
New Member
Sep 5, 2018
I'm writing this mostly as criticism so I apologize in advance if I come across as rude, that's not my intention.

I've returned to this game 5 times now and while I love the concept I honestly hate the execution, each time I return after some updates I find myself struggling to remember and understand what does what. If I play without rereading the text files and following what it says it becomes a very frustrating experience due to unintuitive this game is, the guides are a must since the tutorial doesn't do a good job of covering the basic gameplay loop. I don't know if it's a good idea to plan a game where you need to have multiple text files open instead of learning the game while you play but it doesn't feel great so far.

I really want to like this game but it needs some serious changes in the base formulas, the amount of stats you need to follow, the multipliers and the conditions for unlocking content such as distortions for it to not be so confusing not just to new but also old players that will have to deal with more variables added with each content update, if this is how complicated and confusing it is in version 0.3 I worry what shape this amalgamation will take once it reaches 1.0.

It also feels weird that even though you're playing as the "demon lord" you have so little content, there are no interactions nor are there scenes with the magical girls as a main character. Yes I know "negotiation" is a thing, that's 1, last I checked the main character/player character shouldn't be the one with the least amount of scenes, I think the thralls get more action with the girls than the demon lord.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
I've been experiencing the same thing. It's similar to another bug that I reported and that CSDev has said will be fixed with the next build, so the answer may be to just wait for the next version. In case it is different, I've attached a save where I'm experiencing it. Curiously, it doesn't seem to affect ALL forsaken, just some. Training Stalwart will result in the glitch on this save.
After some investigation, I found that this is the same bug sptkc was running into, and it happens when multiple Chosen are assigned the same internal ID number. I'm not completely certain where this is happening (it might be related to moving save files between versions), but I've added a fix that should stop it from cropping up in future playthroughs. Unfortunately, it won't be able to fix saves that are already bugged.
Are the distortion paths explained in game yet or is it still something you need to know about beforehand and follow a step by step guide for? Last I checked the distortion paths sounded like inputting a cheatcode or something lol. "Do X, avoid A, B, C, orgy for 10 turns without breaking so and so vuln", not really the kind of stuff you'd figure out through normal gameplay alone unless you were stupid lucky. That's the kind of issue I'm often talking about with a lot of the game mechanics. Lemme check the textfile (For version 29, last I played)

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Yeah...those aren't really reasonable for the player the stumble on or figure out on their own. Why doesn't it just allow you to choose to distort a girl a certain way and then give you a list of requirements for that distortion in game? Like starting a questline. Should the distortions really be hidden from the MC like that? That's the "metagaming" issue I'm talking about. You need outside knowledge to play the game. The MC should be involved in shit since the character is the one acting. The MC should be like "I want to distort the girl in this way, so here's what I'm going to do", and give the player a list of requirements, not the other way around. I hope I'm explaining my issue well enough. It's kind of a complicated thing to describe.

It's not like you can't hide some parts of the requirements from players, but I feel like distortions and other things should be incorporated into the actual game more. So it feels like people are playing a game and not following step by step walkthroughs. Maybe it's already planned, so I'll wait until that patch to try them out if so. The implementation is really important to me.
I'm currently working on rewriting the documentation for Distortions. The way they're currently written makes it look pretty esoteric, but the fundamental logic behind Distortions just boils down to two steps.

(1) Pick a T1 Vulnerability. You can't break it, and you can't break the damage types it protects against, but you do need to break everything else.
(2) Do something unique to that Distortion.

I think it's fine for step 2 to be something that just shows up once the conditions are met, because each one is a thematic "feat" related to the Distortion. So the real issue is to express the pattern behind step 1 to the player so that instead of having to remember "Inseminate and Sodomize without using Force Orgasm or Broadcast and also you can't trigger Service," they can just remember "Service protects against PLEA and EXPO, so I need to avoid those."

Previously, I didn't put the pattern in the guide.txt because there were some Distortions missing, and I didn't want players to say "I went to all this trouble to go for the Begging-not-allowed Distortion and nothing happened." But in the coming update, all four will have their Distortions implemented, so maybe I can make it a bit clearer.

I actually did end up accidentally triggering Aversion in my most recent playtest, by the way. It was a late loop against a Superior Chosen with Core Innocence and Core Dignity, so I couldn't get anywhere near 10k PLEA or EXPO even though I was trying to do so. I eventually decided to just break her with a huge Orgy, and I got confused when it made her go catatonic. I must have spent a solid 10 minutes searching for a bug that could put one of the Chosen on the Aversion path until I realized that she had gotten there legitimately. I'm not saying that I expect players to accidentally hit Distortions on a regular basis, but it was pretty amusing to me.

