaps only on the last turn of the fight that you managed it?
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