Doctor Shark

Nov 7, 2019
I'm not loving Rampancy on first glance. It's very hard to trigger because you need a 15 turn surround but can't caress so that probably means upgraded commanders to get enough Hate for Inseminate so that you can get Pleasure. Then, once you have it, it's very hands off. You need to Rampage at least once per battle to get EE but since Capture -> Grind or Ambush -> Grind does that it's very simple.

On the other hand, it doesn't generate any Trauma so she'll likely finish her Rampage at 0/3 surround levels. There are ways around this using upgraded commanders or just not Grinding but you also pretty much can't Inseminate or Broadcast (the only two Defiler actions she can use) because those are sure to bump her Hate above her Anti. Overall these kinds of hoops feel within the rules but not within the spirit. Getting enough trauma for T3 breaks was a struggle and involved a lot of that sort of trickery.

Temptation and Aversion being the first two Distortions gave me expectations that Negotiation and Rampancy don't live up to. It's very easy to have three Tempt or three Aversion Chosen and mix and match them since Orgy into Tempt works very well. Negotiation doesn't stack with itself and it works okay with Tempt and Aversion and sometimes it's nice to just take a day. Now we have Rampancy that probably stacks with itself okay if you can get all those 15 turn surrounds somehow but doesn't stack at the Forsaken level, doesn't work at all with Negotiation (Nego wants to skip days, Ramp doesn't), and barely works with Aversion (you have to have Hate lower than Inju/Anti when you start the Orgy or she'll Rampage instead).

My understanding (probably flawed) was that you would be able to mix and match Distortions better. For example, on my current game I have Girl A: Core Morality, prebroken Confidence; Girl B: Core Confidence and Dignity; and Girl C: Core Innocence but prebroken Morality and Dignity. It made sense to me to go Aversion with the first girl, Rampancy with the third, and use the second as a generalist but maybe I'm just not approaching Distortions correctly.

Doctor Shark

Nov 7, 2019
I'm also noticing a bug with Rampancy.
  • I'm using a basic commander with fully upgraded turns and two extra captures. I've already captured A and B and currently I have A in a 10 turn Defiler action and B in a two turn surround.
  • I Capture C, who is my Rampancy girl. Due to using Slaughter and Striptease, she has 100 Hate and Expo and 0 Plea and Anti. She Rampages and her Hate and Expo jump to 9999.
  • Next turn it shows C as being 0 of 3 surround levels but I have a purple capture button again. Instead I use Reality Sealing.
  • On C's turn, there's no descriptive text, just her stats (0 in all traumas, with 9999 Hate and Expo and no Plea or Anti still) and she has a quote.
  • The next turn it says C is Captured for 6 more turns. During those turns I get the same thing with no change in stats and no descriptive text on her turn.


New Member
Jul 16, 2017
Have the difficulty options been removed? Why does this game get more obtuse with every update. It's so interesting, but it's possibly one of the worst games to actually play.
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Doctor Shark

Nov 7, 2019
Have the difficulty options been removed? Why does this game get more obtuse with every update. It's so interesting, but it's possibly one of the worst games to actually play.
No, you go to options and press C to enable the difficulty modes just like always.
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Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Bugfix Release 32b is now up on the blog.
I'm not loving Rampancy on first glance. It's very hard to trigger because you need a 15 turn surround but can't caress so that probably means upgraded commanders to get enough Hate for Inseminate so that you can get Pleasure. Then, once you have it, it's very hands off. You need to Rampage at least once per battle to get EE but since Capture -> Grind or Ambush -> Grind does that it's very simple.

On the other hand, it doesn't generate any Trauma so she'll likely finish her Rampage at 0/3 surround levels. There are ways around this using upgraded commanders or just not Grinding but you also pretty much can't Inseminate or Broadcast (the only two Defiler actions she can use) because those are sure to bump her Hate above her Anti. Overall these kinds of hoops feel within the rules but not within the spirit. Getting enough trauma for T3 breaks was a struggle and involved a lot of that sort of trickery.

Temptation and Aversion being the first two Distortions gave me expectations that Negotiation and Rampancy don't live up to. It's very easy to have three Tempt or three Aversion Chosen and mix and match them since Orgy into Tempt works very well. Negotiation doesn't stack with itself and it works okay with Tempt and Aversion and sometimes it's nice to just take a day. Now we have Rampancy that probably stacks with itself okay if you can get all those 15 turn surrounds somehow but doesn't stack at the Forsaken level, doesn't work at all with Negotiation (Nego wants to skip days, Ramp doesn't), and barely works with Aversion (you have to have Hate lower than Inju/Anti when you start the Orgy or she'll Rampage instead).

My understanding (probably flawed) was that you would be able to mix and match Distortions better. For example, on my current game I have Girl A: Core Morality, prebroken Confidence; Girl B: Core Confidence and Dignity; and Girl C: Core Innocence but prebroken Morality and Dignity. It made sense to me to go Aversion with the first girl, Rampancy with the third, and use the second as a generalist but maybe I'm just not approaching Distortions correctly.
For what it's worth, Rampancy is meant to make things harder on you in exchange for the extra EE it generates. Its main synergy with other Distortion paths is just "Now you have enough energy to buy upgrades and commanders that will let you break the others more easily." I have had a lot of success using Drain commanders to spike their INJU high enough that HATE has a hard time catching up.
I'm also noticing a bug with Rampancy.
  • I'm using a basic commander with fully upgraded turns and two extra captures. I've already captured A and B and currently I have A in a 10 turn Defiler action and B in a two turn surround.
  • I Capture C, who is my Rampancy girl. Due to using Slaughter and Striptease, she has 100 Hate and Expo and 0 Plea and Anti. She Rampages and her Hate and Expo jump to 9999.
  • Next turn it shows C as being 0 of 3 surround levels but I have a purple capture button again. Instead I use Reality Sealing.
  • On C's turn, there's no descriptive text, just her stats (0 in all traumas, with 9999 Hate and Expo and no Plea or Anti still) and she has a quote.
  • The next turn it says C is Captured for 6 more turns. During those turns I get the same thing with no change in stats and no descriptive text on her turn.
Thanks for catching this, it's been fixed in the release mentioned above.
View attachment 1962523

I had this happen with Impregnate+, and shifting is turned off.
This has also been fixed. Paladin doesn't actually have a cock, but the code for the female text variant was bugged.


New Member
Nov 4, 2017
CSdev The save file for the corrupted save that was requested in the blogspot website. Campaign, 2nd loop, day 7 or day 8, bait and relationships set, T1 Core broken before T1 minor Chosen appearing, and I think the writing/reading commentary mode was set to reading only.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Oh, I have a character that I'm damn near certain was set as the twin of another one, but neither one is acknowledging it. Don't suppose this is something I can just fix by opening the save file and changing a value or something? If it is, what would I even open it with? I tried it with WordPad, and while there's a bunch of legible text, there's also a lot that's... not. So I figured it's meant to be used with something else.
Last edited:
Apr 1, 2021
Cheat Engine should be able to do that. Just scan the day number, go to the next day, scan the new number, repeat until you narrowed down the address, then you can change it freely.
You can do that? For some reason, CE just gives me an error message when I try to open this process. Not exactly sure why.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
It can be pretty rough at the start, for sure. I've pulled it off before but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do it consistently as it kinda felt like a fluke toward the end. I guess there are some minor ways that RNG can screw you, like the girls having minimally overlapping vulnerabilities thus making it trickier to make full use of your commanders in every fight, but largely it seems to be up to the player's understanding of the mechanics, which I really appreciate.

That said, some of the numbers shown in the game just make my eyes glaze over and I only have a vague understanding what it's telling me, so it's not like you need to master the system entirely to win.

You can do it!


Jul 26, 2019
Is there any plan to improve the portraits? I checked the portrait files and saw a lot of folders, many of which contain nothing.
I've gone to the Dev website and downloaded Kalloi Lite and Full, which didn't describe what is different between them. I would like a description of what are Kalloi and you know, a general summary of it, cause it is hard to tell what Lite and Full changed besides the file size, and what they are supposed to do besides changing the portraits. What kind of a theme or aesthetic is Kalloi aiming for? You know, that kind of summary

I am also slightly disappointed it isn't anime since it is taking place in Japan but I do like the simplicity compared to the Anime portraits. The only downside is that the face looks a bit too generic, and the only defining features is how different their hair can look, an inconsequential complaint since it is text-based.

The reason I am commenting this is because I've played through the game and read through the narrative of what the magical girls are doing whenever they are committing sins, doing normal highschool girl stuff, and ever since I've found out that the portrait folders contain Forsaken, Civilian and Superior, whatever Superior is supposed to mean. I can't help but feel underwhelmed by the lack of portraits; knowing that there's supposed to be much more than just having a Chosen portrait.

I've got plenty of other nitpicks but I'll hold them off and give it a couple of years, see if this game will get more popular and gain visual aids like backgrounds, Gifs. Perhaps even a CG of all vulnerability breaks in the future

Now that's out of the way. Is there any other portrait packs beside the Kalloi one? Did I miss any other portrait packs?
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New Member
May 20, 2019
You can do that? For some reason, CE just gives me an error message when I try to open this process. Not exactly sure why.
Just tested it on version 32b, and it still works. Attaching Cheat Engine to javaw.exe worked just fine with no error message. Check and see if your Cheat Engine is updated. Barring that, the in-game cheat menu allows you to switch to any day you'd like. The option to change day doesn't show up until you've encountered all 3 Chosens in your city though.
Apr 24, 2020
Same, played this game for probably 20 hrs now. I can only get through with cheats if I get lucky, or I follow a guide. It seems like a game where only certain combos work, wish it let you do what you want with more effective combos instead
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